DG May Message
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The Pandemic in the World is still raging on. The new cases number in India is roaring as well as the daily numbers of deaths. My DG Classmate in India is asking for help and we are going to assist them with our DDF to them. Clubs and individual donation are welcome. Thanks to our International Service Chair PDG Ada as she will help to coordinate. The Pandemic condition in Mongolia has worsened a little and is under lockdown at the moment. The vaccination rate in Hong Kong is so far quite slow. We are asking each of our Rotarians to take a short video to encourage people to vaccinate.
Congratulations to the new club Rotary Club of Gerege, UB, Mongolia! Their members are mostly former Rotaractors. Rotary Club of Gerege, UB, Mongolia have very diverse classifications including International NGOs, Engineer, Construction, Marketing, Entertainment, Education, Lawyer, Finance, Tourism, and Accountant. Their average age is about 30 (26 to 36). There are 13 Men and 8 Ladies, of which 16 are former Rotaractors. Thanks again to PDG HW, PDG Kenneth, AGs Baggi and Dammy and all Mongolia team for their effort. All the best to this new charter club! Our membership Committee continues the online Chitchat with our members, the speakers were P Bennett, P Francis, PE Eric and PE Peter and previously discussed topics on Artificial Intelligence, IPO, Computer Telephony Services and walking to the Moon.
I would like to share with you all more good news: 71 clubs have completed this years Rotary Citation, which includes all clubs of Area 4 and Area 8 having fully completed their citation. Thanks to all Presidents for leading your clubs, Assistant Governors and District Secretaries for providing advice and assistance to our Presidents.
The first ever Virtual Peace Camp was successfully held on 3rd and 4th April 2021. Thanks very much to Chair DGND Andy Li, his team, all facilitators from Rotary and Rotaract. I also wish to give thanks to Rotary Club of Braemar Hill and President Miranda invitation to the event “He” Dancing with the World on 27 April 2021. P Miranda was the Director of the show and she combined dancing with Tai Chi. This show promoted Peace and Health which is aligned with the District Focuses. There were about 1000 participants who attended the show which was performed for two days. We enjoyed the show very much and it was a very nice fellowship for all of us.
Intercity Meeting was held on 20 April, hosted by RC Hong Kong North and chaired by AG Nigel. We recognised all our generous donors including AKS, Major Donors, Paul Harris Fellows, newly admitted members of Paul Harris Society and 100% PHF clubs. Thanks to AG Nigel, AG Crystal and all organising committee for their hard work. It was the first time that we had simultaneously held an Intercity meeting having Rotarians in Hong Kong and Macau together.
The first joint online Rotary Leadership Institute with D3310 was held in Mar and April with great success. All participants had the opportunity to prepared themselves to be the club leaders and have acquired the leadership skills and Rotary knowledge. The collaboration between D3450 and D3310 is a very good opportunity to build up the alliance of the two Districts for the future. This also serves as a good opportunity for people from Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong to get together to build friendship and perhaps joint services and fellowship in the future. I would like to thank DG Mohan, PDG Philip, PDG Peter Wan, all facilitators, organising committee and technical support for all your hard work. Besides, there will be an advance RLI course and Trainer course very soon.
Congratulations to DGE Keith and his team for very successful Training events over the past two months, including District Team Training Seminar, Presidents-Elect Training Seminar and District Training Assembly. All incoming District officers, Presidents and club officers are well prepared to serve to change lives.
Thank you very much PPE Committee for organising the Tree Planting on 1 May 2021. There were about 80 people joining including Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, families and friends. It was a fruitful day, 140 trees were planted and funds raised for tree planting in Mongolia.
Late Show “Gong Ging”* is a brand new programme launched by District Rotaract this year, aiming to connect Rotaractors (and Rotarians sometimes) and showcase the different professions, talents and faces of Rotaractors! It goes on air every other Wednesday. Every time, the show invites different Rotaractors (and Rotarians) to be the speakers and the hosts. DGE Keith and I were invited as well as various Rotarians and Rotaractors to join our first online music concert and sing a song with the theme “The Firsts of Ours 我們的第一次”
Rotaract’s District Service Project – “The Visually Impaired Can Also SEE” *. Our Rotaractors initiated a 4-stage District Service Project, not only to address the practical needs of the visually impaired, but also to appreciate their abilities by making use of the volunteer network of Rotaract. The project has been carried out with great success and the *Stage 4 – “Together We Share Our View” (共享靈魂「視」窗) was held on Apr 18 to mark the closing of the project, with the efforts and achievements in previous stages showcased. The achievement are the followings: 466km run with the Visually Impaired in RHKUM, composed a theme song 《瞳行》featuring the life stories of the visually impaired elderly and Xmas workshop, cooking class, sharing, interviews, podcast, etc.
The initiative of “Rotary Serve Primary” is carrying out smoothly and will be launching a pilot run soon in roughly 10 primary schools. We have named this program “Junior Act” and “扶輪雋雅服務團”. We aim to introduce “Rotary” especially the vocational and International aspects to benefit our youth. The kick off ceremony will be held on 22 May 2021. Thanks to Chair PP Wing Leung and the team.
This year we have had 9 new Rotaract Clubs Chartered so far. Thanks to District Rotaract Chair Anita Chan and District Rotaract Representative Alan Yip for their hard work. We have the chance to meet most of their members online. Hopefully, we can meet them in person very soon.
Rotary has a long history of working with Youth, from providing scholarships, encouraging youth leadership and student exchange programs, to sponsoring youth-based service clubs. Youth Service is one of Rotary’s five official Avenues of Service. The month of May is the Rotary Youth Service Month. Let’s continue our effort to open opportunities for our youth to serve our community together.
Thank you Lion’s invitation, we had a very nice fellowship tennis with them on 25 April. There were quite a number of Rotarians joined in. Thanks PP Joseph Tang to co-ordinate.
Interota will be held virtually from 5 to 9 Jun 2021 (Sat – Wed). You can show support by participating and representing Hong Kong / D3450 by interacting with overseas Rotarians and Rotaractors as there will be participants from over 30 countries. We are going to have interactive and creative sessions e.g. discussion forums, cultural workshops, sharing sessions. Specifically for local participants;, there will be a service marathon on 8-9 June 2021 (Tue 10am to Wed 8pm).Register now @ http://bit.ly/Interota
Our District Conference will be held on 19 and 20 Jun 2021 at the Regal Airport Hong Kong. We have invited Professor Francis Chan, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, CUHK as our Guest of Honour. This year we will have a joint Conference with our Rotaractors on the second day. Our Presidents will have a very professional performance at the District Governor banquet.
新冠疫情大流行仍在肆虐,印度的新病例數以及每天的死亡人數都在激增。印度有幾位地區總監正在尋求幫助,我們將向他們分發地區指定用途基金,歡迎各社和個人捐款,亦感謝國際服務主席PDG Ada協調此事。另外,蒙古的疫情有所惡化,目前處於封鎖狀態。到目前為止,香港的疫苗接種速度很慢,我們要求每位扶輪社友拍攝一段簡短的視頻,以鼓勵人們接種疫苗。
恭喜蒙古Gerege扶輪社成立!他們的成員大多是前扶青,而且從事非常多樣化的行業,包括國際非政府組織、工程、建築、市場、娛樂、教育、金融、法律、旅遊和會計界,他們的平均年齡約為30歲(26至36歲),有13名男仕和8名女仕,其中16名是前扶青。再次感謝前地區總監馮興宏,王國林、地區助理總監 Baggi和Dammy以及全體蒙古團隊的努力,並祝新社社務興隆!我們的會員事務委員會繼續與我們的會員進行在線聊天活動,演講者是P Bennett,P Francis,PE Eric和PE Peter,他們談論題材包括人工智能、IPO、計算機電話服務以及月球漫步等等。
首屆虛擬和平夏令營於4月3日至4日成功舉行,非常感謝DGND主席Andy Li和他的團隊、以及來自扶輪社和扶青團的所有主持人。感謝寶馬山扶輪社和社長Miranda邀請參加2021年4月27日與世界共舞的“他”與世界共舞,P Miranda是該節目的導演,她更特創太極拳與跳舞混合表演,該節目更提倡“和平與健康”,並與本區服務重點保持一致。在為期兩天的展會中,大約有1000名參與者,我們非常喜歡看到所有人有著美好的相交。
埠際會議已於4月20日舉行,由香港北扶輪社統籌和助理總監Nigel主持,我們表揚所有慷慨捐助者的貢獻,包括AKS、Major Donor、Paul Harris Fellows和Paul Harris學會的新成員和100%PHF分社。感謝AG Nigel、AG Crystal和所有組委會的辛勤工作,這是我們第一次成功同步舉行香港和澳門扶輪社城際會議。
首個與3310區聯合的在線扶輪領袖學院分別於3月和4月舉行,取得了巨大的成功,相信所有參與者經過這訓練獲得了領導技能和扶輪知識,將會成為扶輪未來領導。3450 和3310地區之間的合作是一個很好的機會,可以在將來建立兩個地區的聯盟。對於來自新加坡、馬來西亞和香港的人們來說,這也是一個很好的機會,我們可以建立友誼,甚至將來可以建立聯合服務和交流活動。我要感謝3310地區總監我行Mohan、前總監Philip Chong,前總監Peter Wan、所有主持人、籌備委員會和技術人員的辛勤工作。此外,很快就會有扶輪領袖學院高級課程和培訓師課程。
Late Show“ Gong Ging” *是扶青地區今年推出的一項全新計劃,旨在聯繫扶青(有時包括扶輪社友),並展示扶青的不同專業、才能和面孔,每隔星期三播出一次。每次節目都邀請不同的扶青和社友作為演講者和主持人。 DGE Keith和我及其他社友均受邀參加了我們的首場在線音樂演唱會,並演唱了主題為“我們的第一次”的歌曲。
扶青地區服務項目之“視力障礙者也可以看到” 是由扶青們發起了一個四階段的地區服務項目,不僅要解決視障人士的實際需求,而且要通過使用扶青志願者網絡來欣賞他們的能力,該項目取得了巨大的成功,並且在第4階段閉幕禮以“共享靈魂「視」窗”(Together We Share Our View)作為該項目的結束,並展示了先前階段的努力和成就,例如在扶輪香港超級馬拉松與視障人士一起跑了466公里、創作了主題曲《瞳行》講述了視障老人和聖誕節工作坊的生活故事、烹飪課、分享、訪談、播客等等。
“扶輪為小學服務”的計劃正在順利進行,我們將在約10所小學開展試點活動,並命名為“Junior Act”和“扶輪雋雅服務團”。我們旨在介紹扶輪社,特別是在職場和國際層面,以造福我們的青年,揭幕儀式將於5月22日舉行,感謝主席PP Wing Leung及其團隊籌辦此事。
今年到目前為止,我們已經創立了9個扶青社,感謝地區扶青主席Anita Chan和地區扶青代表Alan Yip的辛勤工作。我們有機會在線與他們的大多數會員見面,希望我們能很快與他們實體見面。
謝謝香港獅子會的邀請,我們在4月25日與他們進行了非常愉快的網球友誼賽,有很多扶輪社員參加,感謝PP Joesph Tang的協調安排。