Rotary International District 3450 supporting Cyberport Career Fair 2022 for the Youth Vocational Service with Innovation & Technology industry 國際扶輪 3450地區支持數碼港互動招聘博覽2022推動青年創科職業服務
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Article provided by Immediate Past President Francis Chan of Rotary Club of New Territories 由新界扶輪社剛卸任社長陳志雄供稿
Rotary International District 3450 joined the Cyberport Enterprise Network back in June 2021 to further enhance collaboration between Rotary and Cyberport, particularly over youth service, vocational service with Information & Technology (I&T) industry and sustainability development. This has led to the final and award ceremony of “CO-CREATE SMART PARK CHALLENGE 2021-22 CALL FOR DESIGN PROPOSALS” competition held as a key activity in the three-day Cyberport Career Fair 2022. In addition, Rotary International District 3450 supported the fair by posting I&T jobs from Rotary’s job market platform, namely “RotaryJobMarket” (, to the virtual platform of Cyberport Career Fair 2022. Young talents can then view job openings offered by I&T industry leaders from Rotary at the Cyberport Career Fair 2022, featuring elements of “Metaverse”, over 1,000 job seekers and over 1,500 job openings from more than 150 companies. During the fair, various recruitment talks and career forums led by industry leaders, I&T pioneers, and young talents were also held to prepare young job seekers to enter the I&T sector.
國際扶輪 3450 地區於2021 年 6 月加入了數碼港企業網絡,以進一步加強扶輪與數碼港之間的合作,特別是在青年服務、創新科技 (I&T) 行業的職業服務和可持續發展等方面的合作,因此國際扶輪 3450 地區與數碼港合辦的「構建智能公園」決賽和頒獎典禮特別安排在數碼港互動招聘博覽2022期間舉行並為重點活動之一。此外,國際扶輪3450地區以扶輪的就業機會平台“RotaryJobMarket” (進一步支持數碼港互動招聘博覽2022,把“RotaryJobMarket”的創科職位發佈到數碼港互動招聘博覽2022的虛擬平台,讓青年人才可以在虛擬平台查看到來自創科行業的扶輪領袖所提供的職位空缺。今年,數碼港互動招聘博覽2022的虛擬平台以元宇宙為特色,並吸引到超過1,000名求職者和來自150多家公司的1,500多個職位空缺。博覽期間還舉辦了由業界領袖、創科先鋒和青年才俊主導的各種招聘講座和職業論壇,為青年求職者進入創科發展事業做好準備。
For further details about how Rotary International District 3450 “RotaryJobMarket” ( promotes youth career development, please check
有關國際扶輪 3450地區“RotaryJobMarket”(如何推動青年的職業發展,請查看
Special thanks to the following Rotarians in the I&T industry supporting with job postings on both “RotaryJobMarket” ( and Cyberport Career Fair 2022.
- DAG Vincent Tsui (RC City Northwest Hong Kong) 港城西北扶輪社 助理區總監 徐天佑
- DAG Regan Ho (RC of Harmony and Prosperity Hong Kong) 香港和富扶輪社 助理區總監 何庭康
- PP Welson Tevanotai (RC of Harmony and Prosperity Hong Kong)香港和富扶輪社 前社長 鄭堯森
- P Donald Chan (RC of Central of Harbourfront)中環海濱扶輪社 社長 陳甘泉
- P Peter Lau (RC of New Territories)新界扶輪社 社長 劉旭
- IPP Stephen Cheung (RC of Smart Hong Kong)智慧香港扶輪社 剛缷任社長 張斌
- DAG Henry Choi (RC of Peninsular East)半島東扶輪社 助理區總監 蔡金挺
- IPP Bennett Chen (Rotary E-Club of Lantau)大嶼山網上扶輪社 剛缷任社長 陳淵斌
- P Raymond Yeung (RC of Golden Bauhinia Hong Kong)香港金紫荊扶輪社 社長 楊志豪
- IPP Josephine Leung (RC of Kowloon North)九龍北區扶輪社 剛缷任社長 梁慧蓮
- IPP Francis Chan (RC of New Territories)新界扶輪社 剛缷任社長 陳志雄

Rotary International District 3450 supported the Cyberport Career Fair 2022 by posting I&T jobs from Rotary’s job market platform, namely “RotaryJobMarket” (, to the virtual platform of Cyberport Career Fair 2022.
國際扶輪 3450 地區支持數碼港互動招聘博覽2022,把扶輪的就業機會平台“RotaryJobMarket” (的創科職位發佈到數碼港互動招聘博覽2022,讓青年人才可以在數碼港互動招聘博覽2022的虛擬平台查看到來自創科行業的扶輪領袖所提供的職位空缺。

Rotaractor Cindy Ng from Rotaract Club of New Territories was the MC of the Cyberport Career Fair 2022. 新界扶青社社友吳雅雯(Cindy Ng)擔任數碼港互動招聘博覽2022的司儀。

Special thanks to PP Sally Leung Suk Yan of District Vocational Service Committee for setting up virtual booth of Rotary International District 3450 at Cyberport Career Fair 2022. Thanks should also go to Rotaractor Becky Ho from Rotaract Club of Victoria for organizing the promotion of I&T jobs from “RotaryJobMarket” ( at the virtual booth of Cyberport Career Fair and provision of bootcamps for youth upskilling in partnership with relevant organization.
特別感謝地區職業服務委員會的成員梁淑炘前社長(PP Sally Leung)在數碼港互動招聘博覽2022設立國際扶輪 3450地區的虛擬攤位。也感謝維多利亞扶青社的社友Becky Ho於數碼港互動招聘博覽2022虛擬攤位推廣“ RotaryJobMarket” (上各扶輪領袖所提供的創科職位的籌備工作,並於相關團體合作為青少年應對各創科職業的要求而提供相關訓練及輔導。

Rotary International District 3450 joined the Cyberport Enterprise Network back in June 2021 to further enhance collaboration between Rotary and Cyberport, particularly over youth service, vocational service with Information & Technology (I&T) industry and sustainability development. This has led to the final and award ceremony of “CO-CREATE SMART PARK CHALLENGE 2021-22 CALL FOR DESIGN PROPOSALS” competition held as a key activity in the three-day Cyberport Career Fair 2022.
國際扶輪 3450 地區於2021 年 6 月加入了數碼港企業網絡,以進一步加強扶輪與數碼港之間的合作,特別是在青年服務、創新科技行業的職業服務和可持續發展等方面的合作,因此國際扶輪 3450 地區與數碼港合辦的「構建智能公園」決賽和頒獎典禮特別安排在數碼港互動招聘博覽2022期間舉行並為重點活動之一。