Eco-tour at Rotary Park, Tai Mo Shan – The latest green idea of Rotary Club of New Territories

Eco-tour at Rotary Park, Tai Mo Shan – The latest green idea of Rotary Club of New Territories

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Article contributed by President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories

Rotary Park Eco-tour was organized by Rotary Club of New Territories to echo Rotary International’s Area of Focus in “Supporting Environment”.

To echo Rotary International’s latest area of focus ”Supporting Environment” and District 3450’s focus in “Environment”, Rotary Club of New Territories (RCNT) has reviewed its resources especially the Rotary Park in Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong and organized an Eco-tour in March 2021 to educate the communities, mainly families with kids, in environmental conservation and biodiversity as well as knowing more about the contribution by Rotary Club of New Territories in building the Rotary Park.

Rotary Park Eco-tour was organized by Rotary Club of New Territories in partnership with Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong (OWLHK), a professional environmental education non-profit-organization established in 2016 promoting conservation and environmental education in Hong Kong through outdoor education.

The Rotary Park Eco-tour contained a series of games about natural environment of Rotary Park suitable for primary and secondary schools teaching.

The first Rotary Park Eco-tour organised by Rotary of New Territories was held on 21 March 2021 and was attended by participants from six families with kids. The tour guide of the Eco-tour was jointly given by OWLHK and members of Rotary Club of New Territories, namely President Francis Chan and President-elect Peter Lau, as well as Rotaract Club of New Territories, namely Rotaractor Cindy Ng.

A leaflet was specially designed for the Eco-tour to list a series of games about the natural environment of the Rotary Park for the parents to interact with the kids under the guidance of the Eco-tour guides.

The contents of the Eco-tour are also designed with reference to subject curriculum of general studies for primary schools and science and biology for secondary schools. The Eco-tour therefore allows the teachers to teach their students under natural environment in the Rotary Park in addition to lessons in the classroom or via zoom.

The leaflet also contained information about the Rotary Park to help the participants know more about the contribution by the Rotary Club of New Territories and its sister club, Rotary Club of Taipei YangMing, in building the Rotary Park for the community.

The Rotary Park Eco-tour is the result of consultation with environmental professionals from Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Baptist University, Lingnan University and NGOs.

“After the large-scale upgrade of infrastructure in Rotary Park led by Terence Lun, the Immediate Past President of Rotary Club of New Territories, in the Rotary year 2019-20, we have consulted with environmental professionals from Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Baptist University, Lingnan University and various NGOs for the future development of the Rotary Park. This Eco-tour is the one of the results of consultation to enhance the environmental awareness of the general public which is getting more urgent under the global trend. Going forward, we hope to integrate Information Technology in the environmental education at Rotary Park ”, said President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories to share the origin of the Eco-tour and future development of the Rotary Park.

”In addition to promoting environmental education, the Eco-tour also provides benefits to the community at risk of anti-epidemic fatigue. The Eco-tour is a meaningful outdoor activity for the community, especially families with kids, to take a break from anti-epidemic fatigue. Of course, we hope the epidemic would be over very soon so that more people can gather at Rotary Park to enjoy the camp site and barbeque site again at the Rotary park as well as now the newly added feature, ’Eco-tour at Rotary Park’.” continued by President Francis Chan to share the benefits of the Eco-tour to the community.



新界扶輪社組織扶輪公園生態環保遊以嚮應國際扶輪服務的焦點領域 支持環境




扶輪公園生態環保遊的導賞是由香港戶外生態教育協會和新界扶輪社的社友包括社長陳志雄及候任社長劉旭,以及新界扶青社社社員吳雅雯 ( Cindy Ng)共同提供的。





新界扶輪社社長陳志雄分享扶輪公園生態環保遊的起源和扶輪公園的未來發展時表示:「2019-20扶輪年度,在新界扶輪社剛卸任社長倫天祐的領導下,扶輪公園的基礎設施進行了大規模升級,其後我們與漁農自然護理署、浸會大學、嶺南大學和非政府組織的環保專業人士進行咨詢,探討扶輪公園的未來發展方向。 這次扶輪公園生態環保遊就是諮詢後的成果之一,希望通過扶輪公園生態環保遊提高公眾對環境保育的意識,在全球趨勢下,這一問題變得越來越迫切。 展望將來,我們希望將信息資訊科技整合到扶輪公園的環境環保教育中!」


新界扶輪社社長陳志雄繼續分享扶輪公園生態環保遊對社區的好處:「 除了推廣環境環保教育外,扶輪公園生態環保遊還為具有抗疫疲勞風險的社區人士提供了好處。扶輪公園生態環保遊為社區(尤其是有孩子的家庭)釋放抗疫疲勞提供了一個有意義的戶外活動選擇。 當然,我們希望疫情能早日結束,以便更多的人可以聚集在扶輪公園,在扶輪公園再次享受營地和燒烤場所等設施,以及我們現在新增的扶輪公園生態環保遊!」

特別感謝國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生(右)親身到場支持首個由新界扶輪社舉辦的大帽山扶輪公園生態環保遊。 左為新界扶輪社社長陳志雄。新界扶輪社舉辦大帽山扶輪公園生態環保遊以嚮應國際扶輪的焦點領域「支持環境」及3450地區對環境的關注。

Special thanks to Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Dr. Eric Chak (right) to support the debut of the Eco-tour in person at Rotary Park. Left is President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories which is the organizer of the Eco-tour to support Rotary International’s latest area of focus ”Supporting Environment” and District 3450’s focus in “Environment”.

To start the Eco-tour, briefing was taken place at Rotary Pavilions in the Rotary Park to introduce the Eco-tour program and Rotary’s ”Service Above Self” motto and ”Four-Way Test”, which are also shown in the Rotary Pavilions, to the participants which are mainly families with kids.

扶輪公園生態環保遊出發前,新界扶輪社在扶輪公園的扶輪亭進行簡報,介紹了生態環保遊的行程以及展示在扶輪亭中的扶輪座右銘“超我服務” 和“四大考驗”,相中可見參加者主要是有孩子的家庭。

A group photo was taken for two teams before the start of the Eco-tour.


A colourful leaflet was specially designed by Rotary Club of New Territories for the Eco-tour. (English version of the leaflet is available upon request)

新界扶輪社為扶輪公園生態環保遊專門設計精美的「生態遊學小冊子」。 (可根據要求提供英文版的「生態遊學小冊子」 )

The leaflet for the Eco-tour at Rotary Park contained basic information about the Rotary Park to help the participants know more about the contribution by the Rotary Club of New Territories and its sister club, Rotary Club of Taipei YangMing, in building the Rotary Park for the community. (English version of the leaflet is available upon request)


The leaflet for the Eco-tour at Rotary Park also listed a series of games about the natural environment of the Rotary Park for the parents to interact with the kids under the guidance of the Eco-tour guides. (English version of the leaflet is available upon request)


This picture shows Rotaractor Cindy Ng from Rotaract Club of New Territories being one of the joint Eco-tour guides and helping a junior participant to identify the particular pattern of a tree found in the Rotary Park.

這張照片顯示了扶輪公園生態環保遊的導賞員來自新界扶青社的社友吳雅雯 ( Cindy Ng)(左) 幫助較年幼參加者識別在扶輪公園中發現的樹木的特殊圖案。

This picture shows one of the parents, as a participant of the Eco-tour, demonstrating to the kids how to interact with and observe an insect found in the Rotary Park safely under the guidance of the Eco-tour guide.


This picture shows participants of the Eco-tour, mainly families with kids, all paid attention to the Eco-tour guide who was leading them to explore the natural environment of the Rotary Park and happened to discover an insect hiding under the leaves.


This picture shows participants of the Eco-tour, mainly families with kids, all paid attention to the Eco-tour guide who was leading them to explore the natural environment of the Rotary Park and happened to discover an ecosystem with fungi decomposing the decayed tree. 


This picture shows a mother with her kid, as participants of the Eco-tour, learning with the Eco-tour guide about how the plant adapt to the environment by examining the particular shape and texture of the leaves found in the Rotary Park.


This picture shows participants of the Eco-tour, mainly families with kids, all paid attention to the Eco-tour guide who was leading them to examine the shape and texture of the leaves in the Rotary Park and understand how these help the plant to adapt to the environment.


This picture shows the kids as junior participants sharing their work done on the field trip leaflet after the Eco-tour at Rotary Park, which record their observations of the natural environment and Rotary features, such as Rotary Pavilion, found during the Eco-tour.


A group photo was taken for two teams at the end of the Eco-tour. The tour guide of the Eco-tour was jointly given by OWLHK and members of Rotary Club of New Territories, namely President Francis Chan (fifth from the right) and President-elect Peter Lau (fourth from the right), as well as Rotaract Club of New Territories, namely Rotaractor Cindy Ng (first from the right).

完成扶輪公園生態環保遊時,為兩個團隊合照留念。是次扶輪公園生態環保遊的導賞是由香港戶外生態教育協會和新界扶輪社的社友包括社長陳志雄(右五)及候任社長劉旭(右四),以及新界扶青社社社員吳雅雯 ( Cindy Ng)(右一)共同提供的。

The Eco-tour at Rotary Park organized by the Rotary Park of New Territories is the result of consultation with environmental professionals from Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Baptist University, Lingnan Univesrity and NGOs, in particular OWLHK.

扶輪公園生態環保遊是經過與漁農自然護理署、浸會大學、嶺南大學和非政府組織(特別是香港戶外生態教育協會) 的環保專業人士進行咨詢後的成果。

A game to test your observation skills:

this picture was taken during the Eco-tour at the Rotary Park. Can you find an insect in the picture?


這張照片是在扶輪公園生態環保遊中拍攝的。 您能在圖片中找到昆蟲嗎?

This pictures show different kinds of tress and plants found at Rotary Park which were introduced by the Eco-tour guides to educate the communities in environmental conservation and biodiversity.


This picture shows different kinds of insects found at Rotary Park which were introduced by the Eco-tour guides to educate the communities in environmental conservation and biodiversity.
