A Good Start in RY 2020 – 21 , by PDG Jones Wong

A Good Start in RY 2020 – 21 , by PDG Jones Wong

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I would like to share a message from Foundation Trustee Chair K.R.Ravindran

There is a world of difference between a problem and a challenge.If a honeybee faces a giant hornet alone, the bee has a problem. But if the honeybee faces the hornet with a swarm of other bees, then it is the hornet that has a problem. This is true in nature, but it is also the human predicament. So when the situation I confront is greater than the resources I have, then it can be termed as a problem. However, if the resources I have are greater than the situation I am faced with, then it is just a challenge. Sometimes we overestimate problems and underestimate our ability to overcome them. The COVID-19 pandemic seemed like a situation that might overwhelm The Rotary Foundation. But as things have progressed, we have not allowed it to do so. As of 4 June, we have funded 208 disaster response grants for $5.2 million and 169 new global grants at $13.8 million – all in three months. We have leveraged individual Rotarians’ generosity with Foundation Funds and in many cases other corporate funds to make projects large and more impactful.

 (The Rotarian, August 2020)

In our District 3450, we have a similar situation that we have funded about US$50,000.00 on some 28 applications from 39 clubs for Disaster Response Grants together with a joint funding from our District Disaster Committee.

At the same time, we have also received 58 District Grant Applications including some projects related to COVID-19 pandemic either in local communities or in other countries communities.

On End Polio NOW, we are glad to learn that African Region is certified Wild Polio-Free in the month of August. To respond to achieve a Poliovirus Free world, our District is planning an End Polio Walk on Saturday 24 October 2020 at the Peak Garden Hong Kong or somewhere for a Rotary Family Day together with fundraising to support End Polio NOW if situation is allowed.

There is a happy news to share. We have 3 new 100% PHF clubs including RC Kowloon Central, RC Mandarin HK, and RC Queensway. Congratulations and many thanks to the three club presidents together with their fellow Rotarians for supporting TRF.

At end August, our Annual Fund is US$225,675, Other Fund is US$70,461.50, and Endowment Fund is US$3,000, totally US$299,136.50.