2021-2022 District Vocational Service Committee (DVSC)
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A brief description of the upcoming events / ongoing tasks/ past activity for DVSC are summarized below:
GBA Vocational Forum – Qianhai 大灣區職業論壇—前海篇
DVSC hosted a GBA Vocational Forum – Qianhai (大灣區職業論壇—前海篇) successfully on the afternoon of 18th June 2022 (Saturday). We are honored to have the presence of Ms. Yvonne Wong, General Manager of the Qianhai Authority Hong Kong Liaison Office as Guest Speaker who shared the Policy of Qianhai, the finance and technological support from Shenzhen and future GBA development. President Wilson Chan led a fruitful discussion panel in the Q&A session. All participants gained more insight on GBA opportunities and future development.

Workshop on SDGs, inclusion, equity and discrimination
DVSC organized a Rotary SDG Action Forum cum Inclusion Recognition Ceremony for Rotarians, Rotaractors and Public successfully on the afternoon of 4th June 2022 (Saturday). We are honored to have the presence of DG Keith Chow, DGND Nigel Lo, Committees of DVSC, Ps, PPs, Rotarians and Rotaractors.
The event started with an opening remark from DVSC Chairman PP Raymond Fan. The panel discussion and sharing from 4 panelists facilitate participants understand more on the opportunities and challenges faced as inclusive employers and employees and how technology can assist the working conditions.
The three breakout sessions after the panel sharing further enhance audience to understand more on inclusive working environment with interactive games, training tools, photo album, art jamming and VR experience.
Last but not the least there is a ceremony to give gratitude to those who show support on inclusion in their companies.
We looking forward to seeing more support from inclusion support in companies in the future.

Speaker Pool 2.0
A Speaker Pool 2.0 database is established for Clubs / Rotarians / Rotaractors for reference. We cordially invite members to fill in the registration link and QR codes as shown below to provide the following opportunities for our new generation:

- Career Talk
- Job Shadowing
- Vocational Visit
- Internship
- Mock Interview
- Job Vacancy
Two lists, namely a career talk speaker list + mock interview and an on-site visits list + job shadowing list are created for club leaders to arrange vocational service to our new generation.
D3450 on-site visits and job shadowing list

D3450 career talk and mock interview list

Serve to Change Lives for Youth of Differences (YOD)
The YOD and SEN theme for this Rotary Year is “扶輪多元青年開啟人生”, with an aim to serve to change lives for YOD and SEN. With the collaboration of Work for All, we target to encourage Rotarians and Rotaractors to be equal opportunity employers and commit to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. To further promote these initiatives, a poster was designed and circulated earlier on to solicit Rotarians and employers’ support to be inclusive employer.
For any query regarding YOD and SEN, please feel free to send email to ng.winnie@rogers.com to contact PP Winnie Ng.
Rotary Job Market (https://www.rotaryjobmarket.com/)
Rotary Job Market is a platform created for all Rotarians and Rotaractors to post or find jobs in District 3450. Various types of vocational opportunities included full time, part time, freelance and internship jobs are welcomed. Rotarians are encouraged to upload vacant post(s) to be recruited on the above website. Rotaractors are invited to search and apply for jobs suitable for them. For any query, please feel free to send email to D3450.vocational.2122@gmail.com