Rotarians’ Honor – Our Good Works Acclaimed

Rotarians’ Honor – Our Good Works Acclaimed

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As People of Action, Rotarians are determined to serve the community. Rotarians’ Good Works were acclaimed by the Hong Kong Government who recently announced award recognitions to below Rotarians for their significant contributions to Hong Kong in different areas, benefiting various sectors of the community, including community service, charity and philanthropy, sports, youth affairs, public health, fight against COVID , and etc.

  1. Ms Vivien Lau, BBS JP, Honorary Member of RC of HK Harbour was awarded Silver Bauhinia Star 香港海港扶輪社榮譽社友劉掌珠女士BBS JP, 獲頒銀紫荊星章
  2. Charter President Ma Ching Nam, JP, of RC of The Peak was awarded Bronze Bauhinia Star (“BBS”) 太平山扶輪社創社社長馬清楠JP獲頒銅紫荊星章
  3. Mr Yeung Tsz Hei, MH, Honorary Member of RC of Abacus HK was awarded BBS 香港精算扶輪社榮譽社友楊子熙先生, MH,獲頒銅紫荊星章
  4. Professor Vitus Leung, JP, a Past President (“PP”) of RC of Hong Kong North was awarded BBS 香港北區扶輪社前社長梁永鏗教授JP, 獲頒銅紫荊星章
  5. Dr Kenneth Chu, a PP of RC of Hong Kong Northwest was awarded BBS 香港西北區扶輪社前社長朱鼎健博士獲頒銅紫荊星章
  6. PP Fergus Fung of RC of City Northwest Hong Kong was awarded Medal of Honour (“MH”) 港城西北扶輪社前社長馮仕耕獲頒榮譽勳章
  7. Dr Jackeline Yang, a Rotarian (“Rtn”) of RC of Kai Tak was awarded MH 啟德扶輪社社友楊小玲博士獲頒榮譽勳章
  8. Dr Jeffrey Pong, a Rtn of RC of Peninsula East was awarded MH 半島東扶輪社社友龐朝輝醫生獲頒榮譽勳章
  9. Rtn Anthony Lam of RC of The Peak was commended for his outstanding contribution to the fight against COVID-19 太平山扶輪社社友林世豪獲頒「應對 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情工作貢獻獎狀」
  10. PDG Eugene Fong of RC of Kowloon West was awarded “Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service” 九龍西區扶輪社前地區總監方奕展獲頒「行政長官社區服務獎狀」
  11. PP Natalie Kwok of RC of Tai Po was awarded “Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service” 大埔扶輪社前社長郭凌雲女士獲頒「行政長官社區服務獎狀」
  12. PP Addy Wong of RC of Hong Kong North was appointed Justice of Peace 香港北區扶輪社前社長黃偉雄獲委任為太平紳士