November is Rotary Foundation Month, by PDG Jones Wong

November is Rotary Foundation Month, by PDG Jones Wong

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In November every year, we celebrate Rotary Foundation Month and the contribution our members make to their communities and around the world.

And on 24 October, it is the day of END POLIO NOW, a global movement for charities and individuals to celebrate and encourage giving. This year, make THE ROTARY FOUNDATION END POLIO WALK your charity of choice. Donations to the Foundation help supply vaccines to protect children from polio, train peacebuilders in conflict resolution, and build sustainable communities for a better future. You can make a difference.

Here in our DISTRICT 3450, on 24 October, we had a beautiful Saturday. Due to pandemic COVID-19, we were unable to gather our fellow Rotarians and their families together for a charity fundraising event like the previous years. But we made it in our own ways, FREE STYLE WALK, by small groups of Rotarians of their own clubs. While walking for fundraising to support END POLIO NOW, we also highlighted the event with photos competition with attractive prizes. With some 30 clubs participation, a sum of US$10,000.00 was raised. We will remit the money to The Rotary Foundation on END POLIO.

SHARE this Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday has grown into a global movement of generosity. It‘s a day that empowers all of us to give to our communities through service, kindness, and financial support—all acts that Rotary values deeply. One easy way to take action on GIVING TUESDAY, 1 DECEMBER this year, is to make a gift to The Rotary Foundation‘s Annual Fund-SHARE. The Annual Fund-SHARE system is Rotary‘s primary way of making sustainable projects possible both close to home and around the world. It empowers Rotarians to use these funds to create lasting change where our help is needed most. Last year, the Foundation awarded 490 district grants and 1,359 global grants as a rersult of Annual Fund-SHARE contributions made by generous donors. On Giving Tuesday, 1 December, make The Rotary Foundation your charity of choice so that together, we can keep Doing Good in the World.

Up to End of October, we have altogether 9 clubs achieved 100% PAUL HARRIS FELLOW CLUB status. They are RC Kowloon Central, RC Mandarin HK, RC Queensway, E-Club of Tamar HK, RC Golden Bauhinia HK, RC Penha Macao, RC Causeway Bay, RC Happy Valley, and E-Club of Lantau. Congratulations to these 9 clubs.

At end of October, our Annual Fund is US$353,490.00, Other Fund is US$136,187.50, Endowment Fund is US$9,000.00, and totally US$498,677.50.