District Membership Committee
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By PDG/CP Eric Chin, RC of HK North Point
District Membership Seminar was successfully conducted on 24th July attended by 135 Rotarians from 67 Clubs. The Seminar was opened by DG Keith Chow and joined by RI Director Surgeon Liu delivering his address via zoom to all participants including ARC PDG YC Ho and 5 other PDGs and our future leaders, DGE and DGN.
There were experience sharing by Charter Presidents and Presidents who have excelled in Club growth, Member Retention and on Setting-up Satellite and Rotary Clubs, coupled with discussions and more brainstorming on the topics. The District Membership Committee introduced 3 online forms: Health Check Questionnaire, Satisfaction Survey and Exit Interview that help Presidents to better understand their Clubs. Channels and commitments are established that Club Ps will work together with DM Committee to grow D3450!!
As of Aug 1st, there is an increase of 64 new members with 42 of them inducted during District Installation on July 10,and the chartering of a Satellite Club, RSC of HK North Point Entrepreneur. Unfortunately, RC of Baruunzam was terminated by RI because of lagging in due payment but possibilities of reactivating the Club is being explored. As a result, D3450 has now 107 Clubs with total membership of 2599.
Upcoming Events to LOOK OUT for, details to follow:
New Member Orientation:
2021: September 11 (Saturday) 10 am – 1 pm; and November 16 (Tuesday) 7 – 10 pm
2022: January 8 (Saturday) 2:30 – 5:30 pm; and March 5 (Tuesday) 7 – 10 pm
Friday Happy Hour 6 – 8 pm:
2021: October 22 and December 3;
2022: February 25 and April 22
The much sought-after CP Academy is relaunching in September with training and dinner meeting once a month; participation is ‘By Invitations Only’. Enquiries can be directed to: Chair PDG CP Eric Chin [drericchinsk@gmail.com] or Deputy Chair CP Jimmy Lau.
August is Membership Month!!!
Membership Drive Incentives
- Charter a New Club, HK$ 8000 (US$1,000)
- Induct a New Member, HK$1,500 (US$188) for those aged 35 or under, or a Female
- Induct a New member, aged 35 above, HK$ 1,000 (US$188)
Conditions apply, please check District Membership Committee for details
Reporting New Members: Please use this link: https://forms.gle/fWwSKkcKZ1DhEYCP6 to report online any new members inducted; don’t forget to upload an induction photo for PI. For any enquires please contact CP Alvin Lam: ‘alvin.lam@rotaryinnovation.org’.