The Consul General of Mongolia in HK thanked for Rotarians’ generosity (By District Secretary – Mongolian Affairs, Louis Ma & P Francis Chan, RC of New Territories)
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The Consul General of Mongolia in Hong Kong visited the Hong Kong Rotary Information Centre to attend the Joint-Presidents Meeting in December 2020
District Governor of Rotary International District 3450 and Consul General of Mongolia in Hong Kong attended the Joint-Presidents Meeting (“JPM”)
- Rotary International District 3450 Joint-Presidents Meeting in December 2020 was held at Hong Kong Rotary Information Centre. The meeting invited Consul General of Mongolia in Hong Kong Mr. JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa and Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Eric Chak to visit Hong Kong Rotary Information Centre as the guests of the meeting.
Rotary Clubs in Mongolia held fundraising activities for the local anti-epidemic
- The JPM meeting was held online. During the meeting, Assistant Governor Baterdene LKHAGVADORJ (Area 9) and Assistant Governor Damdindorj DASHDAVAA (Area 10), reported the current situation of Mongolia and how the COVID-19 affected the community. The Rotary Clubs of Mongolia in Area 9 and Area 10 had organized fund-raising projects and donations to respond the anti-epidemic in Mongolia.
Rotary Clubs and Rotarians in Hong Kong and Macau raised more than US$20,000 within two weeks
- Rotary International District 3450 District Secretary (Mongolian Affairs) Louis Ma reported that Rotary International District 3450 had responded to the fundraising plan of Rotary Clubs in Mongolia quickly. With the strong support of Rotary Clubs and Rotarians in Hong Kong and Macau, we raised US$10,000 within three hours and remitted the money to the Mongolian Rotary Information Centre on December 3, 2020 for immediate anti-epidemic services. The fundraising plan is still underway, and the total raised fund has already exceeded US$28,000.
The Honorary Guest, the Consul General of Mongolia presented the certificates of appreciation to Rotary Clubs and Rotarians
- At the end of the meeting, the Consul General of Mongolia in Hong Kong Mr. JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa, had presented the Certificate of Appreciation to Rotary Clubs and Rotarians to recognise their contributions to the fight against the pandemic in Mongolia. The Certificate of Appreciation was received by Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Eric Chak, District Secretary (Mongolian Affairs) Louis Ma, and Convener of the Joint-Presidents Meeting cum President of the Rotary Club of New Territories Francis Chan, on behalf of the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians.
Cross-country friendship and care among Rotary Clubs of Rotary International District 3450
- Rotary International District 3450 consists of Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia and Guangdong Province. The Rotary Clubs in Hong Kong and Macau in the Rotary International District 3450 had responded to the fundraising plan of the Rotary club in Mongolia quickly. In response to the urgent need to fight the pandemic in Mongolia, we see again the cross-country friendship and care among the Rotary Clubs of the Rotary International District 3450.
- Special thanks to the Rotarians who assisted in coordinating the fundraising of Rotary Clubs in Hong Kong and Macau, including Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Eric Chak, Chief District Secretary Ron Chan, District Secretary (Mongolian Affairs) Louis Ma, District Treasurer Joyce, PP Raymond Fan, P Francois Fong (Rotary Club of Kai Tak) , P Francis Chan (Rotary Club of New Territories), and various Rotary Clubs and Rotarians who generously donated.
- 國際扶輪3450地區2020年12月份聯合社長會議於香港扶輪咨詢中心RIC舉行,是次會議邀得蒙古國駐香港領事JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa以及國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生光臨香港扶輪咨詢中心為會議嘉賓。
- 會議同時以網上形式進行,先由國際扶輪3450地區蒙古地區第9地域助理區總監PP Baterdene LKHAGVADORJ 及第10地域助理區總監PP Damdindorj DASHDAVAA報告蒙古地區受新冠肺炎疫情影響的嚴峻情況,以及第9及第10地域的蒙古扶輪社舉辦籌款募捐及善款用途的計劃,以應對蒙古地區的抗疫之急。
- 國際扶輪3450地區蒙古事務秘書馬沛強報告了國際扶輪3450地區迅速回應蒙古地區扶輪社的籌款募捐計劃,在香港及澳門地區各扶輪社及社友的大力支持下,於三小時內已籌得1萬美元,並於2020年12月3日滙款至蒙古扶輪咨詢中心投入抗疫服務。籌款募捐計劃亦在進行中,總籌得善款已超過2.8萬美元。
- 最後,由蒙古國駐香港領事JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa作為主禮嘉賓向各扶輪社及社友頒發國際扶輪3450地區的感謝狀,以表揚各扶輪社及社友為蒙古地區抗疫所作出的貢獻。感謝狀由國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生、蒙古事務秘書馬沛強以及聯合社長會議召集人新界扶輪社社長陳志雄代各扶輪社及社友接收。
- 國際扶輪3450地區的扶輪社覆蓋香港、澳門、蒙古及廣東省地區,是次國際扶輪3450地區的香港及澳門地區扶輪社迅速回應了蒙古地區的扶輪社的籌款募捐計劃以應蒙古地區的抗疫之急,再次體現了國際扶輪3450地區的各個扶輪社之間跨地域的友愛及關懷。
- 特別鳴謝是次協助統籌香港及澳門地區的扶輪社籌款募捐事宜的社友,包括國際扶輪國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生、首席秘書陳尚禮、蒙古事務秘書馬沛強、地區司庫劉家儀、范永樂前社長、啟德扶輪社社長方陽、新界扶輪社社長陳志雄以及慷慨解囊的各扶輪社及社友。
The Rotary International District 3450 Joint-Presidents Meeting in December 2020 was also held online. Assistant Governor Baterdene LKHAGVADORJ (Area 9) and Assistant Governor Damdindorj DASHDAVAA (Area 10) also attended the meeting. During the meeting, they reported the current situation of Mongolia and how the COVID-19 affected the community. The Rotary Clubs of Mongolia in Area 9 and Area 10 had organized fund-raising projects and donations to respond the anti-epidemic in Mongolia.
國際扶輪3450地區2020年12月份扶輪社聯合社長會議同時以網上形式舉行,蒙古地區第9地域助理區總監PP Baterdene LKHAGVADORJ 及第10地域助理區總監PP Damdindorj DASHDAVAA亦出席了會議並報告了蒙古地區受新冠肺炎疫情影響的嚴峻情況,以及第9及第10地域的蒙古扶輪社舉辦籌款募捐及善款用途的計劃,以應對蒙古地區的抗疫之急。
The Rotary Clubs of Mongolia in Area 9 and Area 10 had organized fund-raising projects and donations to respond the anti-epidemic in Mongolia. The picture shown the flyer for this fundraising project.
Rotary International District 3450 had responded to the fundraising plan of Rotary Clubs in Mongolia quickly. With the strong support of Rotary Clubs and Rotarians in Hong Kong and Macau, we raised US$10,000 within three hours and remitted the money to the Mongolian Rotary Information Centre on December 3, 2020 for anti-epidemic services. The fundraising plan is still underway, and the total raised fund has already exceed US$26,000. The table shown the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians who have generously donated as of 31st December, 2020.
The picture shown Rotary International District 3450 District Governor Eric Chak presenting a commemorative banner to Consul General of Mongolia in Hong Kong Mr. JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa, to appreciate his visit of Hong Kong Rotary Information Centre and attending the Rotary International District 3450 Joint-Presidents Meeting in December 2020.
圖為國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生向蒙古國駐香港領事JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa致送紀念錦旗,以感謝其到訪香港扶輪咨詢中心並出席2020年12月份扶輪社聯合社長會議。
The picture shown the Consul General of Mongolia in Hong Kong Mr. JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa, presenting the Rotary International Districts 3450 Certificate of Appreciation to Rotary Clubs and Rotarians to recognise their contributions to the fight against the pandemic in Mongolia. In the picture, District Secretary (Mongolian Affairs) Louis Ma received the certificate of appreciation on behalf of the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians.
圖為蒙古國駐香港領事JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa作為主禮嘉賓向各扶輪社及社友頒發國際扶輪3450地區的感謝狀,以表揚各扶輪社及社友為蒙古地區抗疫所作出的貢獻。圖中蒙古事務秘書馬沛強代各扶輪社及社友接收感謝狀。
The picture shown the Consul General of Mongolia in Hong Kong Mr. JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa, presenting the Rotary International Districts 3450 Certificate of Appreciation to Rotary Clubs and Rotarians to recognise their contributions to the fight against the pandemic in Mongolia. In the picture, Convener of the Joint-Presidents Meeting cum President of Rotary Club of New Territories Francis Chan received the certificate of appreciation on behalf of the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians.
圖為蒙古國駐香港領事JARGALSAIKHAN Gundegmaa作為主禮嘉賓向各扶輪社及社友頒發國際扶輪3450地區的感謝狀,以表揚各扶輪社及社友為蒙古地區抗疫所作出的貢獻。圖中國際扶輪3450地區聯合社長會議召集人新界扶輪社社長陳志雄代各扶輪社及社友接收感謝狀。
On December 8, 2020, the Mongolian government website published the donation presentation from Rotary Clubs of Mongolia of Rotary International District 3450. The donations from the Rotary Clubs in Hong Kong and Macau were used to purchase materials and donate in response to the anti-epidemic in Mongolia. (Relevant link on Mongolian government website