GIVING & GRANTS: Environment is now an area of focus, By PDG Jones Wong

GIVING & GRANTS: Environment is now an area of focus, By PDG Jones Wong

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Rotary has a new area of focus—supporting the environment, after a unanimous vote by The Rotary Foundation Trustees and the RI Board of Directors. 

Rotary has long supported activities that sustain the environment, and in the past five years we have allocated $18 million to such projects through global grants tied to other areas of focus. Adding the environment as a distinct cause formalised our longtime community-based efforts and will give Rotary members more ways to increase our global impact and expand our reach. The Foundation is developing the eligibility criteria for grants in this area of focus and will have more information beginning in October. It will start accepting global grant applications focused on the environment on 1 July 2021.

GIVING UPDATES: Why giving to the Annual Fund makes a big impact? Did you know that more than 400,000 people and 35,000 clubs contributed to the Annual Fund in 2018-19? Every one of these vital donations adds up to make a bigger impact through our SHARE system, in which contributions are invested for three years and then split between the World Fund and the District Designated Fund (DDF). These donations help Rotary clubs promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water and sanitation, save mothers and children, support education, and grow local economies. So these gifts make a difference both close to home and around the globe. This is the reason that all the Rotarians are encouraged to contribute to The Rotary Foundation during your Rotary Year as a habit. 

In the month of early October, we are happy to announce that we have 2 more newly achieved 100% PAUL HARRIS FELLOW CLUBS including E-Club of Tamar, and Rotary Club of Golden Bauhinia HK.

TAKE ACTION ON WORLD POLIO DAY: Join us for World Polio Day on 24 October 2020. We will hold our own World Polio Day events with Free Style Walk anywhere convenient to you. Please wear our Red T-shirt with End Polio Now logo and take some beautiful pictures for a photo competition to be held by the Committee. The top ten will receive good prizes and the pictures will be published on next DG NEWSLETTER.

At end September, our Annual Fund is US304,070.00, Other Fund is US$100,241.50, Endowment Fund is US$7,000.00, totally US$411,311.50.