DG October Message

DG October Message

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Greetings to my Fellow Rotarians

DG Visits

It has been another very busy month, with an even busier one ahead. In September, it was my honour and pleasure to make DG visits to 47 clubs. In the coming month, I plan to visit another 53 clubs.

It’s always enjoyable to spend time with fellow Rotarians and to hear their views on subjects pertaining to Rotary plans and activities, as well as more general topics.  We hope that my visit with the clubs members to have a better understanding of the District Goal of the year, hence their projects would be on the focus of issues that would bring more of our resource to serve the community and people. 

Organ Donation

Rotary Organ Donation Promotion Campaign Launching Ceremony was carried out very successfully during the past month.

This is a very important Rotary project which aims to raise the awareness of both Rotarians and society in general of the importance of organ donation.

Organ donation is critically important to save lives as well to improve the quality of life of many patients suffering from a wide variety of serious medical problems. This, of course, benefits not only the victims of disease and accident, but also greatly benefits their families as well. We hope and expect that Rotarians will give this project their full support, for the benefit of the whole community, in the true spirit of Rotary.

The short film-making competition is now being organised to run throughout the coming few months.   We also have the competition of clubs having the most newly registered organ donor, to encourage our caring Rotarian to register as well as bringing friends, family and colleague to register in the government organ donor website.   By the end of March, we would calculate which clubs have the most registered organ donor, as well as which area have the highest of the number. 

Rotaract installation completed

Rotaract Installation event was held on 22 September 2021, and presented the year’s Rotaract theme, Temper us in fire, and grow stronger, namely, to enlighten young adults and equip themselves as the future leaders of Rotary and the community in general.  We advocate that young people would develop a sense of community service and aware of their contribution could benefit the people in society.  As Rotarian, we could be their mentor and built up a force of service for the betterment of the society in years to come.

Rotaractors are becoming an ever-greater driving force in Rotary’s efforts at renewal and rejuvenation, and our search for fresh ideas and new energy.

It is our hope that all clubs will work together to cooperate with and welcome our future leaders.

RIC premises expansion

Our current RIC premises were founded in 1981, with a gross square footage of 1,279 sf, comprising 1 conference room, one administrative office room with 5 seats for staff. At the time, this cost HK$600,000 (made up of a District Surplus of HK$150,000 plus additions from 23 HK & Macau Clubs and Rotarian Individual Benefactors).

Since then, from 1985 to 2021, D3450 has grown from 23 clubs to 90 clubs (HK & Macau, with administrative functions growing correspondingly.   The present premise is simply not adequate to share the expanded number of clubs and also could help to facilitate more options for our Rotaract.  This is an investment for the District not only with pressing needs, but for anticipating future demand. 

The planned facility expansion aims to provide the following new resources for Rotary’s continued growth:

  • To make a small Rotary library, displaying the growing path of RI D3450
  • To provide greater support to Rotary/Rotarians
  • To offer a more usable and efficient space for the RIC team
  • To expand general space, in particular increasing the conference room areas to accommodate over 70 people
  • To offer spaces for Rotaract Clubs to meet with the assistance of and under the auspices of the RIC
  • To create an office for the DG (if possible)

A Task Force has been set up to investigate the feasibility of these expansion plans and investigate options.

All are welcomed to join the consultation Session (Section 1 & 2)

(either at RIC or via Zoom) as per the schedule below.

Your ideas and comments are most welcome in the Consultation Sessions, or in writing by email to ricexpansion@gmail.com on or before the commencement of the Consultation Session.

October – Events to join

1. End Polio Day – 6 Nov 2021

This event will start with the

End Polio Walk

Time: Start at your choice – 1:30pm, 6 November 2021
Venue:  Start: Wherever you think fit                

End: Science Park – W12 Grand Plaza

This will be followed by the

– End Polio Carnival

Opening Ceremony: 2:00-3:00pm
Art & Game Booth: 3:00-5:00pm
Venue: Science Park – W12 Grand Plaza

2. CPR/ AED Education Project – 13 Nov 2021

Time: 09:00-11:30

Venue: Grand Hall, Hong Kong Playground Association







2021-22扶輪年度地區扶青社交職典禮已於2021年9月22日 圓滿結束。本年度的主題為「薪傳」,意謂承傳過去,薪火相傳,與扶青社共同成長。期待各扶輪社可為年青人提供更多的機遇,鼓勵年青人提出、籌備、推行活動,支持並協助他們進行活動推廣,引導他們成為未來的扶輪領䄂。特此謹代表3450地區歡迎新一屆的扶青地區領袖及各扶青社社長及社幹事,他們將是扶輪的未來動力來源。




  • 小型扶輪資料館 – 展示國際扶輪3450 地區的發展歴程
  • 可容納70人的會議室 – 為扶輪社友及扶青社友提供合適的會議場地
  • 總監工作室– 方便地區總監處理地區事務
  • 更大的工作空間 – 為職員提供更舒適的工作環境





時間: 自由選擇開始時間至下午一時三十分



終點: 科學園- W12 大樓地面廣場




地點: 科學園- W12 大樓地面廣場

2. 心肺復蘇法/自動體外除顫器 教育項目2021年11月13日


地點:香港遊樂場協會 大禮堂