2021-2022 District Vocational Service Committee (DVSC)
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By PP Raymond Fan, Rotary Club of Kai Tak
For 2021-2022, the DVSC will arrange a series of activities to execute DG Keith Chow’s vision “to create and open opportunities for youngsters through vocational services”.
A brief description of the planned tasks / events are highlighted below:
A. Rotary Job Market (https://www.rotaryjobmarket.com/)
Rotary Job Market is a platform created for all Rotarians and Rotaractors to post or find jobs in District 3450. Various types of vocational opportunities included full time, part time, freelance and internship jobs are welcomed. Rotarians are encouraged to upload vacant post(s) to be recruited on the above website. Rotaractors are invited to search and apply for jobs suitable for them. For any query, please feel free to send email to D3450.vocational.2122@gmail.com

B. Serve to Change Lives for Youth of Differences (YOD) and Special Educational Needs (SEN): a film appreciation activity cum Launch Ceremony
The YOD and SEN theme for this Rotary Year is “扶輪多元青年開啟人生”, with an aim to serve to change lives for YOD and SEN. With the collaboration of We for All, we aim to encourage Rotarians and Rotaractors to be equal opportunity employers and commit to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. A film appreciation activity on “媽媽,我有一條了不起的神經!”cum launch ceremony will be held in the afternoon of 9 October 2021 to kick start the dialogue. A series of programmes will be planned for the upcoming months. For any query please feel free to send email to ng.winnie@rogers.com to contact PP Winnie Ng.
C. Vocational Visit to CIC BIM Space
A vocational visit to the Construction Industry Council Building Information Modelling Space is under liaison work. Since Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a new trend in the construction industry, it is an opportunity for Rotarians to equip a bit on what is BIM, understand its latest technology and showcase its application while interactors can understand more on BIM before making a career choice in the future. Anyone who has an interest to arrange more visits can contact PP Sally LEUNG at sally.leung@gmail.com
D. Vocational Visit to Cyberport
A vocational visit (co-hosted by Rotary Club of Kowloon North and Rotary Club of Golden Bauhinia HK) for the Hub HK children (age 9-14) in Shamshuipo district to Cyberport in the morning of 24 Aug 2021. The children will have a chance to learn what is fin tech, e-sport, e-commerce and smart technology. More tours to Cyberport will be conducted in the upcoming months to let youngsters and children understand more on latest market trend and technology before making a career choice in the future. Any Rotarian who want to arrange more tour can contact P Raymond YEUNG at raymondyeung@riverland.com.hk / IPP Francis CHAN at neofc668@yahoo.com.hk
E. Vocational Visit to Budweiser
A vocational visit to Budweiser is under liaison work. Visitors will have an opportunity to understand the logistics arrangements of Budweiser. Details will be announced in due course. Any person who wants to arrange a visit, please contact PP Daniel CHUN at daniel@gailyjewellery.com