Rotaract Events Have Been Affected but Not Stopped by the Pandemic
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By DRC Anita Chan and District Rotaract Committee
With everyone still impacted by COVID-19, social distancing rules or even lockdowns have not stopped Rotaractors from forging ahead with their signature programmes and event planning. This month’s article hopes to update you on our young volunteers’ projects in District Rotaract, that include their first-ever virtual First Step To Rotaract (FSTR), and progress of their annual World Rotaract Week (WRW) and CNY festivity.
Training New Rotaractors In A Virtual World
First Step to Rotaract (FSTR) has always beenan interactive orientation provided to new Rotaractors, so that they are able to learn more about Rotaract and connect with fellow newbies. As part of this year’s Training and Education programme ‘Rotaract Academy’, First Step to Rotaract 2020-21, in the format of virtual day camps, was joined by over 150 participants from 14 clubs on 23 and 24 January 2021 (Sat & Sun). With this year’s theme ‘Who am I?’, FSTR explored the meaning of having multiple identities – as youth, Rotaractors, and global citizens, in this ever-changing world.
Prior to the day camps, a training workshop was organised on 27 December 2020 (Sun) to equip FSTR facilitators, who are Rotaractors recruited from various clubs, with facilitation skills so that they can provide better guidance to the participants throughout the intensive programme of FSTR. Ms. Vivien Tam, an experienced trainer from the Explosive Creative Studio, was invited to deliver a full-day workshop to the facilitators and Rotaractors who are interested in learning more about facilitation. During the workshop, Vivien shared a lot of practical tips in building rapport and leading group discussion.

For the first time ever, First Step to Rotaract 2020-21 offered a virtual experience for participants to stay connected with the Rotaract family under the COVID-19 pandemic. Each participant joined the exciting day-to-night programme on either 23 or 24 January, with a fun ice-breaking session in the mornings that was filled with challenging yet enjoyable tasks in which participants could get to know members from other clubs. In the afternoons, an innovative ‘Virtual Escape Game’ (線上密室逃脫) put participants’ problem solving skills, communication skills, and knowledge of international issues to the test. During the game, participants were asked to explore an ‘escape room’ and complete tasks related to international issues, such as fair trade, SDGs, animal rights, etc., to gather hints and information. After the intensive activities during daytime, the chit chat session at night provided an opportunity for participants to reflect on what they experienced and get to know each other better.

Although First Step to Rotaract 2020-21 has come to an end, the Training and Education Programme ‘Rotaract Academy’ will continue to provide learning and development opportunities to Rotaractors in the second half of the Rotary year, please stay tuned!
Annual Celebration of Rotaract’s Birthday In Its New Forms
World Rotaract Week (WRW) has always been one of the most anticipated events for Rotaract clubs, as WRW provides chances for clubs to connect and celebrate this wonderful occasion every year – Rotaract’s birthday on 13 March. This year, the global pandemic inevitably limited the options of the event format, but it also opened up a cyber way, keeping us intact despite this difficult time. Although the birthday week spans from 8 to 14 March 2021 this year, a series of three events are set to get fully prepared and start running as early as in February to get Rotaractors in a celebratory mood.

First it comes ROTAHUNT, a treasure hunt in Hong Kong where tasks will be given online and completed without any safety concern. Rotaract clubs are requested to finish tasks around Hong Kong to figure out the mystery of Rotaract Gems, while embracing and learning more about their city, district and clubs. Most importantly, the mystery cannot be solved with one’s effort, and three clubs will be working as a unit to solve it together. They need to connect, share info, and figure out all the given clues.
Next it comes ROTAGAME, a game tournament where both Rotaractors and non-Rotaractors can participate. There will be two games, League of Legends and Tokyo Olympic 2020. Knowing e-sports / gaming is extremely trendy among youngsters, Rotaractors are hoping to burst into the scene and bring Rotaract’s name into their eyes. While League of Legends is the world’s most popular game that has millions of views in every tournament, Tokyo Olympic 2020 is a more soft-core and casual game that is suitable for Rotaract clubs to challenge each other to find hidden gamers in other clubs. These games are the chances for clubs to gather, have fun and unite under this difficult time.
Finally, a celebration night on 13 March 2021 (Sat) featuring ROTALENT. Just like other Got Talent shows, the program hopes to find talents among Rotaract clubs, and provide a perfect stage for them to showcase their talent. This year the celebration night will be conducted as an online show, with lots of content for Rotaractors to stay tuned: ROTAGAME finals, ROTALENT, lucky draw, prize presentation, celebrations and closing.
Registration for all these amazing events will begin in February, your participation and all kind support are welcome to bring a refreshing, exciting, festive WRW together. Brighten up and connect Rotaract clubs under this difficult time!
CNY Festive Online Lucky Draw
Spring dinner is always an occasion to bring Rotarians and Rotaractors together to catch up with old friends and welcome the new joinees. Comers guzzle down the dishes and cheer for gods of wealth to give everyone more love and blessings. It is always the very moment for many to see their friends and toast a past year of hard work of serving the community and then a new start for more possibilities.

Despite another year of swaying away from the celebratory tradition of this customary feast as the ritual festivity they used to annually come to upon a lunar year’s arrival, to mark the beginning of the Year of the Ox amid Covid, special offers are available online exclusively on the night of 18 February 2021 (Thu) at Joint Presidents’ Meeting (JPM) on Zoom. A Lucky Draw session with arrays of assorted giveaways of their diverse wants of cash and great grand prizes is now open to all members in the Rotary family for registration.
Another year of no spring dinner sees no bars to their indispensable cravings for meeting families and friends in some once far-off manner the era now sees in its progressive process of normalization for a time when everyone is social-distancing out there on their own, within yet without and connected one way or another. They just don’t walk out and never will.
Stay Informed On Social
If you are interested to know more about Rotaract and their latest events, don’t forget to follow Rotaractors on Facebook (Rotaract, RI D3450) and on Instagram (rotaract_3450)! Best wishes to you and your family for a healthy and prosperous new year!