Online Academy Achievement Award – Interim Report, March 2021
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By DGN Norman Lee
Dear Rotarians,
If you have kids who are forced to attend online classes due to COVID, you will share their dreariness, but materials learned are crucial for their studies. Likewise, you may be unenthusiastic to start your online learning journey with our Online Academy curriculum, or you tried logging in but the system was slow, that’s fully understandable. But it is also lucid that Rotary knowledge plays an important role in our life of service. Do you want to know how Rotarians unite and take action to create lasting changes?
Remember, you are part of the family. Your participation contributes to your President’s District Award scores.
Please review the list of the Rotarians who has participated in Online Academy and join me to congratulate them.
There are still 5 weeks for you to catch up. Those who have not acquainted with Online Academy yet, do you have 45 minutes to kick off with Level One? I am looking forward to seeing all Rotarians to start their Online Academy journey soon.

How to join :
- Access to Rotary Learning Center :
*If you have not signed up for MyRotary, please ask your club President or Secretary to help you.*
- Take the courses
- After taking any courses, download the certificate of completion.
- Rename the certificate’s file name with the file name as follow: OA_Lev1_coursename_your name e.g. OA_Lev1_Rotary Basics_Norman Lee
- Submit your certificates by Google Form as follow :
Level 1 Submission :
Level 2 Submission :
Level 3 Submission :
Level 4 Submission :
Submission Deadline : 16 April 2021