Joint Peace Promotion Project of Area 6 of RID3450

Joint Peace Promotion Project of Area 6 of RID3450

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Contributed by Frank Chan, Assistant Governor of Area 6 & Francis Chan, President of Rotary Club of New Territories and Kelvin Huang, President of Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong

Ethnic minorities, refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kong need practical life assistance and spiritual care

In recent years, more and more groups are facing emotional and mental health problems. Although there have been various kinds of support for different ethnic groups from the government and private sector, there is still a group of ethnic minorities, including asylum seekers and refugees, who have come to Hong Kong for different reasons and need further support and attention. They bear trauma ranging from war to leaving their homes. At the same time, they have to adapt to the cultural differences for living in Hong Kong and the lack of support in life, which puts them under great pressure physically and mentally. In 2019, there were about 260,000 ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, of which 15,000 were refugees and asylum seekers, mainly from Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Africa, the Philippines, Syria and other places. In addition to practical life assistance, spiritual care, companionship and education are very important to them.

Area 6 of Rotary International District 3450 supports and sponsors the interracial spiritual care radio program “LemonAid”

In order to extend the care to ethnic minorities and refugee groups, Rotary Clubs in  Area 6 of Rotary International 3450, led by Assistant Governor Frank Chan, supported and sponsored the BlessVision Foundation to launch an interracial spiritual care radio program called “LemonAid”. Through the sharing of stories about their arrival in Hong Kong and the challenges and experiences of living in Hong Kong by ethnic minorities, asylum seekers and refugees, it is hoped that spiritual care can be provided to relevant people. At  the same time, it is hoped that a culture of inter-racial inclusiveness could be established to connect different races with love and care. The radio program “LemonAid” was broadcast on Commercial Radio AM864 (10pm-10:30pm) every Thursday night from 29 October, 2020. (Program replay link:

The sponsoring Rotary Clubs of Area 6 of Rotary International District 3450 include Rotary Club of New Territories, Rotary Club of Tsuen Wan, Rotary Club of Shatin,  Rotary Club of Kwai Chung, Rotary Club of Tai Po,  Rotary Club of Hong Kong Sunrise, Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong and Rotary Club of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

PEOPLE of ACTION – District Governor Dr. Eric Chak, and Past President of Rotary Club of New Territories, Dr. Issac Yip, were interviewed in the interracial spiritual care radio program “LemonAid”

Special thanks to DG Dr. Eric Chak and Dr. Issac Yip, Past President of Rotary Club of New Territories, for being interviewed and participating in the recording of the interracial spiritual care radio program “LemonAid”.

District Governor Dr. Eric Chak also served as a guest host for the interracial spiritual care radio program “LemonAid”. He shared his philanthropic work with Rotary and also interviewed a 12-year-old girl Nadya who is the second generation of ethnic minority and was born and raised in Hong Kong. She has shared her story and dreams during her up bringing. (Program replay link:。

Dr. Issac Yip, Past President of Rotary Club of the New Territories and a psychiatrist, also accepted an interview with the interracial spiritual care radio program “LemonAid” to explain what mental illness is and how to reduce stress. (Program replay link:。

Thanks to PDG Peter Pang for his advice when coordinating the event, as well as Past President Frederick Ng and Lanche Yeung from Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong for assisting in communicating with the BlessVision Foundation.

The BlessVision Foundation has committed to caring for the soul through the media. In the past 4 years, caring was provided to families in need of spiritual and emotional needs through radio programs “ 點算幸福 Count Your Blessings”, community film broadcasts, large-scale music and creative activities, spiritual journeys, art and music therapy, hotline services and volunteer visits. “ 點算幸福 Count Your Blessings” is a program run by the BlessVision Foundation on Commercial Radio for more than two years. Every Monday evening, from 10:30 to 11:00, the program has served groups with emotional needs with hotline support. During the epidemic, nearly a thousand people received anti-epidemic supplies and spiritual support.




近年,愈來愈多群體面對情緒及精神健康的問題。雖然從政府到民間,已有各種針對不同族群的支援,但仍有一班少數族裔、包括因不同原因來港避難的尋求庇護者及難民,他們 除了要承受因戰爭及離開家園帶來的創傷,更同時要適應香港生活的文化差異及生活支援 不足,讓他們的身心靈承受極大壓力。2019年,本港少數族裔約 26萬人,當中15,000位為 難民及尋求庇護者,他們主要來自巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊爾、斯里蘭卡、非洲、菲律賓及 敍利亞等地。 除了實際的生活援助,心靈關顧,陪伴及教育,對他們十分重要。

國際扶輪3450地區第六地域支持及贊助跨種族心靈關顧電台節目 “LemonAid”

為了讓關顧能夠延續到少數族裔及難民的群體,國際扶輪3450地區第六地域的扶輪社在助理區總監陳俊禾帶領下支持及贊助了幸福傳聲基金會開展跨種族心靈關顧電台節目 “LemonAid” , 通過由少數族裔,尋求庇護者、難民分享他們來港的故事以及在港生活 的挑戰與經歷,為相關人士提供心靈關顧,同時建立跨種族共融文化,以愛連結不同種族。電台節目 “LemonAid” 於2020年10月29日起逢星期四晚在商業電台 AM864 (10pm-10:30pm) 推放心靈節目。(節目重温連結


PEOPLE of ACTION – 國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生及新界扶輪社前社長葉沛霖醫生接受訪問親身參與錄製跨種族心靈關顧電台節目 “LemonAid”

特別鳴謝國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生及新界扶輪社前社長葉沛霖醫生接受訪問親身參與錄製跨種族心靈關顧電台節目 “LemonAid”。

國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生更擔任跨種族心靈關顧電台節目 “LemonAid”的客席嘉賓主持 ,一方面分享他與扶輪推動慈善的工作,更於節目中訪問了一位在香港土生土長的少數族裔第二代12歲女生Nadya,以分享她在成長期間的故事及夢想!節目重温連結:

新界扶輪社前社長葉沛霖為精神科專科醫生,也接受了跨種族心靈關顧電台節目 “LemonAid”訪問,講解何謂精神病以及減壓良方。節目重温連結:


幸福傳聲基金會一直致力以媒體關顧心靈,過去4 年,透過電台節目《點算幸福》、社區電影播放、 大型音樂及創作活動、心靈之旅、藝術及音樂治療,熱線服務及義工探訪關顧心靈及情緒 有需要的家庭。 《點算幸福》是本會在商業電台一個持續了2年的節目,逢星期一晚 10:30-11:00,配合熱線,服務有情緒需要群體,疫情期間,有近千人因這時段得到抗疫物 資及心靈的支援。

Rotary Clubs in Area 6 of RID 3450, led by Assistant Governor Frank Chan, supported and sponsored the BlessVision Foundation to launch an interracial spiritual care radio program called “LemonAid”. LemonAid takes its homophonic “Lemonade” which is a drink available in every country having the same ingredients. However, different countries have different preparation methods and tastes. This is just like the guests of the program who come from different countries and have different experiences. Every story will make you feel a different taste.
國際扶輪3450地區第六地域的扶輪社在助理區總監陳俊禾帶領下支持及贊助了幸福傳聲基金會開展跨種族心靈關顧電台節目 “LemonAid” 。LemonAid 取其諧音 “Lemonade” ,每個國家都有的飲品,材料一樣,不同國家的沖調方法不同,味道也不同,就似節目的嘉賓,來自不同國家,有不同經歷,但每一位的故事都會讓你感受到不一樣的味道。

Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Dr. Eric Chak (9th from the left) and Area Six Assistant Governor Frank Chan (7th from the left) led the Area Six Presidents, Rotarians and Rotaractors to visit the Headquarters of the BlessVision Foundation to participate in the first day  recording of the interracial spiritual care radio program “LemonAid”.
國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生(左九)及第六地域助理區總監陳俊禾(左七)帶領第六地域各社社長、社友及扶青社社友一起到訪幸福傳聲基金總部,參與跨種族心靈關顧電台節目 “LemonAid”的首日錄製。

Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Dr. Eric Chak (third from the right) attended the peace promotion service project with his son Matthew Chak (third from the left). President Francis Chan also attended with Anson Chan, a rotaractor from Rotaract Club of Chung Chi College, THE CUHK sponsored by Rotary Club of New Territories. Let’s pass the torch of Rotary International Motto “ Service Above Self”.
國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生(右三)與兒子翟泓睿 (Matthew Chak)(左三)一起出席推動和平服務。新界扶輪社社長陳志雄(左二)亦聯同其輔導的中大崇基扶青團團員陳奕駿(Anson Chan)(右一)一起參與服務,一起傳承扶輪超我服務的精神。左一為新界扶輪社候任社長劉旭,右二為第六地域副助理區總監嚴偉豪。

Representatives of Rotary Clubs participating in the sponsorship and attending the first day of “LemonAid” recording include President Tomas Leong from Rotary Club of Kwai Chung (upper left corner), President Louis Ma from Rotary Club of Hong Kong Sunrise (upper right corner), President Donald Chiu from Rotary Club of Shatin (middle on the right), President Gigi Yeung from  Rotary Club of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (lower right corner), President Francis Chan and its members from Rotary Club of New Territories (middle at the bottom), President Kelvin Huang from Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong (lower left corner), President Benson Chan from Rotary Club of Tsuen Wan (middle on the left) and President Sally Luk from Rotary Club of Tai Po (middle).
參與贊助及出席“LemonAid”首日錄製的扶輪社代表包括葵涌扶輪社社長梁輝 (Tomas Leong)(左上角)、香港旭日扶輪社社長馬沛強(Louis Ma)(右上角) 、沙田扶輪社社長趙達衡 (Donald Chiu)(右邊中間)、粵港澳大灣區扶輪社社長楊靈芝 (Gigi Yeung) (右下角)、新界扶輪社社長陳志雄 (Francis Chan) 及一眾社友(㡳部中間)、香港華語扶輪社社長黃殷 (Kelvin Huang)(左下角)、荃灣扶輪社社長陳榮新 (Benson Chan) (左邊中間)及大埔扶輪社社長陸慧妍 (Sally Luk)(中間)。

PEOPLE of ACTION – Together, We Promote Peace!

President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories (third from left) and President-elect Peter Lau (first from left) went to the recording studio to support psychiatric specialist Dr. Issac Yip, Past President of Rotary Club of New Territories, for recording “LemonAid”, an interracial spiritual care radio program. After the recording, picture was taken with Andrew Lam (second from right) and Kerry Chan (first from right),the respective Chairman and general manager of the BlessVision Foundation.
新界扶輪社社長陳志雄(左三) 與候任社長劉旭(左一)到錄音室支持精神科專科醫生葉沛霖前社長為LemonAid 錄製心靈關顧節目,並與幸福傳聲基金主席林海 (Andrew Lam)(右二)及總經理陳祺萱(Kerry Chan)合照。