Rotary Leadership Institute – Quality Leadership Education for Rotarians, by PDG Peter Wan

Rotary Leadership Institute – Quality Leadership Education for Rotarians, by PDG Peter Wan

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The Rotary Leadership Institute (“RLI”) is a grassroots, multi-district leadership development program whose mission is to strengthen Rotary clubs through quality leadership education.

RLI believes that having leadership skills does not alone assure good Rotary leadership. An effective Rotary leader must ALSO have Rotary knowledge, perspective about where Rotary has been, where it is now going and a vision of what Rotary can be.

This year’s first RLI was held on 16 – 17 October 2020 with over 24 Rotarians from 14 Rotary Clubs participating in the 1.5 days seminar. A few new members who have joined the faculty team also led the discussions in this round.

Post workshop opinion survey conducted to gauge views of participants.

Overall comment of this year RLI are “Excellent” and “Very Good” while Quality of Program materials are well appreciated with majority rated “Excellent”, “Very Good” and “Good”.

Below are specific comments from participants:

  • “it’s a must to attend for leader / leader to-be”
  • “Excellent intensive course to know about essential aspects of Rotary”
  • “Great passion by instructors”
  • “All Rotarian ‘must join’!”
  • “Must attend training to learn about Rotary leadership and service, not only at club level, have a better understanding about rotary value and service”
  • “Let me more understanding RI and how to be a Rotarian even be a leader”

A general comment from majority of participants is the training workshop could be expanded to 2-3 days with more in-depth contents and discussion sessions.

***The NEXT RLI will be held on 30 & 31 January 2021***