Rotary Job Market for Rotaractors Online Platform launched!!  By PP Andy Li

Rotary Job Market for Rotaractors Online Platform launched!! By PP Andy Li

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Over 200 Rotarians and Rotaractors attended the “Rotary Job Market 2020 for Rotaractor” cum Kickoff Ceremony for Rotary Job Market Online Platform hosted by Rotary District 3450 on 21st November 2020 at Yan Chai Hospital Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary School in Tseung Kwan O.

DG Eric Chak at his opening address pointed out that Rotaractors are our future and urged Rotarians to pull their resources together to help our youngsters through this difficult time. Our event Chair PP Andy Li mentioned the idea of Rotary Job Market Platform was collaborated with DRC Anita Chan and DRR Alan Yip based on the result of a survey conducted with Rotaractors inquiring what is the most important issue, and they collectively said career development and job opportunities are of utmost importance. “As we have over 2600 Rotarians in the District coming from different industries, we can collectively pull in resources to help” said PP Andy.

The theme Give Yourself an Opportunity to Success was reiterated through the ceremony of lighting up the light boxes proclaiming that Rotary provide the platform of opportunities to learn, to get trained and to take action so as to develop oneself in achieving success.

The organizing committee invited four renowned speakers, namely:

Mr. Shih Wing Ching《Topic: 如何給自己機會去發展個人事業》

Dr. Edwin Lee 《Topic: 給自己一個機會邁向成功》。

Mr Francis Ngai 《Topic: 重塑價值:自心、社會、世界》

Dr. Lee Shing Chak 《Topic: 香港及世界未來十年的運勢及事業發展勢頭》

Through their own stories and philosophy of life, they revealed their own secrets of success in their career, encouraging our younger generations to take the extra steps while taking charge of their own life, be desperate and be creative, find their own values in what they can give to / make better the world and not be afraid of repeated failure for it leads to greater success.

PDG Jason Chan and DRR Alan co-hosted the Q & A sessions with overwhelming responds and hopefully the unanswered questions can be handled at a later stage.

In closing, DRR Alan summarized the main learnings from the speakers while PP Andy thanked venue sponsor Principal Tsang and his staff members, all speakers, sponsors, and his OC team consists of both Rotarians and Rotaractors for putting the event together, and he reiterated the message to our Rotary Family and Business Partners / Corporations that this is a beginning and to register on the platform for jobs offering to our Rotaractors.

PP Andy Li

Rotary Club of Kwai Chung

Rotary Job Market for Rotaractors Committee Chair

Rotary and Rotaract Collaboration Committee Chair