Happy New Year 2022 and Chinese New Year of Tiger!!

Happy New Year 2022 and Chinese New Year of Tiger!!

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January is the start of another new year which we all hope will be a much less traumatic one than the last.  As I previously mentioned in the December issue, sent out in January, a pandemic could at any time take a turn to the worse and make things much more difficult for everyone.   Our district activities had been greatly affected.  

I hope all Rotarians have already taken at least one dose of vaccination if not two, or even three, to make certain we have the best protection, for ourselves and our loved ones and colleagues.  Omicron is highly contagious and its spread can still become considerably greater in coming weeks.  

As we are moving through this 5th wave of the pandemic, I hope you will all take every precaution to avoid face to face gatherings as much as possible in order to ensure that yourselves and your families will not be infected with Covid.   As leaders of the society, we should set an example of responsibility in doing everything we can to avoid helping the spread of the disease due to any of our activities, meetings or gatherings.   

As we are moving through February, it has already become clear that the 5th Wave is creating a very serious situation in Hong Kong. We are being regularly warned that social gatherings could greatly increase the number of infections, thereby creating an unbearable burden on an already stressed public health system, and even raising the possibility of the collapse of the medical system.    Myself and all district officers and dignitaries are all agreed that without control of social gatherings and without a high vaccination rate, more people will be infected by the virus, and the fatality rate will consequently rise, especially among the elderly. Vigilance, care and firm efforts are called for from everyone.

新年快樂 虎年吉祥


DGND Election

The month of January marked a milestone in the election of our DGND with all clubs submitting the ballot by a secure email method.   I must thank the committee led by PDG Peter Wan, PDG Belinda Yeung and PDG YC Ho and the rest of the district officers who handled the preparations, and who took charge of the final tallying of the votes from all the clubs. 

The election ran smoothly with the diligent efforts of the oversight committee ensuring that all ballots were carefully scrutinized and checked.  

The result was that DGND Nigel Lo received a solid majority of the cast votes and will therefore be our District Governor in RY2024-25.

We are delighted to congratulate DGND Nigel Lo on his election, and trust he will bring new insights and ambitions to our District.

I would like to thank all the clubs and their members who submitted the votes in time, so the process could be handled smoothly without any issues. However, in future we hope to give the clubs more guidelines on how to make certain their votes would be valid and not voided due to any technical issues.


首次以電郵投票方式選出我們的未來領袖 -「地區總監指定提名人」。同時亦舉辦第一次的參選人選舉論壇。謹此對「地區總監指定提名人」委員會主席前地區總監尹錦滔,以及前地區總監何汝祥和前地區總監楊碧瑤表達謝意。

地區總監提名指定人羅承益 (DGND Nigel Lo)將會成為3450地區2024/25 年度扶輪地區總監。

Covid-19 vaccination campaign

Several vaccination campaigns have been held in the community, circulating in Wong Tai Sin, Sham Shui Po, Sheung Shui, Sai Kung and Tsz Wan Shan. Rotarians who are registered doctors volunteered to provide medical advice to elderly.

Our frontline medical practitioners have stressed that vaccination is the best weapon against Covid-19 and have been actively passing this message to the public. We were impressed to meet a centenarian who has just received her third dose. ACT NOW to protect yourselves and your beloved ones!

The project definitely is meaningful and, with the surging numbers of cases, we hope more of the elderly will get vaccinated. There must also be other NGOs who are working with the elderly on a regular basis. Perhaps some of our medical professional Rotarians could identify such NGOs and ask if they would be able to arrange for volunteers to help bring elderly, especially the unvaccinated, to call on you, so that you could explain things to them. This could be one way to carry on the campaign with less risk than meeting with the elderly in groups. 




Metro Radio – Rotary ‘Serve to Change Lives’ Radio Program Series

These programs present engaging stories about Services by Rotarians, sharing their expertise and experience within the community. The programs serve as a promotion of Rotary District 3450 to the general public and are also a good introduction to Rotary for new potential members.

「扶輪以服務改善人生」- 新城電台廣播系列




共同成長 參與分享

分享中學習 學習中成長

THE ONE Humanitarian Awards  – PDG David Harilela/ PDG Eugene Fong/ PDG HW Fung

無名英雄人道奬 #前地區總監夏大衛 #前地區總監方奕展 #前地區總監馮興宏


THE ONE HK無名英雄最深刻的得獎者故事?

介紹THE ONE 人道主義奬

三位PDG 分享自身生活改變


Peace Building & Conflict Prevention – PDG Peter Pang/ DGN Andy Li

調解衝突以及建構和平 #前地區總監彭志宏 #地區總監提名人李兆民




扶輪地區和平委員會 簡介以中學生為對象的活動

簡介調解督導委員會 回顧多年義工經歷

Foundation & Global Grant Projects – PDG Belinda Yeung/ IPDG Eric Chak

扶輪基金及全球獎助金跨地區配對計劃 #前地區總監楊碧瑤 #甫卸任前總監翟慶聰


介紹 Rotary Foundation 背後有什麼故事和理念?

介紹國際扶輪招牌項目 根除小兒麻痺症


PDG Belinda 及 IPDG Eric 分享多年服務經歷

Vocational Services – PP Raymond Fan/ PP Francis Chan/ PP Winnie Ng

職業服務 #前社長范永樂 #前社長伍永賢 #前社長陳志雄





分享職業服務委員會深刻事情回顧多年義工經歷 –

Growing different forms of Membership – PDG Eric Chin/ Chair Mark Li/ Chair Ariel Lai

多樣化的扶輪社員發展 #前地區總監錢樹楷 #黎凱怡 #李文達


PDG Eric, Rotarian Mark 簡介地區社員發展委員會

介紹衛星社 創立目的是什麼?

回顧個人服務經驗 服務如何改善人生?

扶輪小知識根除小兒麻痹 Rotarian Ariel 大談全女班衛星社


The District Directory and Pocket Planners are now available at our RIC offices. You may pick up the Directory during office hours.



RIC Booking, Special Measures during Epidemic

Following HKSAR Government’s latest social distancing measures, bookings of RIC after normal office hours will be suspended until further notice.  

During the office hours (Monday to Friday 9:30am-6:30pm, excluding public holidays), the maximum capacity of the meeting room should NOT be more than EIGHT. Please make sure you have had prior communication with RIC staff.   All Rotarians visiting RIC are asked to please take extra care and to have your masks on at all times during your visits.  Please avoid drinking or eating on the premises, so as to protect the welfare of the staff. 

For all visitors entering RIC, you are requested to:

1.     Measure your body temperature

2.     Scan the Leave Home Safe QR code

3.     Always wear surgical mask

4.     Avoid drinking or eating

Anyone who has travelled outside of Hong Kong in the last 14 days, prior to the visit, or who is waiting for COVID-19 test results, MUST NOT visit RIC.

Meetings by zoom are highly encouraged.









任何最近14天離港人士或正等候COVID -19 核酸測試結果者,一律謝絕探訪。


Online seminar about Covid-19 vaccine

I had attended two informative seminars about COVID-19 vaccines. Various medical and healthcare professions were invited to share their insights and views on the vaccines. The purpose was to enhance public awareness of the COVID-19 vaccine programs.

Feel free to view recorded versions (shown below) of these seminars on Youtube and to share this with your family members and colleagues. 

1. Choose a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine for adults as well as for children.

如何為成年人及小朋友選擇既安全又有效的新冠肺炎疫苗? (18/01/2022)

Youtube playlist重温:

2. How to arrange for children aged 5-11 to be vaccinated against the COVID-19.如何安排5-11歲兒童接種新冠疫苗? (26&28/01/2022)

Youtube playlist重温:

Youtube Q&A playlist問答環節重温:



Area of the Month – January

Let’s see how Area 5 get together to serve the community.

每月地域 :一月份

