DG Message, September 2020
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September is Basic Literacy and Education month, which is one of our seven Areas of focus. Many places around the world due to lack of trained teachers, inadequate learning materials, poor sanitation facilities, sickness, famine, causing an estimated 617 millions of adolescents and children to fall short of meeting the minimum proficiency level of reading and mathematics. What can we do to improve the situation?
Thank you Membership Committee for holding the Online Membership Seminar on 22 August. It was a successful seminar with over 350 participants and even Rotarians from Philippine joined us.
Election of District Governor Nominee will be by Club Ballot this year. Chair PDG Peter Wan together with PDG Belinda and PDG YC lead the DGN Election Committee. The details of the election will be announced soon.
DG Visit to clubs is in progress. We have visited some of the clubs in Hong Kong and 16 clubs in Mongolia. I am glad to announce that one new Rotary Club in Mongolia, one Satellite Club, five new Rotaract Clubs and four Interact clubs are formed in 2020/21 at the moment. Many thanks to all Rotarians and Rotaractors for your great effort!
Due to the Pandemic, many people lost their jobs, become homeless and do not have enough food. Thanks to all the clubs, which gave a prompt response to help those in need, provided temporary shelters, necessities, food and sanitisers, etc. I am glad that all the Disaster Response Grant is put to good use. There were total 30 projects by 39 Clubs. Thanks to all clubs involved and the Disaster Response Fund Committee led by PDG HW.
As the economy will be worsening as expected, more help is needed. Please continue to reach out and help those in need.
For International Services, we plan to work with three Districts. The first one is D4195, their DG Kit Wong who originated from Hong Kong; project is to provide clean water to people in Mexico. The second one is Philippine D3770, to provide water to students in schools. The third one is Indonesia, D3410, providing Covid 19 testing to people. Please contact PDG Ada Cheng if your club is interested to support any one of the projects.
District Youth Committee will organise a Rotaract Job Market on 21 Nov 2020 to help our Rotaract to plan better for their career. We are looking for employers to provide intern posts and jobs to Rotaractor. Please contact PP Andy Li for further information.
Thank you IT Committee for helping to deliver a training session of club runner to the District Officers. It definitely will help the District and all clubs to use the Club runner. District IT Workshop will be on 17 Oct. IT Committee will talk about the club runner. A task force to promote Club runner is formed. To enable all clubs to use the club runner is the first step for our District’s digitalisation.
There will be a talk on 18 Sept by Fellowship Committee as they have invited two experts in real estate to talk about the real estate market in Hong Kong after the Pandemic.
Online Public Image seminar will be held on 19 Sept. We will have experts talking to you about Rotary Branding, connecting in Social Media, how to look smart at online meeting and taking action photo.
There will be a Peace webinar about Rotary’s role as Peace-building Organisation by Rotary International Director Peter Kyle on 20 Sept 2020 co-organised by Rotary Action Group For Peace of Hong Kong and Central/Southeast Ohio.
District Health Committee organised a Mental Health Talk on 26 Sep. We invite Dr. Chan Chung Mau to give us some tips on how to keep ourselves happy and PP Raymond Fan will teach you some exercises.
PPE Committee will hold a Beach Cleaning activity on 3 Oct in Discovery Bay.
24 Oct will be World Polio Day. We are all encouraged to hold a club activity in October with the theme End Polio and raise fund. Please take this opportunity to take good pictures with members wearing the End Polio Tees. You can send those beautiful action photos to participate in the competition.
During this unprecedented time of Global Pandemic, we are the fortunate ones; it is time for Rotarian to help the less fortunate, to give a hope and to raise the awareness and encourage more to join us in helping the needed.
九月份主題就是基礎識字及教育,也是我們本區七個關注的重點之一。基於缺乏訓練有素的老師、足夠的學習工具、惡劣的衛生環境、飢餓、疾病和失業等等因素,估計世界上仍有約6.17 億成人或小童還未具有一個基本的閱讀及數學運算能力。試想想我們怎樣能夠改變這個現象?
另外我感謝Membership Committee在8月22號晚成功舉行了一次網上研討會,有來自本地及菲律賓超過350位扶輪社員參加。
關於選舉地區總監提名人(District Governor Nominee Election) 將會在本年度以分社投票(Club Ballot)形式舉行。 Chair PDG Peter Wan聯同PDG Belinda Yeung 及PDG YC Ho主持這個總監提名人選舉委員會(DGN Election Committee)。
由於新冠疫情的影響下,很多人陷入失業、流離失所及活在飢餓的困境中,幸好很多分社即時向有需要人士伸出援手,提供臨時的庇護、物資、食物及防疫用品等等。而我們的災難應變基金(Disaster Response Grant)亦完全悉數發放給39間分社應用在30個項目用途,我感謝各分社踴躍參與之餘,也向PDG HW Fung領導的基金委員會各人致意。
在扶輪國際地區的合作上,我們計劃與三個地區合作。首先是4195地區,他們的總監是來自香港的Kit Wong,我們合作的項目就是為墨西哥社區提供潔淨水源計劃。第二合作方就是菲律賓3770地區,合作項目是為學生提供食水。最後就是和印尼3410地區合作,為社區提供新冠檢疫服務。假若各分社有興趣參加上述計劃,歡迎與PDG Ada Cheng聯絡。
District Youth Committee在今年11月21日為扶青社友舉辦一個職業博覽會,歡迎社友老闆們提供職位及見習機會,詳情請與PP Andy Li聯絡。
District IT Committee本月亦為地區職員提供一個很好的Club Runner訓練課程,幫助推廣社務。另外,我們特別成立一個任務隊伍,亦會在10月17日舉行另一個Club Runner工作坊,旨在協助各社加快進行社務電子化管理操作。
District Fellowship Committee特別邀請香港兩位知名房地產專家出席9月18日的香港房地產市道分享會。
9月20日RI Director Peter Kyle聯同Rotary Action Group For Peace of Hong Kong and Central/Southeast Ohio舉行一個有關「扶輪社如何參與而成為一個締造和平的機構」。
9月26日District Health Committee將舉辦一個精神健康講座,特別邀請陳仲謀醫生出席分享快樂秘訣及PP Raymond Fan教你一些健體操。
10月3日PPE Committee將會在愉景灣舉行清潔沙灘活動。
10月24日就是世界小兒麻痹症日,希望各社踴躍出席當日活動,為End Polio計劃籌募經費,希望活動日那天各社員穿上大會T恤,拍照留念之餘,亦可以參加攝影比賽。