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By PDG Belinda Yeung, JP, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour

District Installation – 10 July

District Installation (“DI”) was successfully held on 10 July. I would like to congratulate DG Keith and his leadership team for taking us to a new journey and leading us to another year of success! The DI was a great start as there were so many exciting news being announced regarding our members’ commitment to donate to The Rotary Foundation.

President Samuel Poon from Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour announced a large pledge of US$250,000 as the Club’s 35th Anniversary Endowment Fund in DI. The investment earnings from the Endowment Fund are to be designated perpetually and solely for scholarships in Rotary District 3450.

The large Pledge by Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour – “Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour 35th Anniversary Endowment Fund”

Big thanks for Rotarians’ support in contributing early to The Rotary Foundation. Over 30 Rotary Clubs from 12 Areas have already made commitment to designate donation to Annual Fund, Endowment Fund and End Polio. I’m confident that more donors will show their favorable support in the coming months.

TRF Commitment by District Officers and Club Presidents in DI

Recognition LevelNumber of committed donors
Rotary Watch25
Paul Harris Fellow39
Major Donor Level 15
Major Donor Level 25

What is Arch Klumph Society?

Named after the sixth president of Rotary, the Arch Klumph Society (AKS) was established to acknowledge and recognize The Rotary Foundation’s highest tier of donors — those who have contributed US$250,000 or more during their lifetime.

Arch Klumph Society Members

AKS Foundation Circle Member

CP Patrick Poon

Rotary Club:   Hong Kong Harbour

Year chartered the club:   1986

AKS member since:    August 2018

Estimated amount donated:  > US$1M

1.I know that you have been an AKS member since 2018, why did you donate to the Rotary Foundation?

“I have put my heart and soul in Rotary for the past   30 years and I believe Rotary International is one of   the strongest organizations which truly do good to the world.”

“I fully trust the fund being donated to The Rotary   Foundation will be spent wisely on projects that will   support people from all walks of life.”

2.What do you want to share with our Rotarians in supporting The Rotary Foundation?

“Let’s uphold the Rotary spirit and gather our   resources in helping others around the globe. I   learned and gained a lot from Rotary and it’s time to give back!”

“We should not live for ourselves alone, but for the joy in doing good for others.”

– Arch C. Klumph, 1929


•A highly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5

•Although there is no cure, there is a safe and effective vaccine – one which Rotary and our partners have used to immunize over 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries since 1988

•We have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide and we won’t stop until we end the disease for good


Support the fight to end polio and take pride in participating Rotary’s End Polio Now !

Mark Your Diary

  • 25 Aug 2021 – Online Grant Management Seminar (Zoom)
  • 6 September 2021 – District Grant Project Submission Deadline
  • 6 November 2021 – End Polio Walk & End Polio Carnival
  • 27 November 2021 – District Foundation Seminar/ Grant Management Seminar
  • 19 April 2022 – Paul Harris Society Event