Rotary Reaching out to Primary

Rotary Reaching out to Primary

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PP Wing Leung, Chair, Working Group on Rotary Reaching Out to Primary

One of the core values of Rotary is to serve. To make sure Rotary has regular and systematic service to the youth, programmes like rotaract and interact clubs, RYLA, RAAS and Youth Exchange have been launched.

But there is a missing link: the primary. How may Rotary extend its services to this ignored yet significant sector?

DG Eric has advised that a Working Group on Reaching Out to the Primary should be set up under the Youth Services Committee.

Having several rounds of virtual meetings with Clubs with great projects for primary students, uniform groups, school representatives and parents, the following are proposed, modelling on the existing mode of interact:

Objectives To serve unmet needs of primary, including students, teachers and schools.

Core Values

To broaden horizon of primary students with international perspectives, career development, community service, hopefully to enable students possess positive attitude, holistic view and an all-rounder character.


  • To broaden horizon
  • To have minimum burden on the part of schools/teachers
  • To provide funny, attractive activities
  • To foster creative thinking
  • Rotarians-rotaractors-interactors join hands
  • Pool up resources (clubs, district and the public)
Stages of Services Development
  1. A pilot run will be attempted (see below for details).
  2. A full assessment after the pilot run.
  3. Full scale rotary service to primary by District 3450 if a related resolution is approved.
  4. Rotaract flagship project if so adopted by rotaractors.
  5. A full report to Rotary International.

Pilot Run (tentatively called Kideract – kids deliver and act 扶小團)

Working Schedule

12 March 2021

A tentative list of candidate schools

31 March 2021

Deadline for clubs to express their intention to join

 (clubs may propose preferred schools not on the list)

17 April 2021

Matching Day for schools + clubs to meet

virtually or physically

10:00 at St. Patrick’s School, Lok Fu

May-June 2021 Clubs and schools to plan activities ahead

Tentative List of Candidate Schools

  1. ELCHK Hung Hom Lutheran Primary School
  2. Aberdeen St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School
  3. Hennessy Road Government Primary School (Causeway Bay)
  4. Fung Kai Primary School(to be confirmed)
  5. Buddhist Lim Kim Tian Memorial Primary School(to be confirmed)
  6. Salesian School(to be confirmed)
  7. Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School

Activities proposed for pilot run

International Perspective

Visit of clubs with different nationalities

Visit of companies and organization with international perspective

Career Development

Company visit

Vocational fun day

Vocational competition/talk

Summer internship (for senior students)

Community Service

Attendance of club/rotaract/interact activities + service

mini-projects of individual schools

Inter-school competition

On the theme of international food or art

Members of the Working Group: PP Wing Leung (Chair), DG Eric Chak (Adviser), PDG Eugene Fong (Ex-Official), P Bonie Wong (Secretary), other members include: DS Menza Chu, PP S T Leung, AG Nigel Lo, PP Rosa Pang and Rtn. Daniel Wong.

Clubs and schools who would like to learn more or have interests to participate, please contact PP Wing Leung (RC of Kowloon West) on 9151 4769 or