District Membership Committee Report
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By Chair PDG/CP Eric Chin & PP Eliza Fan
With less than 50 days before the end of 2021, it is time to take tally and go full strengthen; Be actively mindful of this year’s Membership Theme: Each One Bring One! Act upon it by actively searching for people of the like minds to bring into your Club, into D3450 and to Rotary!
Calling ALL Club Membership Chairs to Launch the 2nd Wave of MEMBERSHIP DRIVE AND RETENTION initiatives!!! Please click the following google form link to see all the latest membership tactics, promotion materials: https://forms.gle/H4LTJdryHHN8zVsE6; or Contact CP Alvin Lam @ AlvinLam@RotaryInnovation.org if you have any questions.
All Presidents and Membership Chairs do not forget to claim the Membership Drive Incentive under the following guidelines:
- Induct a new member, And
- The New member Must Register and Opens an account @My Rotary
- $1,500 for New member who is: Female, aged 35 or under (Quota, first 110 members)
- $1,000 for New member who is over age 35 (Quota, first 100 members)
- $8,000 for chartering a New Club
- Report online new member(s) inducted @ https://forms.gle/fWwSKkcKZ1DhEYCP6, Please note, Incentives to be awarded in two phases: End of December 2021 and end of June 2022
With everyone’s effort, District Membership Committee is pleased to report that as of Oct 2021:
- There are 107 Clubs in D3450 with 2,680 members
- A net increase of 27 New members over September
- Clubs with Under 20 Members dropped to 36, with RC of Ulaanbaatar Sky removed from the list
The following Events were held with great successes:
- On 19Oct, ‘Happy Hour for New Members’ was attended by 35 new Rotarians from 20 Clubs

2. On 26th Oct, CP Academy – Second Session

Events in November to look out for:

Rotarians from different clubs will meet and enjoy talks to deepen understanding into Rotary followed by a mini-group work. Please register and we look forward seeing you in the evening of 16 November 2021 (Tuesday).
Venue: 14/F Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, HK
Date: 16 November 2021 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Language: Cantonese
Fee: HK$150 pay on site
Enrol: https://forms.gle/HCH2GGfCnKXjasR37
District Membership Seminar – Mongolia (Areas 9 & 10)
Date : 20 November, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 10 am – 1 pm
Language : Mongolian and English
Hybrid Zoom between Hong Kong and Mongolia

D3450 has 300 Registrants to the Rotary Presidential Conference exceeding the target by 115% as set by OC Manila! There are total of 7 Clubs (5 in HK and 2 in Mongolia) that have achieved 100% registrations and are awarded:

Calling All Club Presidents to register their Rotaractors to register as registration fees sponsored by District for the first 200 Rotaractors, deadline extended to 15 November. Please contact Youth Chair Menza Chu or DRC Henry Wong, DRR Luffy Chan for details.
Remember to tune in on 26th Nov with the opening and sessions with D3450 members sharing throughout the conference! There are speakers and moderators from D3450 as follows:

Meet you All online for the Conference!
New Member Corner:
More New Members inducted in July and August with Photos uploaded: