DG December Message

DG December Message

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Another Month has come to an end and once again it is time for my newsletter to keep everyone updated on events and developments.

RI Presidential Conference in Manila

As you are all aware, we have just completed the RI Presidential Conference which was this year held in Manila, Philippines, from the 26th to the 28th of November. These Presidential Conferences are an important opportunity for Rotarians and Rotary partners to gather to exchange ideas and reflect on the progress of Rotary’s Seven Focus Areas.

This year, RPC21 Manila has primarily focused on two of the Seven Areas of Focus, Growing Local Economies and Protecting The Environment.

The conference has given us the chance to reflect on ways that club projects can focus more concretely on the four essential pillars which are Rotary’s key priorities, namely  Business, Environment, Sustainability, Technology (B.E.S.T.). Not only  should these be consciously incorporated into club projects, but all four pillars are mutually necessary to help support each other.

Therefore, Business for Good, Environment for Good, Sustainability for Good, and Technology for Good.


• Hong Kong :410 • Macau :25 • Mongolia: 118 • Total: 653

• Out of 21 Countries and Areas, we ranked 4th behind The Philippines, Taiwan and Bangladesh

We were glad that so many of the members were enrolled in the conference, seeking to gain greater insight into how we, as Rotarians, working together, may achieve the primary goals Rotary has set itself.  There were even clubs from our District which had a full complement of all their members at the conference, showing that they truly understand the value of this important event.  Working together on common aims and with a common purpose is the only way to achieve our key purposes, namely helping local communities and interest groups to grow and prosper, aiding the underprivileged by creating new business opportunities through our expertise, by mentoring and by building connections, and thus making these people better equipped to function in an increasingly competitive market place.

Our aim and hope is that, in order to develop a better future, clubs will incorporate the B.E.S.T. elements in all their projects in order to make them, not merely one-time events, but sustainable, and with on-going benefits over the long run.   We encourage clubs to have continuity in their projects so that they could protect the environment, assist in educating schools or the public on the importance of environmental issues, while also bringing prosperity through the many new technologies available today.   

There are still many under-privileged groups which are being left behind in terms of IT education, and many small businesses that lack the tools or knowledge for increasingly essential e-commerce.   It would be encouraging if the IT professionals in our Rotarian family could also work with clubs to bring more IT support to needy families and to small enterprises struggling within the community. 

There are clubs which have been giving generously to students, by donating computers that they can use during the pandemic period, when many classes have had to be carried on only on-line with students remaining at home.   This is not only an immediate benefit during the current pandemic, but greatly benefits students in their technical education and it coping with the increasingly technological workplace they will face when leaving school. The earlier that students can be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with modern computer technologies, the easier it will be for them to cope with changes that will come later and to fill the needs of modern businesses.

RIC Premises Extension

The committee for the RIC premises extension has already held two consultations during the past month, and we have been very gratified to receive many thoughts and opinions from our fellow Rotarians.   The feedback from participants has been considerable and the committee will continue to process all the gathered information now and beyond Chinese New Year.   We would like to express our thanks to everyone who participated and offered suggestions.

DG Visit

As of the end of December, I have completed the annual District Governor visits to the various clubs, having visited 106 clubs in total over the past 6 months. During this time, I have received many important suggestions and comments, as well as discussing the expectations of our Fellow Rotarians in considerable detail. I will now compile the lists of suggestions and comments and bring these to the attention of the District Strategic Planning Committee (DSPC) Meeting, with our future leaders, in order to determine what can be implemented going forward within the District. 

Meeting with Mr. Caspar Tsui, The Secretary for Home Affairs

As District Governor of Rotary International District 3450, and accompanied by a team of district officers, I went to meet with Secretary of Home Affairs Bureau 徐英偉 Caspar Tsui and his team. A wide range of important topics was discussed, including

  • the nurturing of the next generation, in order to bring peace and harmony and a better future for Hong Kong
  • Rotary services in Hong Kong and internationally,
  • Rotary’s Areas of Focus and ways in which we can develop future collaboration with the government to build a better community through stronger community-government communication and links.

We have exchanged many opinions and ideas which will hopefully allow Rotary, as a major non-government organisation, to make an ever greater impact on the HKSAR by working in concert with the government and other organisations.

Anniversary of Rotary Clubs

Congratulations to Rotary Club of Kowloon West and Rotary Club of Hong Kong Bayview for the 60th Anniversary and 27th Anniversary respectively. The worthiness of a Club is not about how long has they existed, but how do they sustain their club culture and uphold the club spirit.

Rotary Club of Kowloon West (60th Anniversary)
Rotary Club Hong Kong Bayview (27th Anniversary)

Membership updates

Member Count @ 1 Jul 2021: 2,555

Member Count @ 30 Nov 2021: 2,698

3 New Satellite Clubs established

Net Gain: 143 Rotarians

We recorded a growth of 18 Rotarians in November. On one hand, it is important to gain more members to echo RI President Shekhar Mehta’s urge on Each One Bring One. On the other hand, it is more important to maintain our fellowship with current members.

After discussion with the future leaders, all Clubs must reach at least 20 club members by 30 June 2024. I am pleased to announce that 12 more clubs have reached 20 members, leaving 24 clubs left to keep up on membership growth.

3 CP Academy Classes completed

Three CP Academy Classes have been concluded smoothly on 29 September 2021, 26 October 2021 and 24 November 2021. Hope all of you have gained deeper understanding on Rotary affairs. Training is the key to every door. Thank you for your participation.


Let’s have a big round of applause to our new entrants. Young generation is the pillar of the future. It is an old but true saying. In November, we were happy to welcome  Rotaract Club of IVE (Kwun Tong) and Interact Club of TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College.

Our family of Junioract Club keeps growing. We now have 14 Junioract Clubs following the establishment of Junioract Club of St. Rose of Lima’s School (sponsored by RC Bayview Sunshine HK) and Junioract Club CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay) (sponsored by HK Island East). We have also held the Junioract Forum on 20 November 2021 to outline the landscape of primary school education and the role of Rotary. A Joint-School Activity on Book Reading Competition(雋雅喜閱‧書香滿溢) will be launched by District Junioract Committee to consolidate existing Junioract Clubs and promote the concept to the 400+ primary schools. (Q1 2022)


Wonder if you have ever heard of Rotary Park located at Tai Mo Shan? The joint competition “2021 Co-Create Smart Park Challenge” of District 3450 and Cyberport is now recruiting creative and feasible proposals from young people and professionals from the Innovation and Technology industry. The outstanding proposal will be implemented in Rotary Park as well as Cyberport Waterfront Park to promote the sustainable development of smart city initiatives.

Accompanied by the Cyberport staff, I had a wonderful tour in Cyberport Waterfront Park on 25 November 2021 with Rotaractors, Interactors and their principals & teachers as a preparation for their smartpark design. All are welcomed to take part in the design of our future SMARTPARK!



CPR/ AED Education Project

The first visit & opening ceremony of CPR/ AED Education Project was hosted on 20 November 2021. Fortunately, the event has received wide coverage from the media. There will be three more visits incoming. Coming together is just a beginning. Keeping together is a progress. Here comes the most important step: working together towards the same vision. Welcome to join the following visits of District Health Committee.

  • First Visit & Opening Ceremony
    Date: 20 Nov 2021
  • Second Visit
    Date: 18 Dec 2021
  • Third Visit
    Date: 15 Jan 2022
  • Forth Visit & Closing Ceremony
    Date: 23 Apr 2022


End Polio Walk & Carnival

Date: 6 Nov 2021

Participation: 67 clubs and 700 participants took part in the End Polio Carnival in Science Park

Fund raised : US$123,040.00

“End Polio” is most certain one of the key missions for Rotary worldwide.  The End Polio Walk and Carnival Day is one major event that aims to bring members together to have an enjoyable day for the great cause.   The day was filled with joy and great fellowship for members.   The money raised is already a wonderful reflection of how dedicated our Rotarians are for this important cause.  I am very honored to have witnessed so many of us still managing to get together during such a difficult time in order to hold this event. The global success of our joint efforts in this campaign should give us all the incentive to continue tirelessly until we have fully eradicated this dreadful disease once and for all.  I would like to thank the generous contributions of all our Rotarians to this cause. 

With travel restrictions, Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolian Rotarians could not gather at one place to celebrate our success with the eradication of Polio. Fortunately, the committee members figured out an innovative way to show our ambition, i.e. the Opening Ceremony was simulcasted a virtual relay within the 3 regions, including Hong Kong, Macau, and Mongolia, kicking off the event.

PI – Area of the Month

Here comes the Ming Pao interview with Area 7, our Area of the month. Let’s see how Area 7 integrates with diverse cultures and utilizes it as the advantages to deliver their care to the community.






就上述兩個優先目標,我們會用於與它們直接相關的四個重點範籌,包括商業(Business), 環境(Environment),可持續性(Sustainability)及科技(Technology),立體地反思如何做得更好。


「促進本土經濟增長及保護環境 : 為我們的社區,盡力爭取B.E.S.T的最佳果效。」



香港參加者:410 人






















1/7/2021 社員人數2,555

31/11/2021 社員人數2,698













  • 東華三院黃鳳翎中學扶輪少年服務團於11月12日創團
  • 新創立2個扶雋團,將地區扶輪雋雅服務團的總數增至14個
  • 聖羅撒小學扶雋團-贊助社香港驕陽扶輪社
  • 中華基督教會基灣小學(愛蝶灣) -贊助社香港東區扶輪社
  • 雋雅論壇(20/11 )
  • 扶輪社在香港小學教育扮演的角色
  • 地區扶雋委員會正籌備名為「雋雅喜閲。書香滿溢」的小學聯校閲讀比賽,藉此聯繫各校的扶雋團,並期在2022年的第一季將扶雋團的精神推廣至全港400家小學

























