DG Newsletter – March

DG Newsletter – March

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District matters

Well, March has been a really rocky month for Hong Kong. The covid pandemic has been raging out of control, with both the total infection rates and fatalities reaching unprecedented levels.  Most of our clubs have already refrained from physical meetings, but I am glad that most clubs managed to continue with their meetings through zoom.  It is vital that we all stay vigilant and careful for the sake of our community, family members and work colleagues, as well as our fellow Rotarians.  I sincerely hope that all our club members and your families are in good health and in good spirits.   It is a really challenging time for all of us, in every aspect of daily life, from career and business issues to social, health and family matters.   To those who are severely affected,  I hope you will not give up, but manage to hang in there to fight another day, especially as things start to improve in the months ahead. Remember that we stand with you in these times of stress.

Rotary 117th Birthday

Feb 23 was Rotary’s 117th birthday.

The world’s first service club, the Rotary Club of Chicago, was formed on February 23rd, 1905 by Paul P. Harris.The Rotary name derived from the early practice of rotating meetings among members’ offices. Since then, Rotary has connected over 1.4 million members worldwide. For more than a century, we’ve bridged cultures and connected continents. We’ve championed peace and friendly co-existence, fought illiteracy and poverty, helped people get access to clean water and sanitation, and fought disease throughout the world.

We are all very much aware that we need to preserve our planet and make certain our environment doesn’t suffer irreversible damage from human activity. This issue hasn’t diminished just because covid and the Ukraine conflict have removed it from the front pages of our newspapers. In fact, we are at a critical point in tackling this problem and it remains more important than ever. The damage done to the environment during the past two centuries is extensive, and it is critical that this deterioration should not be allowed to continue unchecked.

Therefore, Rotary has determined that our latest priority is to protect our planet and its resources.  We hope we can all be more proactive in living in a ‘planet friendly’ manner including in how we consume energy, in controlling pollution, and in minimizing waste as much as possible.  That this is the most challenging time for our planet is well understood by most of us. Now is the time for us to act in every way we possibly can.

As a club with global reach, and as conscientious leaders within our societies, we need to channel more of our professionalism and resources to promote this cause to the greatest extent possible. We can have a significant effect, most obviously through the education of the younger generation, as well as by offering encouragement and guidance to commercial entities on how to minimize the use of harmful and wasteful materials and practices in their businesses.

We are all aware of the problem of food waste, as well as the problems which wasteful food packaging methods create. Valuable resources are being wasted, while the problem of environmental pollution is growing exponentially. Much of this is due to thoughtlessness and carelesness. We urgently need to be working on projects that will make a positive impact on planet earth, and leave for our future generations a better place than we have inherited during our life time. 

We all join Rotary because of what we have been able to achieve in our career within the community, and being a Rotarian is a pathway to share and give back to the community and the world.  In this same way, I also joined Rotary to return some of what I have been fortunate enough to achieve, and Rotary gives me the opportunity to have a far greater impact than would otherwise be possible for an individual acting on his own. Rotary allows me to work with kind and like-minded people, all working towards common goals for the greater good. Let us all work to maximise the positive impact we can have on our world through our commitment to Rotary and its projects.

Special Pandemic Relief Fund

In light of the grave COVID-19 situation in our District (HK, Macao, Mongolia and Guangzhou, Guangdong Province), the District Grant has allocated an additional amount of USD2,800 per Area targeting projects relating to the pandemic.

Each Area is organising Joint-clubs projects related to the prevention or combating of Covid among those people in need of supplies or other assistance. Of course, our top priority always continues to be to avoid the spread of covid throught unnecessary social gatherings,  and this also applies when we have to make preparations for or when delivering our materials to the community. We must remain vigilant to take every possible measure to avoid any contacts which might help the spread of Covid. Any of us may be unconscious carriers of this highly contagious disease.  Of course, contacts of various kinds ARE unavoidable, so it cannot be stressed enough that those involved should be fully vaccinated to safeguard their own health and that of others, as vaccination has already been positively proven to be the most effective measure against disease and its worst effects. 

All Clubs are urged to initiate any of their social service projects in accordance with this principle of safety.  Our projects often involve caring for grassroots people who may lack the masks, sanitary wipes and other basic hygiene products and also they may lack awareness of covid safety guidelines. In consequence, we need to be doubly cautious and mindful of all preventive measures.

We should also all be cheering for and encouraging the hard-working front line medical and essential personnel working so diligently for our community.  It will still be a long combat, during months to come, to finally bring down the number of infection cases. So we all need to do our part in adhering to the government’s policies and guidelines as well as assisting others where-ever we can.  There are many NGOs at work that are part of the team aiding people in need, including volunteers who are helping to call the elderly by phone to check on them and to ensure that help is available where and when it is needed.  Clubs could find such NGOs, some of whom may urgently need monetary or physical assistance in their efforts to help the many elderly living on their own and completely dependent on such organisations in their times of need. 

Special thanks to TRF team for the quick turnaround time for approval.

Thanks DTRE & PDG Belinda Yeung for their quick response.

Special thanks to Area 1 support service project in Hong Kong.

Vaccination Campaign – RC of Kai Tak

Rotary Covid Pandemic Campaign at Kowloon East.  We have a club which is actively promoting the benefits of the vaccination in the community, and supporting efforts to bring vaccination to the elderly by offering health consultations and essential testing kits.  Teams of medical professionals from among our members are actively visiting area with high-dense elderly population and elderly homes and working on the spot to encourage and explain to more people about the urgency of the elderly being vaccinated. Our medical team will give the vaccine jap for eligible elderly after medical consultation.  The elderly are by far the most vulnerable to the severest effects of covid, as the massive rise in covid fatalities among the elderly since February has clearly demonstrated. Many of the elderly remain unvaccinated due to the lack of proper understanding within the community about vaccinations, and this is particularly true of those living in elderly homes where they are often very frail while being even more exposed to infection. Our impact on the community with this sort of activity can be immediate and crucial, literally a matter of life and death. 

I hope that our medical members as well as other members will continue to put together projects to help the community with these particular issues as they are so urgently necessary at present. 

Thanks PDG YC Ho, IPDG Erick Chak, AG Isaac Yip, CP Rainbow Li, IPP Francis Fong, P Ivan Choi, P Lily Yong, P Ankie Mak, PP PC Fong, PP Book Kwok Shing and many members who are in the team to be part of this task force.


Serve to Change Lives Radio Program Series

Rotary New Generation

#DS Alexander Cheung  #DDS Sally Luk  #DDS Elvo Sou

#蘇桂龍 #張宇靈 #陸慧妍


Look into Future

– DG Keith Chow #DGE Norman Lee #DGN Andy Li

#周基業 #李德利 #李兆民


The 11 episodes of the Serve to Change Lives series have been completed sucessfully. It is a breakthrough for how we promote Rotary to the community, and undoubtedly a suceessful PI tools to expand our reach. It is also useful training materials for new members. Feel free to revisit the interviews and learn from the sharing of experienced Rotarians.

Thanks PI team and speakers for organising all these fruitful sharing.

62nd District Conference

The OC team of District Conference has kicked start the preparation. Due to the current fast-changing situation, the committee shall decide whether the conference will be held physically or virtually on 3 May 2022. Thank you Chair DS Elizabete and her team for their hard work.

We hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

2021 Co-Create Smart Park Challenge Seminar 網絡研討會-構建智能公園

SmartPark is formed of “smart” (technology) & “park” (a place for leisure). Both have to be taken into conaideration when students are designing their ideal SmartPark. The committee conducted a seminar for all the participating students, highlighting aspects that shall not be overseen.

Can’t wait to see their design in real life.

Speakers’ Pool

Speakers’ Pool is formed to gather experienced Rotarians for sharing their experience in Rotary as well as on specific topics such as Rotary Opportunities; Rotary Protocol; Digital transformation, etc. Each Club has to invite three members from the speakers’ pool list as their meeting guest speaker to fulfill Rotary citation. 

As of March,  around 71.6% clubs achieved this criteria and both clubs from area 6 & 8 all completed. 

Area of the Month

Area 9 is the Area of February. The interview is in Mongolian. For non-Mongolian speakers, you may refer to the Mongolia Newsletter published on the Rotary Day (in English). Let’s learn more about our Mongolian buddies!






因應3450 地區(香港、澳門、蒙古國及廣東省)的新冠肺炎肆虐狀況,地區獎助金撥款予各地域作疫情援助專項服務,每地域可獲2,800美元 配對基金。


衷心感謝扶輪基金委員會主委前地區總監楊碧瑤及各委員會成員的迅速回應,作出適時的審批,而第一地域(澳門)十分關注香港的疫情發展,並決定籌募捐款,連同地區的配對基金,與鄰舍輔導會合作與受影響的大埔區小商戶及食肆,以現金券形式援助受疫情影響的大埔區低收入家庭。 感謝澳門社友對香港社區的關懷,在「疫境」下雪中送炭更是彌足珍貴。



感謝李婉華創社社長、方陽剛卸任社長、  何汝祥前地區總監、  翟慶聰剛卸任地區總監、  翁海芬社長、  葉沛霖助理總監、  麥皚淇社長、  方平正前社長、   卜國成前社長和蔡文俊社長。












2021 網絡研討會– – 構建智能公園




每個扶輪社在本扶輪年度內需從智庫的講者表列中,邀請一位至三位講者,作為三次例會的主講嘉賓,才能符合條件獲得本年度的地區嘉許獎。目前大約71.6% 的扶輪社已經完成最少三次講者分享,其中第6及第8地域內全數扶輪社經已完成。


二月份介紹的地域為第9 地域
