DG April Message

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We have done a lot together in the past nine months to serve our community and D3450 amidst the Pandemic. Let’s continue our momentum to enjoy serving others and fellowship.

The Rotary Ultramarathon was successfully held virtually for the very first time on 21 Mar. 2021 We had about 100 teams enrolled, even some members who could not return to Hong Kong also ran in their area. All participants had a great day to exercise and enjoyed fellowship. Our Rotaractor ran alongside with the visually impaired runners. The visually impaired runners told me that it was a rare opportunity to take part and they enjoyed it very much. The Online Carnival was held successfully with many talented performing Rotarians, Rotaractors and friends. I would like to give thanks to Chair AG Derrick and all organising committee members for their perseverance amid the Pandemic. The amount we raised came to a grand total of $280,000 to be donated to The Blind Sports Association and would be used to subsidise the visually impaired athletes training.

Another first time for District 3450 was the online concert “Rotary x Show Good Sing for Fund” held successfully on 27 Mar 2021. We had so many extremely talented singers from Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia Rotarian, Rotaractor and family members performing. It was a wonderful collaboration with Show Good. Thanks to the host clubs; Rotary Club of Kingspark HK, Rotary Club of Kai Tak, Chair District Secretary Jane, all organising team members, generous donors and all performers. Together, we raised over $400,000 in total, of which $350,000 is donated to the Food Bank of St. James and $50,000 will be donated to The Cradle of Hope Association in Macau.

April is the month of Mother and Child health, an estimated 5.9 million children under the age of five die each year because of malnutrition, inadequate health care, and poor sanitation — all of which can be prevented. Rotary provides education, immunizations, birth kits, and mobile health clinics. Women are taught how to prevent mother-to-infant HIV transmission, how to breast-feed, and how to protect themselves and their children from disease. Rotary Club of Mid Level will have a Global Grant Project to provide free breast cancer screening for women residing in New Territories.

District Blind Bowling Tournament will be held on 23 May. It will be a wonderful occasion for Rotarian to play bowling together with the visually impaired athletes.

Interota 2020 Hong Kong. Interota has been changed to a virtual one because of the pandemic. It will be held on 5th to 9th Jun 2021. Thanks to Chair Lok Chi and the organising team for their tremendous effort.

We can show support by participating and representing Hong Kong / D3450 to interact with overseas Rotarians and Rotaractors. Presently there are participants from more than 30 countries enrolled already.  The event will be interactive and have creative sessions e.g. discussion forum, cultural workshop, sharing sessions. For local participants: there will be service marathon on 8-9 June 2021 (Tue 10am to Wed 8pm). Let’s support Interota all together!



 3月21日,扶輪網上超級馬拉松上首次成功舉辦了,我們有大約有100個團隊報名參加,甚至一些不能返回香港的社員也參加了比賽,我相信所有參與者度過了美好的一天,既可鍛煉身體並享受著團契。而且我們的扶青與視力不佳的跑步者並排奔跑,有視障跑步者告訴我,這是一個難得的參加機會,他們非常喜歡。 另外,扶輪網上嘉年華也得到許多才華橫溢的扶輪社員、扶輪社和朋友們參加而成功地舉行了,我要感AG Derrick籌委主席和所有籌委會成員在疫行大流行期間的堅持不懈努力付出,最後我們籌集的資金總計達28萬,將捐贈給香港盲人體育總會,並將用於補貼視力障礙運動員的培訓。

扶輪3450區亦於3月27日成功舉行的網上音樂會“ Rotary x Show Good Sing for Fund”,我們有來自香港、澳門和蒙古的眾多才華橫溢的歌手、扶輪社友、扶青及其家人演出。 我們與Show Good單位的合作很棒,感謝主辦單位包括:港京扶輪社、啟德扶輪社、DS Jane及所有籌委會成員、慷慨的捐助者和所有表演者。我們總共籌集了超過40萬,其中35萬元將捐贈給聖雅各福群會食物銀行,另外5萬將捐贈予澳門希望之源協會

扶輪4月主題是母嬰健康,估計每年有590萬5歲以下的兒童因營養不良,醫療保健不足和衛生條件差而死亡,可惜的是所有這些問題均可預防。  扶輪國際為有需要人士提供了教育、免疫接種、初生藥盒和流動醫療診所之外,亦有教導婦女如何預防母嬰愛滋病的傳播,如何母乳喂養以及如何保護自己和子女免受疾病侵害。 半山區扶輪社將開展一項全球撥款項目,為居住在新界的婦女提供免費的乳腺癌篩查。


由於疫情關係,Interota已更改為虛擬形式,並將於2021年6月5日至9日舉行,透過Interota 2020香港,我們可以通過參與並代表3450區與海外扶輪社互動,目前已經有來自30多個國家的參與者報名參加。 該活動將是交流互動形式舉行,並具有創新性的會議,例如:討論論壇、文化研討會、分享會等等。 本地參與者將於2021年6月8日至9日(週二上午10點至週三晚上8點)舉行服務馬拉松,讓我們一起支持Interota!