DG Message – November 2020

DG Message – November 2020

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Dear Fellow Rotarians,

We have almost completed the District Governor Rotary Club visits to meet the club Board members. I would like to give thanks to all Club Presidents and their boards, Assistant Governors, District Secretaries and their team for their great effort! It is my pleasure to visit individual Clubs and their members upon your invitation. After visiting many clubs, the idea of an “Ideal Rotary Club” came up in my mind. In your mind what is “An Ideal Rotary Club” ?

District Officers Training Seminar was held on 23 Oct 2020, we invited PDG YK, PDG Jason, PDG BY, IPDG Wilson and PP Betty to talk about the history of D3450, the structure of D3450 companies, District finance matter and the future of our District. It was a wonderful training for all the participants as we all know more about our District and I would like to give thanks to our District Training Committee.

The Public Speaking Seminar collaborated with Toastmaster was held on 24 Oct. Thanks to the two elite trainers in Public Speaking Jean Lin and Donald Yee for coming to share with us. We are expecting more exchange and collaboration with Toastmaster International at the Club level and District.

The Rotary Leadership Institute was successfully held on 16 and 17 Oct. It was a one and half day training for grassroots Rotarian to prepare to become a club leader. Thanks to Chair PDG Peter Wan, all the trainers and the organising committee.

IT Workshop was held on 17 Oct. Co-chairs Alvin and Peter talked about the updated Information Technology in Rotary and experience with Fellow Rotarians, especially how to register for the Club Runner. We would like to encourage Clubs to finish the two steps of authorisation.  This is an important step for us to be paperless, as this year we are going to use the Club Runner as a function of our District Directory.

The Covid 19 Pandemic is still severe around the world. The total number of cases has already reached 51 million. We should continue observing the policy of social distancing, keep our face-masks on and personal hygiene. The economy is going to worsen in the near future, we expect more people will suffer from losing their job, become homeless and insufficient food. Thanks to all Rotary Clubs for having services to help the people in need in the recent months. We should continue to reach out to the community, talk to the leaders and understand the need of our community and continue our good work especially during this difficult and challenging time.

Preserve Planet Earth Committee successfully held the first Beach Cleaning last month, it is the best occasion to bring our families especially our kids to learn and support our environment. There will be more beach clean up in the coming month, this year the theme is “One Ton Less”, we will try to collect One Ton of Plastic and waste after all the clean up.

The 1st part of Rotaract District Service Project was an online talk by two KOL, this first speaker is called 麵包, and he has been visually impaired since childhood. He shared with us about being a visually handicapped student and how he became a KOL.

November is The Rotary Foundation month. The Rotary Foundation was established since 1917, it is now a highly rated foundation by Charity Navigator. We should encourage all our Rotarian to donate to TRF as we are going to make a bigger impact in the world. The Rotary Foundation Seminar was held on 7 Nov 2020 at Regal Kowloon. There were total 175 Rotarians joining physically and online.

Rotary Action Group for Peace Hong Kong and Macau Chapter was launched on 4 Nov. Thank you all Rotarians for joining the chapter, attained the Positive Peace Certificates and making your club a Peace Builder Clubs. Rotary & Peace Exhibition was held on 26 Oct to 6 Nov at Rotunda, Exchange Square in Central. It was a very successful exhibition.

The Rotary Job Market kick off ceremony and Power Talk will be held on 21 Nov 2020, we have invited prominent speakers Mr. Shih Wing Ching, Dr. Edwin Lee, Mr. Francis Ngai and Dr. Lee Shing-Chak, they will share with us and our Rotaract about how to give yourself an opportunity to succeed. The online platform for Rotaract to look for a job is launched. Please visit https://www.rotaryjobmarket.com

The 5th CPR and AED Education Project will be launched on 14 Nov 2020. It is a very meaningful event held to raise the awareness of saving lives by cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This year Theme is: Saving lives by Modified CPR under COVID -19.

Lastly, I would like to encourage our Fellow Rotarian to nominate candidates for DGN Election, the deadline of nomination is 19 Dec 2020.


10月16-17日,我們舉辦Rotary Leadership Institute,給予一些新生扶輪社友訓練,促進他們成為未來領袖。感謝PDG Peter Wan、籌委和導師們的努力。

10月17日我們舉辦IT工作坊,由兩位籌委會主席Alvin和Peter主領,討論如何應用Club Runner新系統作管理分社行政事宜,鼓勵各社利用兩級授權方法,促進將來行政工作利用無紙運作。

10月23日District Training Committee 邀請PDG YK、PDG Jason、PDG BY、IPDG Wilson 和PP Betty舉行總區職員訓練硏討會,討論範疇涉及扶輪3450區的歷史、公司結構、財務及發展遠景等事宜,相信此訓練提升各職員認知。我感謝是次訓練活動的籌委努力。

10月24日,我們與Toastmaster舉行一個公開演說研討會,感謝兩位超卓演講導師Jean Lin 和Donald Yee出席。我們期待將來有更多與Toastmaster International合作交流。


Preserve Planet Earth Committee在10月起舉辦首次清潔海灘活動,這個活動更是一個家庭親子活動,一起保護我們環境。活動主題是「One Ton Less」,期待未來數月期間我們能夠清理一公噸塑膠和其他廢料。

Rotaract District Service Project首階段活動就是一個網上分享會,邀請兩位網紅分享如何成為一位有影響力的網紅,其中一位講者名叫「麵包」更是一位自幼開始失明人士。

11月就是扶輪基金月。扶輪國際基金成立於1917年,更被Charity Navigator評為優質基金,所以我們應該鼓勵全部社友大力捐助TRF,使它更能發揮能改善世界能力。Rotary Foundation Seminar已11月7日在富豪九龍酒店舉行,線上線下共有175位社友參加。

Rotary Action Group for Peace Hong Kong and Macau Chapter於11月4日成立,感謝很多社長都參與其中,取得Positive Peace證書,亦可使分社成為Peace Builder Club。另外,於10月26日至11月6日亦在中環交易廣場成功舉辦一個Rotary & Peace展覽會

11月20日,我們將舉辦Rotary Job Market揭幕禮及名人分享會,屆時邀請施永青先生、李根興博士、魏華星先生及李丞責博士發言,鼓勵各位扶青如何邁向成功。而網上求職平台https://www.rotaryjobmarket.com亦已啟動。

第五屆CPR & AED教育工程將於11月14日舉行,主題為「新冠疫情下如何使用新心肺復蘇法拯救生命」,引起更多人關注利用新法及時急救, 極具意義。

