DG Message – October 2020
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I would like to thank all Rotarians and clubs again in fighting against the Covid 19 Pandemic, there are a total of 51 projects, with 53 clubs providing imminent help to the needy. I was lucky to join some of the services and I feel deeply how all our kind hearted Rotarians are in serving the community.
As the Pandemic has seriously impacted the economy in many parts of the world, more people will suffer, it is the opportunity for Rotarian to think of solutions to help the people affected. Apart from providing necessities to people, we can provide or help them in learning skills for living. Furthermore, we should think out of the box and with innovative ideas as the way of living has changed.
Oct is Economic and Community Development month, one of the Rotary Areas of Focus. Nearly 1.4 billion employed live on less than $1.25 a day in the World. Rotary clubs all over the world work with communities to enhance economic and community development. Every community has different needs and different opportunities to serve. Creating productive employment opportunities is essential for reducing poverty and achieving sustainable economic and social development, and for providing income security and empowerment especially for women, people with disabilities, youth, and the extremely poor.
The Public Image Seminar was held on 19 Sep. We did it all online and the response was good. We learned about the importance of Rotary Branding, how to connect in Social Media, look smart in online meeting and take good action photos. The online seminar demonstrates how we can adapt and it is a very good alternative to a physical one. Thanks Chairlady PP Grace, all elite speakers and the team for a superb Online PI Seminar.
During the time of Pandemic many may suffer from mood disturbance, District Health Committee coupled with Rotaract held a Mental Health Online Forum and invited an prominent speaker Psychiatrist Dr. Chan Chun Mou to share with us the tips about mental health problem and about 100 participants enrolled. We know much more about the symptoms and sign of mood disorder so that we can take good care our health and the health of our beneficiaries.
District Fellowship Committee held a Power talk with two prominent speakers talking about how the Pandemic will affect the real Estate market on 18 Sep. Thanks Chair PP Vincent Tsui.
Rotary Action Group for Peace Hong Kong and Macau Chapter collaborated with District 6690 and invited Rotary International Director Peter Kyle to share with us about Peace Shaping on 20 Sep. There were over 120 participants from Hong Kong, UK, US and Europe. It was a wonderful occasion for all of us to find our way to shape peace in the world.
The nominations of candidate for DGN Election will soon be announced, please prepare to nominate someone who is dedicated to serve as District Governor in our District. We will send out a video explaining the arrangement this year. There will be several briefing sessions held online and physically for all Rotarian to ask questions. Joining instructions will be provided in due course by the district secretariat. Pre-registration will be required. This is the first year our District to adopt the Club Ballot method, we are expecting a smooth election.
24 Oct 2020 is the World End Polio Day. Due to social distancing, we are going to support the event in small groups in Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia. I would like to urge all to continue to support the EndPolioNow. We can have our freestyle events to support and donate to the Polio Fund.
The Rotaract Job Market “Give yourself an Opportunity “ will be held on 21 Nov. This is a Job Market specially tailored for Rotaract. We need the support from Rotarian and as well as Rotaractor. There will be an online platform for Job Matching for our Rotaract. Please help to spread this program to your clubs and ask our Rotaract Advisors to encourage our Rotaract to enroll.
As the condition in Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia is getting better, our meetings and services could resume physically. However, to prevent further spreading of the Pandemic I would like to urge all of you to continue to follow the social distancing rule, wear face-mask and have good personal hygiene. It would be wonderful if we could freely visit each other again. I wish all of you good health and stay strong.
9月19日我們舉行了網上「公共形象研討會」,反應理想。大家都學會如何使用社交媒體、建立品牌的重要性、舉行高效網上會議、拍攝動感照片等等好法門。我感謝PP Grace、導師和團隊做了一個非常有效的研討會,也印證網上教學亦可成為實地教學好的替代模式。
現在疫情流行都給大家帶來焦慮,感謝District Health Committee(地區健康委員會)扶青團一起舉辦心理衛生網上論壇,邀請著名陳仲謀醫生和超過100位社友分享一些可以改進我們心理健康的好貼士,知道如何洞察一些心理不正常的症狀,就能保護自己和家人了。
District Fellowship Committee(地區聯誼委員會) 來兩位重量級地產人士作嘉賓演講,分析香港樓市現況,感謝PP Vincent Tsui安排。
Rotary Action Group for Peace (扶輪和平行動團隊) HK & Macau Chapter與6690地區在9月20晚合辦一個有關「和平締造」的網上研討會,超過120位來自香港、英國、美國和歐洲社友參加這盛會,主講嘉賓包括扶輪國際理事Peter Kyle。
地區總監提名人(District Governor Nominee Election) 的選舉提名進程已密鑼緊鼓,我們除了製作短片之外,亦會安排各位參與網上或實體的簡介會,協助大家了解這新安排,屆時地區秘書處將有更詳細的指引,希望大家報名參加。請記着這是我們第一次採用「社票制 Club Ballot」,期望能進行一個圓滿的選舉。
2020年10月24日就是「世界小兒麻痹症終結日World End Polio Day」,基於防疫社交距離措施,我們改為香港、澳門及蒙古分區小組進行,我在此呼籲大家以自由方式去繼續慷慨捐款支持此活動。
11月21日將會舉行扶青團職業介紹日,名為「給自己一個機會Give Yourself an Opportunity」,我們成年扶輪社友應該大力支持扶青團友,亦應推介此活動給你身邊所有社友或朋友,鼓勵多人參與。
我相信疫情在香港、澳門及蒙古都會慢慢放緩,我們已慢慢恢復實體會議,但是我亦勸戒各位繼續保持適當社交距離措施,經常戴口罩及保持個人衛生,最後祝各位身心康泰 Good Health & Stay Strong。