扶輪齊抗疫 口罩助社群 新界扶輪社社長陳志雄供稿

扶輪齊抗疫 口罩助社群 新界扶輪社社長陳志雄供稿

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新界扶輪社主辦「口罩助社群」抗疫送暖之第十三篇, 為10個慈善機構贊助及代購共12萬個成人口罩

為了支持本港慈善機構走過疫情風暴,國際扶輪 3450 地區於2020年發動「扶輪齊抗疫」行動,新界扶輪社積極回應及搜羅適用口罩捐贈到各慈善團體、學校及醫院。除此之外,在得知各機構嚴重缺乏採購品質良好而價格較相宜的口罩之途徑及渠道後,新界扶輪社隨即籌辦及贊助一系列「口罩助社群」計劃,為多個機構訂購價格優厚之口罩,以解決貨源不足或貨運延遲之採購困難。

新界扶輪社建社半世紀,一向貫徹扶輪宗旨,並以服務社群為己任, 這次2020年8月3日舉行的口罩捐贈活動已經是新界扶輪社贊助的「口罩助社群」行動的第十三回,並由新界扶輪社社友親身把120,000個口罩運送到不同慈善機構,連同較早贊助計劃,助捐口罩數量達 555,400 。是次受惠機構包括: 扶康會、鄰舍輔導會、嗇色園主辦可祥護理安老院及耆康會各中心 。

”Masks Donation to the Community” Chapter 13, By President Francis Chan, Rotary Club of New Territories

The Rotary Club of New Territories sponsored and procured a total of 120,000 adult masks for 10 charities
In order to support local charities through the turmoil of the epidemic, the Rotary International District 3450 launched the ”Giving Masks, Rotary’s Task” in 2020. The Rotary Club of the New Territories actively responded and procured suitable masks for donations to charities, schools and hospitals. In addition, after learning these organizations are seriously lacking the means and channels to procure masks of good quality and relatively affordable prices, the Rotary Club of New Territories immediately organized and sponsored a series of “Masks Donation to the Community” program to help different organizations procure masks with good price to solve the procurement difficulties of insufficient supply or delayed shipment.

The Rotary Club of the New Territories has been established for over half a century and has always committed to serving the community with mission and vision of Rotary. The mask donation campaign held on August 3, 2020 is already the thirteenth time of action under “Masks Donation to the Community” program sponsored by the Rotary Club of the New Territories. And members of the Rotary Club of the New Territories also delivered 120,000 masks to different charities in person. Together with the earlier sponsorship programs and service projects, the number of masks donated under the program reached 555,400. The beneficiaries this time include: Fu Hong Society, Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, HO CHEUNG HOME FOR THE ELDERLY (SPONSORED BY SIK SIK YUEN) and various centres of the Hong Kong Society for the Aged.

部分受惠機構 (排名不分先後)
Part of the beneficiary institutions (in no particular order)

Fu Hong Society扶康會
The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council鄰舍輔導會
various centres of the Hong Kong Society for the Aged耆康會各中心

新界扶輪社陳志雄社長卸任社長(左一)及李展文候任社長(右一)於2020年8月3日 「口罩助社群」提交儀上把口罩交予受惠機構扶康會的代表。 (右二)、倫天祐

Francis Chan (second from right), the President of the Rotary Club of New Territories delivered the masks to the representative of Fu Hong Society at the ”Masks Donation to the Community” presentation ceremony on 3 August 2020 together with Terence Lun (first from left), the Immediate Past President and Joe Lee (first from right), the President-Elect of the Rotary Club of New Territories.


Members of the Rotary Club of the New Territories delivered 120,000 masks to different charities in person. The picture shows Terence Lun, the Immediate Past President (first from left) and Joe Lee (second from left), the President-Elect of the Rotary Club of New Territories delivering the masks to Fu Hong Society.

新界扶輪社陳志雄社長(右二) 及李展文候任社長(左二)於2020年8月3日 「口罩助社群」提交儀上把口罩交予受惠機構耆康會的代表。

Francis Chan (second from right), the President of the Rotary Club of New Territories delivered the masks to the representative of the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council at the ”Masks Donation to the Community” presentation ceremony on 3 August 2020 together with Joe Lee (second from left), the President-Elect of the Rotary Club of New Territories.

新界扶輪社陳志雄社長(右二)、倫天祐卸任社長(右一)及李展文候任社長(左一)於2020年8月3 日「口罩助社群」提交儀上把口罩交予受惠機構耆康會的代表。

Francis Chan (second from right), the President of the Rotary Club of New Territories delivered the masks to the representative of the Hong Kong Society for the Aged at the ”Masks Donation to the Community” presentation ceremony on 3 August 2020 together with Terence Lun (first from right), the Immediate Past President and Joe Lee (first from left), the President-Elect of the Rotary Club of New Territories.

新界扶輪社倫天祐卸任社長(左) 於2020年8月3日 「口罩助社群」提交儀上把口罩交予受惠機構嗇色園主辦可祥護理安老院的代表。

Terence Lun (left), the Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of New Territories delivered the masks to the representative of HO CHEUNG HOME FOR THE ELDERLY (SPONSORED BY SIK SIK YUEN)at the ”Masks Donation to the Community” presentation ceremony on 3 August 2020.