DG April Message
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District Issue:
As we are approaching the last few months of my Governorship, I and our district officers are still busy with current events and organizing others to be held during the rest of this Rotary year as well as in the upcoming Rotary Year.
Unfortunately, due to the need for social distancing measures, some of our major events, which many of our dedicated leaders have been working on tirelessly, have had to be re-scheduled until the later part of the year in 2022. These include events such as the Rotary Hong Kong Ultra-marathon and Rotary Service Day, which have now been moved to December, 2022. Even though the dates have been moved, we have certainly never lost our enthusiasm for these popular district events and to ensure their successful annual realization. These events involve a great deal of preparation and many hours of dedicated effort by many of our fellow Rotarians. They are intended to bring occasions of enjoyment to our members and visitors, while also giving us the opportunity to raise money for, and awareness of, the many important activities Rotary performs within the community. They further aim to illustrate the essence of our yearly theme, that We Serve to Change Lives, in spite of the adversity of the pandemic which has affected every one of us, as well as the people in the wider community.
It is the 9th month of RY2021-22. While we are striving to ‘Serve to Change Lives’, the incoming District Governor Norman Lee and his team are preparing for the next year’s theme of “Imagine Rotary”. The DTTS and PETS were hosted in March virtually. All the PE and incoming district officers are participating in these training programs without any hurdles, and I am glad so many of you have been demonstrating such keen involvement. It is an unusual situation to have only virtual meetings, yet it clearly hasn’t diminished enthusiasm or lessened the effectiveness of the core training, preparing our future leaders for their new roles.
Disaster Relief Fund
As I discussed previously, the pandemic has hit the low income sectors of Hong Kong’s population quite severely. We are proud that our District Disaster Relief Fund responded by targeting those who are facing financial difficulties and hardship, particularly with those many people who are barely making ends meet. 9 out of 12 Areas took immediate action. They joined hands with service partners such as The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council; GO Ultimate United; SoCO and other Non-Government Organizations to execute their Joint-Club Projects, giving aid to the targeted groups of people.
These projects involved delivering Covid-19 protection kits, preventive gear and food coupons to underprivileged families, while the members of some other clubs offered tutorial classes and activities to students affected by the pandemic.
As the situation was urgent, some projects were completed rapidly. 3 Areas having completed their work, their members then began sharing both funding and contacts with other Areas in order to enlarge the impact of the projects and reach out to more people.
I also joined our Rotarians to deliver such materials. It was a shocking experience for me, during the visits to subdivided ‘flats’ and ‘cage-homes’ in Sham Shui Po with Area 3 Rotarians, to witness the dreadful accommodations and environment of these people, forced by poverty to live in squalid partitioned rooms or in roof-top tin huts. It was a humbling occasion, for myself and for all of us who have never before experienced such places and the awful effects, not just of the pandemic, but of poverty in general.
Many of us could never imagine how tough life is living in such unthinkable conditions, let alone during the grave COVID-19 situation. I urge every one of us to be more grounded and aware of the needs and calls from these people in the community, and to put our spirit of serving into real and concrete actions, continuously and without hesitation. Our members’ resources can surely bring at least a little relief to these people. And I wish that, in the future, we will never waver in undertaking any projects or actions which present opportunities for Rotarians to help these people and the NGOs which serve the community so selflessly. We should never ignore the extreme poverty which exists in our community, even though we might not witness it in our immediate circle. My experience in these Rotary projects has certainly served as a wake up call for me, and I know for many other Rotarians, and I ardently hope that all leaders and club presidents will continue to address these urgent issues with their upcoming projects. After all, we, as Rotarians, have made the pledge to give back to society and certainly most of us have acquired sufficient wealth and expertise to be able to materially assist in bringing betterment to those in extreme poverty, rather than always relying solely on the government. Every action could bring light in dark times to those in need, and that brings light into our own lives as well. Be the light to the community as we serve to change lives.
AREA | Number of Club Involved | Project Name | Total Expenditure (HKD) |
1 | 8 | 友商有糧 | 112,000 |
2 | 9 | Supplies to elderly via The NAAC | 221,238 |
3 | 7 | Pandemic Relief for Ultimate United / SoCo | 40,400 |
4 | 10 | 糧朋好友 | 290,400 |
6 | 11 | Anti-COVID campaign by Area 6, Rotary District 3450 | 214,000 |
7 | 2 | Donation of facemask to children with disabilities and their families | 43,680 |
7 | 7 | 健康傳耆顯愛心 | 118,000 |
9 | 8 | Opportunity for the elementary school student from grade 1 impacted by COVID-19 | 25,350 |
10 | 1 | Support children affected by Covid19 | 21,840 |
11 | 8 | Rotary Love Lights the World Holiday Activities | 52,240 |
12 | 6 | Amity Foundation | 70,000 |
Establishment of Satellite Clubs
Our District has done an excellent job in fulfilling our goal of introducing prospective new members. As of March 2022, seven Satellite Clubs were established this Rotary Year, recruiting 64 new members into our family. Counting the new enterers, District 3450 has ten Satellite Clubs in total. Below is the list of newly established Satellite Clubs:
Satellite Club | Mother Club |
Rotary Satellite Club of Hong Kong North Point – Entrepreneur | Rotary Club of Hong Kong North Point |
Rotary Satellite Club of Star Avenue – The Discovery | Rotary Club of Star Avenue |
Rotary Satellite Club of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area – Elite Athletes | Rotary Club of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area |
Rotary Satellite Club of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area – Hengqin | Rotary Club of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area |
Rotary Satellite Club of Abacus Hong Kong – Guangdong | Rotary Club of Abacus Hong Kong |
Rotary Satellite Club of Ability Hong Kong – Aspiration | Rotary Club of Ability Hong Kong |
Rotary Satellite Club of Hong Kong Financial Centre – Global Interaction | Rotary Club of Hong Kong Financial Centre |
Chartering a Satellite Club is the first step to Service Above Self. Thank you all the mother clubs for identifying new members. We truly appreciate the dedication of our Membership Committee Chair PDG Eric Chin and CP Jimmy Lau for guiding and monitoring new clubs. We Serve to Change Lives.
World Rotaract Week 2022 Music Show
The show themed 扶青幻想曲 was completed successfully on 13th March. The program included invited celebrities giving performances, as well as Rotaractors holding their own Live Show during the event. As part of the program, they interviewed KOL about insights and tips on how to be a competent Key Opinion Leader. Money was also raised by selling local brand products, with proceeds going to local youth service organizations.
Rotary blood donation day
The event was held on 6 March. We were honored to have Rocky Cheng Kin Lok 鄭健樂, Master Kim Ip葉文龍師傅 and Ng Lok Man Monica吳洛汶 to be our guests who joined us to be part of the ‘saving life’ team. More than 20 Rotarians and their family members and friends donated blood on that day. To comply with social distancing measures, Rotarians are encouraged to donate blood individually or in small groups. Please remember to declare to the Hong Kong Red Cross that your kind gesture is responding to the District’s call, and your blood donating occasions will be counted under Rotary District 3450. Awards will be given to clubs with outstanding outcomes, as well as first-time donors being recognised.
Since the outbreak of the 5th wave of COVID-19, many members of the public are ineligible for blood donation. So please do not hesitate if you are healthy and suitable for blood donation – it is currently more urgent than ever. And also please don’t forget to make a reservation to avoid crowdedness. Stay healthy and safe.
Memory Gift Award Announcement
Third Rotary Microfiction Competition for secondary school students
26 March
This is the third year of the Rotary Hong Kong Microfiction Competition. In the first year, the theme focused on the joy and challenges of dementia seniors. The group of participants had the chance to listen to the elderly talking of their life lessons and sharing the wisdom gleaned from their life’s journey. This year, all the participating students were encouraged to think about their approach to their own futures while re-considering their respect for the elderly and their contribution to the society. The theme of the project is an integration of the previous two years, comprising the topic “Snapshots of Life of a Dementia Senior and His/Her Carer”, showing the hardship of the carer in taking care of those with dementia. The competition was organized by Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong and Rotary Club of SoHo Hong Kong and supported by service partners. The project is meaningful as we hope to link up the different generations as well as creating awareness of the daunting difficulties confronting dementia patients and their families, exacerbated by our fast growing aged population.
Learn more at: https://www.rotary-memory-gift.com
Area of March – Area 1
Area 1 has gained considerable exposure in various forms of media coverage, showcasing to the community how we Rotarians are serving the broader community. Feel free to learn more about our fellow Rotarians in Macau from the links below.
Macao daily post (英文)
時光飛逝,2021/2022 的扶輪年度已經度過九個月光景。正當我們努力實踐以服務改善人生的年度使命時,來屆地區總監李德利及其團隊已經為想像扶輪而積極籌備中,地區團體訓練研習會及社長當選人訓練研習會已經以視像會議的形式,在三月份內完成。
由地區因應疫情而倡議的地域特別服務項目已一一推行,援助主要對象是在「疫境」中遭遇財務上困難的草根市民。3450地區12個地域中,9個地域及時響應。他們與鄰舍輔導會、非政府組織的非營利機構、香港社區組織協會等服務夥伴携手合作,協助基層市民。服務項目多元化,包括為草根階層提供防疫包、食物券等;亦有為受疫情影響的同學提供學習輔導班、支持身心健康的活動班等。各社皆深明急人所急的重要性,在時間緊迫的情況下籌備整個項目,並一一推行。其餘3個地域非常慷慨地將地區支援的款轉贈予其他地域,務求讓項目發揮更大的效益。我受邀與扶輪社友們亦身體力行,當我與第三地域的扶輪社友們一起走訪深水埗區的劏房房及籠屋戶,所見的情況叫我心有戚戚。我們難以想像在此刻嚴峻的Covid-19 疫情下,他們所面對的生活困難竟是如此艱鉅。特此向各位作出呼籲,我們必須提高洞察力,易地而處為受助人設想,回應來自不同階層、各方組群的求助呼喚。
AREA | Number of Club Involved | Project Name | Total Expenditure (HKD) |
1 | 8 | 友商有糧 | 112,000 |
2 | 9 | Supplies to elderly via The NAAC | 221,238 |
3 | 7 | Pandemic Relief for Ultimate United / SoCo | 40,400 |
4 | 10 | 糧朋好友 | 290,400 |
6 | 11 | Anti-COVID campaign by Area 6, Rotary District 3450 | 214,000 |
7 | 2 | Donation of facemask to children with disabilities and their families | 43,680 |
7 | 7 | 健康傳耆顯愛心 | 118,000 |
9 | 8 | Opportunity for the elementary school student from grade 1 impacted by COVID-19 | 25,350 |
10 | 1 | Support children affected by Covid19 | 21,840 |
11 | 8 | Rotary Love Lights the World Holiday Activities | 52,240 |
12 | 6 | Amity Foundation | 70,000 |
衞星扶輪社 | 母社 |
香港北角創業家衛星扶輪社 | 香港北角扶輪社 |
星光大道聚賢途衞星扶輪社 | 星光大道扶輪社 |
粵港澳大灣區傑出運動員衞星扶輪社 | 粵港澳大灣區扶輪社 |
粵港澳大灣區橫琴衞星扶輪社 | 粵港澳大灣區扶輪社 |
香港精算廣東衛星扶輪社 | 香港精算扶輪社 |
香港精英香港精神衞星扶輪社 | 香港精英扶輪社 |
香港金融中心環球互動衞星扶輪社 | 香港金融中心扶輪社 |
超我服務的千里之行,始於創立衛星扶輪社,我感謝所有創立衞星扶輪社的扶輪母社致力引入新社員。我對地區社員發展主席錢樹楷前區總監及創社社長Jimmy Lau 表達衷心謝意,他們在指導及監察新社的成立上貢獻良多。我們一起以服務改善人生,其樂何似。
3月13 日成功舉辦以扶青幻想曲為主題的音樂會。除邀請全民造星參賽者作表演嘉賓外,扶青們親自粉墨登作表演。他們專訪意見領袖,向他們取經,探討如何能成為一位出色的意見領袖。同時進行品牌銷售,為本地青年服務機構籌款。
由於Covid-19 第五波的爆發,不少市民大衆因自身或家人受感染而未能符合捐血條件;故假如大家身體健康並符合捐血的條件,敬請踴躍捐血。為避免擠擁,期作預約。祝願大家安全健康。
Macao daily post (英文)