Rotary Connects Rehabilitation Project, By RC of New Territories 「扶輪連繫更新計劃」新界扶輪社供稿
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The Rotary Club of New Territories and the Correctional Services Department jointly organized a Rehabilitation Project for Persons in Custody
- The Rotary Club of New Territories completed a rehabilitation project for persons in custody with the Correctional Services Department in November 2020 which is called the “Rotary Connects Rehabilitation Project”.
- The “Rotary Connects Rehabilitation Project” aims to organise a series of family support activities for the persons in custody with the counseling of professional social workers of the Hong Kong Family Welfare Association and care of Rotary Club of New Territories and the Rotaract Club of New Territories. It is hoped that the persons in custody can then have more opportunities to feel the mutual love between people during their custody, thereby helping them to find the love and hope required for improving their current situation in the future.
Rehabilitation Project 1st part – Visit of women in custody in Hei Ling Chau NeiKwu Correctional Institution with their families
- The Rehabilitation Project is divided into three parts. The first part includes the Rotary Club of New Territories and the Rotaract Club of New Territories leading the families of women in custody to visit them in Hei Ling Chau Nei Kwu Correctional Institution during Christmas so that they can celebrate the Christmas holiday together. This ice-breaking visit has also encouraged women in custody to participate in the workshop of the second part of the Rehabilitation Project.
Rehabilitation Project 2nd part – Multi-generational Family Relations Workshop to promote the skills of peaceful communication and conflict resolution amongst multi-generations
- The second part of the Rehabilitation Project is a multi-generation family relationship workshop led by professional social workers, which uses role-playing, games, exercises, short films, and sharing discussions to drive the persons in custody to learn the relationship between them and their families as well as the mode of getting along. It is hoped that both the persons in custody and their families can then learn the skills of peaceful communication and conflict resolution amongst the multiple generations to conceive a harmonious family of three generations.
Rehabilitation Project 3rd part – Multi-generation family experience activities to improve and break through barriers of communication with family members
- The third part of the Rehabilitation Project is a multi-generation family experience activity which is held after the persons in custody re-integrate in the society. The purpose is to allow participants to master what they have learnt at the workshop and experience the harmonious communication between multi-generation family members, and review the first and second parts of the Rehabilitation Project. With the assistance of the Rotary Club of New Territories and the Rotaract Club of New Territories, participants used role-playing, games, sharing and discussions to improve and break through communication barriers with their families.
- 新界扶輪社與懲教署於2020年11月完成了一個協助在囚人士更新的服務計劃,名為「扶輪連繫更新計劃」。
- 「扶輪連繫更新計劃」旨在通過香港家庭福利會專業社工的輔導及聯繫在囚人士家人的支持,配合一連串家人支援的活動,以及新界扶輪社及新界扶青團對其子女(在囚人士)的關愛行動等多方面配合組成更貼身的支持和動力,讓更新人士於在囚期間有更多學習及感受人與人之間互相關愛的機會,從而協助更新人士看到改善現況的希望及曙光。
「扶輪連繫更新計劃」第一步曲 – 與在囚人士的家人親身到喜靈洲勵顧懲教所探訪多位在囚婦女
- 活動分為分為三步曲,第一步曲先由新界扶輪社及新界扶青團與在囚人士的家人於聖誕期間一起到喜靈洲勵顧懲教所探訪多位在囚的婦女,讓她們與家人能歡度節日,這個破冰的節日活動有助在囚婦女投入參加後續第二步曲的工作坊。
「扶輪連繫更新計劃」第二步曲 – 多代家庭關係工作坊宣揚多代和平溝通及化解衝突的技巧
- 第二步曲由專業社工帶領大家進行多代家庭關係工作坊,以角色扮演、遊戲、練習、短片、分享討論形式,帶動在囚人士學習,從而解構在囚人士與家人的關係和相處模式,學習與多代和平溝通技巧、認識及掌握化解衝突、構想一個一家三代的家庭樂活動。
「扶輪連繫更新計劃」第三步曲 – 多代家庭體驗活動改善及突破與家人溝通的障礙
- 第三步曲為多代家庭體驗活動,於在囚人士重投社會後舉行,目的是讓參與者掌握工作坊所學,體驗多代家庭成員和諧溝通,同時檢視第一及二步曲的成效。活動在新界扶輪社及新界扶青團的協助下,參加者透過角色扮演、遊戲、分享及討論,與家人改善及突破溝通的障礙。

Special thanks to the Correctional Services Department for arranging the Rotary Club of New Territories, the Rotaract Club of New Territories and the families of women in custody to visit Hei Ling Chau Nei Kwu Correctional Institution during Christmas and launch the Rehabilitation Projects for persons in custody namely “Rotary Connects Rehabilitation Project”.
感謝懲教署特別安排新界扶輪社、 新界扶青團及在囚人士的家人到訪喜靈洲勵顧懲教開展服務在囚人士的更生計劃 – 「扶輪連繫更新計劃」。

The picture shows the highlights of the first part of the Rehabilitation Project. The Rotary Club of New Territories and the Rotaract Club of New Territories led the families of the women in custody to visit them in Hei Ling Chau Nei Kwu Correctional Institution during Christmas so that they can celebrate the Christmas holiday together.
First from left is Francis Chan, the 2020-21 President of the Rotary Club of New Territories. Second and third from left is Joe Lee and Terrence Lun, the respective Vice President and 2019-20 President of the Rotary Club of the New Territories. On the right side is the members of Rotaract Club of New Territories.
左一為新界扶輪社2020-21年度社長陳志雄 、左二為新界扶輪社副社長李展文、左三為新界扶輪社2019-20年度社長倫天祐以及右邊一眾新界扶青團的團員。

The picture shows the highlights of the first and second parts of the Rehabilitation Project. The Rotary Club of New Territories partnered with the Hong Kong Family Welfare Association and the Rotaract Club of New Territories to visit Hei Ling Chau Nei Kwu Correctional Institution with families of the women in custody so that they can celebrate the Christmas holiday together. It was the first time for most of the women in custody to work with their families to create finger paintings to express their feelings to each other. The atmosphere was warm and touching!
圖為「扶輪連繫更新計劃」第一及二步曲花絮 。新界扶輪社夥拍香港家庭福利會和新界扶輪青年服務團一起到訪喜靈洲勵顧懲教所與一群女所友及其家人一起歡渡聖誕佳節,大部分女所友皆首次與家人合作創作手指畫互相表達心意,現場氣氛溫馨感人!

The picture shows the highlights of the third part of the Rehabilitation Project. The Rotary Club of the New Territories and the Rotaract Club of New Territories made lip balm together with the participants of multi-generation family experience activities, and designed simple packaging and freehand cards. The participants handed in their homemade lip balm to their family members to express their love and gratitude to them. The family members also responded with emotion, appreciation and support.

“Rotary Connects Rehabilitation Project” trilogy is completed with great success of having almost 100 participants. Thanks again to the Correctional Services Department, the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society and the Rotaract Club of the New Territories for their support!
First from left is Francis Chan, the 2020-21 President of the Rotary Club of New Territories. Second from left is Peter Lau, the President-elect of the Rotary Club of New Territories. The third and forth on the left are Bowie and Kiko, the members of the Rotaract Club of New Territories. The right side is the representatives from the Correctional Services Department.
左一為新界扶輪社2020-21年度社長陳志雄 、左二為新界扶輪社候任社長劉旭、左三及左四分別為新界扶青團的團員Bowie及Kiko,右邊為為懲教署的代表。