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Just when we were busy connecting Rotary Clubs, Rotary Opportunities are Zooming in over the horizon.
We are extremely pleased to have assembled a group of highly capable Rotarians serving in the District Membership Think Tank (DMTT). Members of the Think Tank comprises Rotarians coming from various areas of D3450 with diversity in age and professional background.
For the first time, we have invited district Rotaract chair PP Anita Chan and district Rotaract Representative Alan Yip to serve as core members of the Think Tank, we are confident that their creativity, vigor and knowledge of Rotaract would render us more effective in reaching and recruiting Rotarian prospects from our new generations.
Proven to be highly effective in 2019-2020 Rotary year, DMTT is designed to be an open platform capable of not only converging good ideas and successful experiences in club membership, but also to turn sound ideas into actionable plans.
Meeting regularly, members of the DMTT would deliver key district membership functions such as organizing district membership events, providing appropriate and meaningful supports to Rotary Clubs that are confronted by various challenges in membership. The DMTT is also tasked to provide sound advice and knowledge pertaining to the formation of Rotary Satellite clubs and full-fledged new Rotary Clubs.
Rotary International has designated the month of August for Rotary clubs to focus on membership, to celebrate the good work of Rotarians and to work on ideas in attracting more worthy individuals to become Rotarians.
Rotarians of D3450 are cordially invited to attend the upcoming “Rotary Opens Membership Opportunities Forum” which will take place on 22nd August 2020.
Members are the heart of Rotary Clubs, your presence in this forum, by learning and sharing of your insights would enable us to find better ways to strengthen Rotary Clubs in membership.
We dare not underestimate the challenges on membership that may be confronting Rotary Clubs in D3450 as Covid-19 pandemic is still rampaging globally, we are confident that with the supports of Rotarians under the leadership of the 105 Club Presidents in D3450 and with a great deal of hard work and determination, we could still open membership opportunities amidst adversity.
As we could see from the photo, members the DMTT have all rolled up their sleeves and ready to spring into action and to where their eyes could see, our membership number will be LOOKING UP.
We wish you all a most successful and productive year of “Rotary Opens Opportunities”.