District Officers’ Training Workshop – An important first step to groom our future leaders, by PDG Belinda Yeung, JP

District Officers’ Training Workshop – An important first step to groom our future leaders, by PDG Belinda Yeung, JP

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With a target to enrich our current and future District Team with knowledge about our District and Rotary in general, the District Training Committee 2020 – 21 organized a 3-hours training workshop on 23 October 2020 with topics focusing on below:

  1. History of RID3450 – by PDG YK Cheng
  2. District Finance Manual – by PP Betty Ko
  3. District Structure: Rotary District 3450 Limited & Rotary District 3540 Charitable Fund Limited – by IPDG Wilson Cheng
  4. Ownership of Rotary Information Center – by PDG Jason Chan
  5. RI General Knowledge: Redistricting – by PDG YK Cheng

On behalf of the District Training Committee, I sincerely thanked PDG YK Cheng, PDG Jason Chan, IPDG Wilson Cheng and PP Betty Ko for their invaluable sharing. Sixteen current and future District Officers/leaders including DGN Norman Lee attended the Workshop.

“It was a wonderful training for all the participants as we learnt more about our District. I would like to thank our District Training Committee for organizing this workshop.” said DG Eric Chak

Based on post workshop survey in which participants indicated interests in subjects such as Council on Legislation, RI Bylaws, RI Code of Policies, RI connection/RI Assembly, RI Awards, attending RI Convention, attending Zone Institute, Bidding for RI Convention, Bidding for Zone Institute and about Zone 9, more workshops of similar nature will be contemplated.