DG July Message
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Serve to Change Lives
It’s indeed my honor to be the District Governor of Rotary International District 3450 and to serve all Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors and Junioractors. I am glad that our family grows stronger and would like to send my warmest welcome to Junioractors.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Immediate Past District Governor, Dr. Eric Chak and his elite District Officer team for driving the District to Open Opportunities in the Rotary Year 2020-21.
2020 was a tough year. Physical meetings were reduced and many social projects were called off. The COVID-19 pandemic has almost brought all activities to a standstill. Some feel like walking on a treadmill, but I am urging all to take this opportunity to ponder, to reflect, and most importantly, to care about the people around us. There is an old Chinese saying: “Love others’ elderly as you would love your own; Care about others’ children as you would care about your own.” When you love, when you care, eventually you will be more than willing to serve. RI President Shekhar Mehta has adopted “Serve to Change Lives” to be the theme of RY2021-22. Service to others can be the rent you pay for your room here on earth. It is not only about what the beneficiaries receive, but also what we can give. We change others’ lives by serving them, and our lives are changed then as well. So, the true meaning of our theme is “Serve to Change Lives – the lives of you and me.”
Membership growth has always been our core focus. RI President Shekhar emphasizes that we shall grow our club via “Each One Brings One.” For the new “One,” it is not a must to be a chartered member. Headcount should be the last thing we care about. What we highlight should be the heart counts. We do more to grow more; and in turn, we grow more to do more. If the core values of Rotary are introduced to our family, friends and business partners, our network would radiate to a double, triple or even more. This can meet our ultimate goal: gaining a stable and sustainable growth.
At this challenging time, we have to endeavour more to adapt to the ever-changing situation. Initiative, creativity, sensitivity are essential criteria to identify new approaches. The District CSR team is set up to identify more potential service partners. Meanwhile, our service partners (if applicable) would also offer training posts to youths such as Rotaractors and Interactors. Service is not a one-way channel. Together, we can build up a unique but diversified network, covering aspects such as CSR, Youth, PI as well as our Seven Areas of Focus, etc.
Rotarians are “People of Action.” Our physical action may be bounded by the pandemic situation, but our dedication to Service Above Self has never been restricted. A vision without a plan is only a wish. I am sharing the vision with you and I am sincerely urging you to take action now. We have Opened Opportunities over last Rotary Year and it’s time for every one of District 3450 to Serve to Change Lives.
2021-22地區總監 周基業
2020年困難重重。鑑於疫情關係,減少了實體會議,許多社會服務相繼取消。新冠肺炎疫情幾乎令所有服務暫緩。或許有些扶輪社友認為過往一年在原地踏步,但我敦促各位趁此機會思考、反思,並關懷身邊的人。「老吾老以及人之老;幼吾幼以及人之幼。」若人人能安老懷少、推己及人,自然而然便會衍生服務他人的動力。國際扶輪社長Shekhar以「以服務改善人生」(Serve to Change Lives) 為2021-22扶輪年度的主題。服務是每個人於世上為其所佔用的一切而繳交的租金。受惠的並不局限於接受服務的人士,提供服務的我們同時亦可從中得益。我們以服務改善他人人生時,自身的生命亦會相應改變。故此,今年主題的真正意義是:「以服務改善人生— 服務雙方相互得益」。
社員增長一直是扶輪社的核心焦點。國際扶輪社長Shekhar強調我們必須「以一帶一」(Each One Brings One)。務請留意,新進的「一」員並不一定是正式加入的社員。人數絕非重點,我們的着眼點應為服務的心。我們致力做得更多、發展更大;從而引伸至發展更大、做得更多。努力宣揚扶輪的核心思想,讓我們的家人、朋友和業務夥伴認識扶輪,我們的網絡拓展將無可限量。我們的最終的目標是:社員人數達致可持續的穩定增長。