新界扶輪社 愛心送大米 2020 – 新界扶輪社社長陳志雄供稿
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Rice and Food Donation to the Community 2020, by President Francis Chan, RC of New Territories
新界扶輪社於2020年7月及8月分別舉辦了「口罩贈社群2020」及「口罩助社群2020」共助捐了22萬個口罩以應社會抗疫之急。但近日疫情持續繼而𧗠生出社會上就業及基層温飽等問題 , 新界扶輪社有見及此決定舉辦「愛心送大米2020」,號召新界扶輪社社友募捐了1000公斤米糧,並由新界扶輪社長陳志雄與一眾社友親身將1000公斤米糧送到多個志願機構再派發予長者、低收入家庭、長期病患、復康、傷殘及智障人士等人士。受惠志願機構包括惜食堂、美差會潮浸服務聯會、鄰舍輔導會及民社服務中心。
The Rotary Club of the New Territories held two rounds of “Masks Donation to the Community 2020” in July and August 2020, respectively, and donated total 220,000 masks in response to the social emergency under the threat of Covid-19. However, the continuing pandemic has caused further problems such as unemployment and basic food and clothing problems to the society. Therefore, the Rotary Club of the New Territories has decided to hold the “Rice and Food Donation 2020” and called on the members of the Rotary Club of the New Territories to donate total 1,000 kilograms of rice. Francis Chan, the President of Rotary Club of the New Territories, led its members to personally delivered the 1,000 kilograms of rice grains to a number of social welfare organizations. The beneficiaries include the elderly, low-income families, the elderly with chronic illnesses, the mentally rehabilitated people, the disabled with mobility issues and the mentally handicapped. The beneficiary social welfare organizations include Food Angel, the ABM Hong Kong Swatow Baptist Church Community Service Association, the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council and People Service Centre.

新界扶輪社社長陳志雄 ( 左一)、候任社長李展文 (右一)及社友李卓威律師把捐贈的米糧交予受惠機構惜食堂的代表。
Francis Chan (first from left), the President of the Rotary Club of the New Territories delivered the rice and food to the representative of Food Angelwith Joe Lee (first from right), the President-Elect and Paul Li (second from right), the member of the Rotary Club of New Territories.

新界扶輪社社長陳志雄 ( 右一)與候任社長李展文 (左一) 把捐贈的米糧交予受惠機構鄰舍輔導會的代表。
Francis Chan (first from right), the President of the Rotary Club of the New Territories delivered the rice and food to the representative of The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Councilwith Joe Lee (first from left), the President-Elect of the Rotary Club of the New Territories.

新界扶輪社捐出1000公斤米糧,協助長者、低收入家庭、長期病患、復康、傷殘及智障人士等人士應對疫情期間加劇的就業及基層温飽問題 。
The Rotary Club of the New Territories donated 1,000 kilograms of rice to assist the elderly, low-income families, the elderly with chronic illnesses, the mentally rehabilitated people, the disabled with mobility issues and the mentally handicapped people to cope with the intensified employment and basic food and clothing problems during the Covid-19 pandemic.

新界扶輪社社長陳志雄 ( 右一)、候任社長李展文 (左一)及社友李卓威律師把捐贈的米糧交予受惠機構民社服務中心的代表。
Francis Chan (first from right), the President of the Rotary Club of the New Territories delivered the rice and food to the representative of People Service Centrewith Joe Lee (first from left), the President-Elect and Paul Li (first from left), the member of the Rotary Club of New Territories.

新界扶輪社社長陳志雄 ( 右) 把捐贈的米糧交予受惠機構美差會潮浸服務聯會的代表。
Francis Chan (right), the President of the Rotary Club of the New Territories delivered the rice and food to the representative of the ABM Hong Kong Swatow Baptist Church Community Service Association.
部分受惠機構 (排名不分先後)
Part of the beneficiary institutions (in no particular order)