DG December Message
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December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
This is an important moment that we should celebrate; we have almost achieved half of our journey. Are you enjoying it? Do you feel you have achieved what you planned? Anything else you would like to pursue?
I am sorry to inform you that five Rotarians have been tested Covid positive. They are all admitted to hospitals and their conditions are stable. We wish them all to recover well and very soon. Owing to the surge of cases in Hong Kong, we advise all clubs to withhold their physical meetings, services and consider changing to online meetings and online services. Our online concert is postponed due to the worsening of the Pandemic, stay tune to our announcement. Our top priority is the health of all Rotarians. Please stay safe and healthy!

The cases in Mongolia have surged and we are supporting them to fight against the Pandemic by purchasing the protective gowns and face masks, etc. Thank you very much for all Clubs that responded promptly to the call. We will send the donation by remittance. Assistant Governors Baggy and Dammy will speak to us at JPM and DMC and they will follow up about the progress.
As the condition in Hong Kong is getting worse, all schools will suspend their physical teaching and changed to online meeting. There are quite significant families that do not have enough computers or devices for their children to study online. Thanks to our Rotary Clubs who have donated the devices to the families. I would like to ask for all your support to the District project “ My Rotary Computer” led by Area 4 Clubs and chaired by PP Tony Au. Please donate or ask your friends to donate computers, laptops or tablets that are no longer used to the committee. These devices will be renewed by Caritas Computer Center and later we could donate the devices to the underprivileged students.
December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month. During this Pandemic, the most important thing we need to do is to fight against Covid. We can continue to donate face masks to the underprivileged people. We can provide daily necessities and food to them too.
Thanks to the clubs that have helped the homeless in the past few months. We should continue to collaborate with NGOs to see if there are more homeless people who need our help.
The Rotary Job Market was held successfully on 21 Nov. The four speakers’ talks were very inspiring. The kick off was well received by about 200 people. This is the start of the online Rotary Job Market, I would like to invite all of you to provide job opportunities and post it on the platform to help our Rotaract career development. Please contact the organising committee or simply go to http://www.rotaryjobmarket.com to sign up as supporting companies.
Congratulations to the inauguration of Rotaract Club of Edelweiss, Rotaract Club of Antorcha and Rotaract Club of Phab Hong Kong. Wish all of the newly formed Rotaract Clubs a fruitful Rotary Year!
現時香港教育局規定學校全改由網上授課,知道一些貧窮家庭仍缺乏電腦設備,我們馬上發起「My Rotary Computer」地區計劃,由第4區PP Tony Au出任籌委主席,歡迎大家踴躍支持捐贈,再經由明愛電腦中心翻新工程後,再分派到有需要的家庭。
11月21日的Rotary Job Market活動已完滿舉行,嘉賓演說十分精彩,約二百多人參加,這也同時啟動網上平台,歡迎大家聯絡籌委會或參閱www.rotaryjobmarket.com,為更多扶青提供就業機會。
最後,祝賀三間扶青分社Edelweiss、Antorcha和Phab Hong Kong成立及迎接一個豐盛的年度!