District Rotary Foundation Committee Update
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By PDG Jones Wong
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
We hope all is well with you and your loved ones during these challenging times. Who would have thought that a year later we are still globally affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost a loved one as a result of the pandemic.
On the other hand, however, we have seen, and are continuing to see inspiring, thoughtful and heart-warming actions by Rotarians around the world helping those in their communities who need support, while at the same time Rotarians globally have shown remarkable resilience in keeping the Rotary Service alive and thriving even when, due to restrictions, in-person meetings and activities were no longer possible as usual at least for a few more months ahead.
As Rotarians you have stepped up as well by continuing your giving to THE ROTARY FOUNDATION globally, nationally and locally. We would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all the donors who have generously given to the COVID-19 Emergency Appeal, including many outstanding projects joint force with overseas Rotary District and our District D3450.
With much pleasure, please let us share a Global Grant No.GG2012683 under project title: Covid-19 pandemic humanitarian project, operating in the city of Modena, Italy, reported by PDG Kenneth Wong.
Global Grant 2012683 –
Covid-19 pandemic humanitarian project
Donation of DPI (PPE) to organizations operating in the City of Modena, Italy
Rotary humanitarian service knows no borders, this is especially relevant for rotarians amidst the onslaught of a Coronavirus pandemic which also knows no borders.
Covid-19 pandemic is seriously impacting on the health and livelihood of people from all nations on earth, so we are all in this fight together.
Rotary International- a service organization with a huge network of 1.2 million caring Rotarians around the world is well positioned to participate in this global fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.
It is clear that the wearing of good quality protective masks and enforcing stringent social distancing practices are effective means to protect human from contracting Covid- 19 infections and further spreading of the diseases.
Ever since the onset of the pandemic when the supply of protective masks was scarce, Rotarians of D3450 have been quick to react and have donated over 600,000 masks to many “Not for profit organizations” in Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia that were in desperate need of masks.
The idea of GG 2012683 to donate 230,000 (level 2 and level 3) masks for hospitals and homes for the elderly in the City of Modena, Italy emerged with a phone call from one of our long serving Rotarian who came from the City of Modena, Italy, enquiring if there were any spare masks still that our district could donate to the City of Modena where Covid-19 pandemic was rampant.
This phone call led to a series of zoom meetings with the club President and members of Rotary Club of Modena from D2072 which laid the foundation for implementing GG 2012683
The host club of this global grant is RC Modena, Italy with RC Metropolitan Hong Kong being the international partnering Rotary Club and PDG HW Fung and PP Ambrose Wong served as contacts.
This global grant is funded by D3450, D 2072 together with 8 Rotary Clubs from our district namely RC Metropolitan HK, RC Tai Po, RC of Tsuen Wan, RC of Kowloon East, RC of E club Tamar, RC of Wanchai, RC of Hong Kong South, RC of New Territories, Rotary Club of Modena D2072 and Rotary Club of Hope Island from D9640, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Contributions from the two districts and all the above-mentioned Rotary Clubs together with matching fund from the Rotary Foundation, a total of US71,000 was raised for the purchase of masks from a reputable medical mask supplier from Beijing, China.
After much effort, the shipment of 230,000 protective masks arrived the City of Modena, Italy in end February 2021 and was delivered to the City Mayor’s office for onward distributions to hospitals and homes for the elderly in Modena.
In a ceremony upon receipt of this shipment of masks, Mr. Gian Carlo Muzzarelli, Mayor of the City of Modena gave speech and press interview conveying deep gratitude on the generosity of Rotarians from D3450, D2072, D9640 and our combined efforts to fight Covid 19 pandemic.
This report cannot end without expressing our gratitude to DG Eric, District Foundation Chair PDG Jones Wong and International Service chair PDG Ada Cheng, PDG HW Fung and PP Ambrose Wong of RC Metropolitan HK for their guidance and supports throughout and Rotarians from the supporting Rotary Clubs who have donated generously towards this global grant. Together, they have personified the spirit of Rotary in serving communities near and far.
Reported by PDG Kenneth Wong