Distribution of New Year Lucky Bags to the Elderly by RID 3450 Rotary Clubs with the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund
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By Francis Chan, President of Rotary Club of New Territories
Uniting the power of various Rotary International District 3450 Rotary Clubs with the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund to distribute lucky bags to the elderly.
As the fourth wave of Covid-19 rages in Hong Kong, the daily lives of elderly people living alone and low-income families are seriously affected worsened by the cold weather. In line with Rotary Club’s service spirit of mutual help and love for the disadvantaged groups, and with the support and promotion Haywood Cheung, the Past President of Rotary Club of New Territories, Rotary Club of New Territories united with the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund and took the lead in leading Rotary Club of Hong Kong North, Rotary Club of Hong Kong City North, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Sunrise, Rotary Club of Causeway Bay, Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong, Rotary Club of Homantin Hill and Rotary Club of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area to distribute lucky bags to bring warmth to the elderly before the Chinese New Year.
Members of the Rotary Clubs personally visited a number of charities to distribute more than 2,000 lucky bags to the elderly
Members of the Rotary International District 3450 Rotary Clubs visited various charities and districts before the Lunar New Year and distributed more than 2,000 lucky bags to the elderly living alone and double-aging families. The distribution of lucky bags last for more than ten days and covered the following charities/regions (figure in bracket mean the number of lucky bags).
Special thanks to Dr. Eric Chak, District Governor of Rotary International District 3450, and Dr. Haywood Cheung, the President of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund and also Past President of Rotary Club of New Territories, for supporting the event in person. We shall also thank Frederick Ng, Past President of Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong, for his effort in communicating with the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund.
The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund (CGSE Charity Fund) was established since 2014 and has become a member of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2018. CGSE Charity Fund has recently become a Volunteer Movement Participant Organization (VMPO) in 2020. As a Charity registered with the Hong Kong Government, the mission of CGSE Charity Fund is to provide assistance to people with disadvantaged backgrounds and help give them the best support. CGSE Charity Fund focus on donations to various charitable organizations and organizing of different volunteer activities. Event Co-ordination has been set up to reduce resource duplication, and strive to achieve a barrier-free donation and assistance platform.
新冠病毒第四波肆虐香港,加上天氣漸寒,令獨居長者及低收入家庭日常生活皆受影響。本著扶輪社對弱勢社群互助互愛的服務精神,以及在新界扶輪社張德熙前社長支持及推動下,新界扶輪社聯合金銀業貿易場慈善基金,並牽頭帶領香港北區扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Hong Kong North)、香港城北扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Hong Kong City North) 、香港旭日扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Hong Kong Sunrise) 、銅鑼灣扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Causeway Bay) 、香港華語扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong) 、 何文田山扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Homantin Hill)以及粤港澳大灣區扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area) 一起在農曆新年前派發福袋為長者送上温暖。
扶輪社社友親身到訪多個慈善團體派發逾2000份糧油福袋予長者 – 參與服務的國際扶輪3450地區扶輪社社友一起在農曆新年前親身到訪各大慈善團體及地區派發逾2000多份糧油福袋予獨居長者及雙老家庭。十多日的派發福袋送暖行動到訪了以下的慈善團體/地區 (括號內為福袋數量)。
特別鳴謝國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生及金銀業貿易場慈善基金張德熙理事長親臨現場支持活動。同時感謝香港華語扶輪社前社長吳漢澄協助與金銀業貿易場慈善基金溝通活動安排。 金銀業貿易場慈善基金於2014年成立, 2018年成為社聯會員, 2020年成為 「義工運動」參與機構及香港政府註冊的慈善機構,其中一個使命是致力幫助社會弱勢社群,捐助各區服務團體及慈善機構舉辦各類活動等。金銀業貿易場成立慈善基金以便統籌更多活動,減少資源重疊,希望達至無障礙捐助與受助平台。
1. Yan Chai Hospital 仁濟醫院 (400)
The picture shows Dr. Eric Chak (right), the District Governor of Rotary International District 3450, and Ms. Macy Wong (left), 1st Vice Chairman of Yan Chai Hospital, during the distribution of lucky bags at Yan Chai Hospital.
圖為國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生(右) 與仁濟醫院副主席黃楚淇(Macy)(左)於仁濟醫院派發福袋時合照。
The picture shows Dr. Eric Chak (left), the District Governor of Rotary International District 3450, and Dr. Haywood Cheung (right), the President of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund and also the Past President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, during the distribution of lucky bags at Yan Chai Hospital.
圖為國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生(左)與金銀業貿易場慈善基金張德熙理事長(右) 於仁濟醫院派發福袋時合照。
2. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 東華三院 (400)
圖為各扶輪社代表及金銀業貿易場慈善基金張德熙理事長(前排左三) 與東華三院文頴怡主席(前排左四) 、譚鎮國副主席(前排左二) 、鄧明慧副主席(前排右三)、行政總監蘇祐安(前排右一)、社服科主管梁碧琼(後排右二) 、籌募科主管唐國忠(後排右一) 、副主管(社服)婁振陽(前排左一)於東華三院派發福袋時合照。
The picture shows Dr. Haywood Cheung (left two), the President of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund and also the Past President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, and Ms. Ginny Man (right two), the Chairman of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, during the distribution of lucky bags at Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.
圖為新界扶輪社張德熙前社長(Haywood) (左二)代表金銀業貿易場慈善基金與東華三院文頴怡主席(右二) 、譚鎮國副主席(左一) 及鄧明慧副主席(右一) 於東華三院派發福袋時合照。
The picture shows Francis Chan (left two), the President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, and Ms. Ginny Man (right two), the Chairman of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, during the distribution of lucky bags at Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.
圖為新界扶輪社陳志雄社長 (Francis)(左二)與東華三院文頴怡主席(右二) 、譚鎮國副主席(左一) 及鄧明慧副主席(右一) 於東華三院派發福袋時合照。
3. Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon 樂善堂 (400)
圖為各扶輪社代表及金銀業貿易場慈善基金張德熙理事長(後排左六) 與樂善堂陳李玉佩主席(後排右五) 及溫文蕙總理(後排左五) 於樂善堂派發福袋時合照。
圖為各扶輪社代表與金銀業貿易場慈善基金張德熙理事長(左六) 於樂善堂派發福袋時合照。
The picture shows representative of each Rotary Club, Dr. Haywood Cheung (left six), the President of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund and also the Past President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, and Mrs. Kawina Chan, the Chairlady of Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon, during the distribution of lucky bags at Lok Sin Tong.
圖為各扶輪社代表及金銀業貿易場慈善基金張德熙理事長(左六) 與樂善堂陳李玉佩主席(右五) 及溫文蕙總理(左五) 於樂善堂派發福袋時合照。
The picture shows Dr. Haywood Cheung (left), the President of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund and also the Past President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, and Francis Chan, the President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, during the distribution of lucky bags at Lok Sin Tong.
圖為新界扶輪社張德熙前社長(Haywood) (左)代表金銀業貿易場慈善基金與新界扶輪社陳志雄社長 (Francis)(右)於樂善堂派發福袋時合照。
4. The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council 鄰舍輔導會 (300)
圖為香港城北扶輪社李敏兒社長(Jessica) (左三)與鄰舍輔導會嚴元浩主席(左二) 、王英明副主席(右二)、區幸兒副主席(左一)及馮綉文總幹事(右一)一起派發福袋時合照。
圖為香港華語扶輪社黃殷社長 (Kelvin) (左三)與鄰舍輔導會嚴元浩主席(左二) 、王英明副主席(右二)、區幸兒副主席(左一)及馮綉文總幹事(右一)一起派發福袋時合照。
The picture shows representative of each Rotary Club, Dr. Haywood Cheung (front left three), the President of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund and also the Past President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, and Mr. Tony YEN Yuen Ho (front right three), the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, during the distribution of lucky bags at the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council.
圖為各扶輪社代表及金銀業貿易場慈善基金張德熙理事長(前排左三)及杜文輝理事(左一)與鄰舍輔導會嚴元浩主席(前排右三) 、王英明副主席(前排左二)、區幸兒副主席(前排右二)及馮綉文總幹事(前排右一)一起派發福袋時合照。
The picture shows Mr. Tony YEN Yuen Ho (left), the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, presenting appreciation gift and certificate to Francis Chan (right), the President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, during the distribution of lucky bags at the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council.
圖為鄰舍輔導會嚴元浩主席(左)致送感謝紀念品予新界扶輪社陳志雄社長 (Francis) (右) 時合照。
5. The elderly at Kwai Shing West Estate, Kwai Chung 葵涌葵盛西邨長者 (200)
圖為各扶輪社代表、金銀業貿易場慈善基金謝滿全副理事長(後排左六)、鄺奕初理事(後排右六)、對外事務總監賴櫻華 (Cherry)與麥美娟立法會議員於葵涌葵盛西邨派發福袋時與一眾義工合照。
The picture shows Francis Chan (middle), the President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, distributing lucky bags with Legislative Council Member, Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuen, BBS, JP, to the elderly at Kwai Shing West Estate, Kwai Chun.
圖為新界扶輪社陳志雄社長 (Francis)與麥美娟立法會議員於葵涌葵盛西邨派發福袋予長者。
圖為何文田山扶輪社 David Hunt 社長於葵涌葵盛西邨派發福袋時與受惠長者合照。
6.Fine Days Association 晴天社 (150)
圖為各扶輪社代表及金銀業貿易場慈善基金對外事務總監賴櫻華 (Cherry)(左四)與葛珮帆立法會議員(右四)於沙田禾輋邨派發福袋時合照。
圖為各扶輪社代表與晴天社 代表 (左四及五)於沙田禾輋邨派發福袋時合照。
7. Shatin Caring Centre 信義會沙田䕶老坊 (200)
圖為各扶輪社代表及金銀業貿易場慈善基金對外事務總監賴櫻華 (Cherry)(前排左一) 與信義會沙田䕶老坊鄧玉英中心主任(前排左二) 一起派發福袋予長者時合照。
圖為香港旭日扶輪社馬沛強社長 (Louis) (左二) 與信義會沙田䕶老坊鄧玉英中心主任(右一) 一起派發福袋予長者時合照。
圖為銅鑼灣扶輪社李焯傑社長 (Tony)(左二) 與信義會沙田䕶老坊鄧玉英中心主任(右一) 一起派發福袋予長者時合照。
8.Eternity Love Foundation 藝恆愛心行動(200)
9. Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power 香港復康力量 (280)
圖為粤港澳大灣區扶輪社陳緯國候任社長 (Wilson)與香港復康力量會長葉湛溪(右)一起派發福袋時合照。
10. Hong Kong Buddhist Association Cultural Centre 香港佛教聯合會青少年中心 (150)
(The above listing is in no particular order)
Supporting the event in person by Dr. Eric Chak, the District Governor of Rotary International District 3450 and Dr. Haywood Cheung, the President of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund
Special thanks to Dr. Eric Chak, the District Governor of Rotary International District 3450, and Dr. Haywood Cheung, the President of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund and also the Past President of the Rotary Club of New Territories, for supporting the event in person. We shall also thank Frederick Ng, the Past President of the Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong, for his effort in communicating with the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund. The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Charity Fund (CGSE Charity Fund) has been established since 2014 and has become a member of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2018. CGSE Charity Fund has recently become a Volunteer Movement Participant Organization (VMPO) in 2020. As a Charity registered with the Hong Kong Government, the mission of CGSE Charity Fund is to provide assistance to people with disadvantaged backgrounds and help give them the best support. CGSE Charity Fund focus on donations to various charitable organizations and organizing of different volunteer activities. Event Co-ordination has been set up to reduce resource duplication, and strive to achieve a barrier-free donation and assistance platform.
特別鳴謝國際扶輪3450地區總監翟慶聰醫生及金銀業貿易場慈善基金張德熙理事長親臨現場支持活動。同時感謝香港華語扶輪社前社長吳漢澄協助與金銀業貿易場慈善基金溝通活動安排。 金銀業貿易場慈善基金於2014年成立, 2018年成為社聯會員, 2020年成為 「義工運動」參與機構及香港政府註冊的慈善機構,其中一個使命是致力幫助社會弱勢社群,捐助各區服務團體及慈善機構舉辦各類活動等。金銀業貿易場成立慈善基金以便統籌更多活動,減少資源重疊,希望達至無障礙捐助與受助平台。