DG March Message
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Time flies so fast, we have already passed ¾ of the Rotary Year. We have gone through a very different style of Rotary life. We strived to continue our meetings, services and fellowship no matter if it is a physical one, hybrid or online. Rotarians will endeavor to find a way to enjoy and serve the community amidst the Pandemic. I am so grateful to all of you that we exemplified the true motto of “Service Above Self” by reaching out to NGOs, sisters clubs and friends to find out what we can help to create lasting changes.
It is important to let the public to know what Rotary is about, we are going to showcase what we have done in this Rotary year by doing an impact report of our District. RIC Yanice will take the lead of the impact report. We will collect the figures from all clubs about your services and please support this.
Congratulations to DGE Keith for the completion of training at the International Assembly. The training of the next years District officers and Presidents will soon begin.
I am sure you all know that we have three Rotarians tested positive for Covid and were admitted to hospital. They are all in good condition. One of them already discharged from hospital. Wish them a very quick recovery. The Pandemic Situation in Hong Kong is getting better and hopefully it will further improve. Please stay vigilant and continue observe social distancing measures.
Health committee is running a campaign to promote vaccination to all Rotarians, families and friends. Please support this campaign. Our goal is to let people understand more about the pros and cons of the varied vaccines.
Welcome Rotary Club of Eminence Hong Kong to the D3450 family. Congratulations to CP Jeannette and all the charter members. Thanks to their mother club Rotary Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong and the club advisor PDG HW Fung.
March is Water, Sanitation and Hygiene month. When people have access to clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases decreases, children stay healthier and attend school more regularly, enabling mothers to spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families. We are delighted that District 3450 is invited to be the international partner for the Mexico GG Project, thanks to International Chair PDG Ada and TRF Chair PDG Jones for help in their coordination. Our District will contribute DDF US 13000 to this project. Thanks to the following clubs contribution: RC Kowloon East, RC Wanchai, RC Lan Kwai Fong, RC Kowloon Central, RC Mandarin HK, RC Peninsula and RC Kwai Chung.
The Rotary Foundation has done a lot during the past year amid the Pandemic. I would like to give thanks to PDG Jones and the District Foundation Committee for their hard work in helping fund raising and helping clubs to accomplish projects with District Grant and Global Grant. Please continue support the Rotary Foundation as the donation we made this year will be available for us to use in Rotary Year 2023/24.
時間過得真快,不覺我們已渡過了¾ 的扶輪年度了,我們經歷了非常不一樣的扶輪生活,無論是實體會議、混合式會議,還是在線會議,我們都努力繼續舉行例會、社區服務和交誼活動,我們在疫症大流行中仍可以尋找一種既享受又能服務社區的方法。 我非常感謝你們每一位,通過與非政府組織、姐妹社和友儕們不斷接觸,找出我們以可持續的方式,真正落實“超越自我”的格言。
為了讓公眾更了解扶輪社,我們將製作本區的影響力報告來展示這一年來的成就。 此計劃會由RIC Yanice統籌,我們將從各分社收集有關服務數據,請各位大力支持。
祝賀DGE Keith在國際大會上完成培訓,而明年來屆地區職員和社長培訓班也將很快開始。
我相信大家知道有三名扶輪社員因感染新冠肺炎入院,現時他們都狀況良好,其中一名已經出院,祝願他們早日康復。 香港疫情正在改善,並有望進一步改善,請各位保持警惕,並繼續遵守社交距離措施。
本區健康委員會正在推廣扶輪社員、家人和朋友參加疫苗接種運動, 請各位支持此項活動,我們的目標是讓人們更了解各種疫苗的優缺點。
歡迎香港匯賢扶輪社加入扶輪3450區家族,並祝賀CP Jeannette和所有創社成員,感謝他們的母社香港都會扶輪社和顧問PDG HW Fung。
三月份扶輪主題是「水、衛生與保健」,當人們能夠獲得清潔水和衛生設施時,依水傳播的疾病就會減少,孩子們可以保持健康,並更規律地上學,從而使母親減少時間花在擕帶水事情上,騰出更多時間照顧家人。 我很高興 3450區被邀請成為墨西哥GG項目的國際合作夥伴,這也要歸功於國際主席PDG Ada和TRF主席PDG Jones的幫助。 我區將為此項目捐獻DDF 共美元13000,感謝以下分社的捐款:九龍東區扶輪社、灣仔扶輪社、蘭桂坊扶輪社、九龍中扶輪社、香港華語扶輪社、半島扶輪社和葵涌扶輪社。
在新冠疫情大流行期間,扶輪基金會在過去的一年中做了大量工作,我要感謝PDG Jones和地區基金會委員辛勤地工作,為籌集資金和幫助分社完成“地區贈款”和“全球贈款”的項目。請大家繼續支持扶輪基金會,因為我們今年的捐款將在2023/24扶輪年度使用的。