A New Club was Born
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By PDG HW Fung & PDG Kenneth Wong
“23 Feb 2021 is a most memorable day for me, as the Rotary Club of Eminence Hong Kong has her charter ceremony formally conducted on that day, when we also celebrated the 116th birthday of Rotary International and the 15th anniversary of our sponsoring club, Rotary Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong,” CP Jeannette Hon said passionately.
On 1 July 2020, Rtn. Jeannette Hon succeeded PP Dennis Ko as the Chair of the Rotary Satellite Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong- West Point. In less than six months, membership of the Satellite Club has grown rapidly exceeding 20 members, and approval was given by Rotary International on 17 Dec 2020 for the satellite club to spin off and be chartered as a full Rotary Club. “This would not have been achieved without the continuous encouragement, advice and guidance from PPs and fellow members of the sponsoring club, Rotary Club of Metropolitan HK, in particular CP Tim and our club advisor PDG HW,” said CP Jeannette.
“I would like to thank the foundation laid by the former Chair and members of the Satellite Club”, CP Jeannette continued, “and the great support from DG Eric, and the kind and prompt response from the many friends who have now become charter members of the new club!”
Rotary Club of Eminence Hong Kong is the second club in D3450 which has evolved from a Satellite Club into a full Rotary Club. The Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong accomplished the same in 2019. Both clubs are now in Area 11 of D3450.
CP Jeannette and charter members of her new club were thrilled to receive at the club’s Charter Ceremony two special monetary awards, namely, a cheque of NT$30,000 from PDG Kambo Kang, Rotary Coordinator of Zone 9, and a cheque of HK$15,000 from DG Eric on behalf of D3450, both being incentives for new Rotary Club chartered in RY2020-21. These monetary awards, besides symbolic of the encouragement from Rotary leaders, are of material importance to a new club in launching community service.
“The membership of Rotary Club of Eminence Hong Kong now stands at 26. As the name of the club implies, we hope to invite capable people from various professions and businesses to join our club and serve the community. We are now embarking on a project aimed at encouraging and supporting people in our community, in particular the younger generation, to explore their career in the agricultural field with the help of technology advancement. By now we have already reached initial agreement with a local farm to promote farming and share the products with the needy in the community. We are looking for more partnerships with other Rotary Clubs as well as other farms and organisations. We hope we can report more on this and other service developments to fellow Rotarians soon,” CP Jeannette enthusiastically shared her vision with her club members and others at the Charter Ceremony.
Currently D3450 has 4 functioning Satellite Clubs, the latest one being sponsored by the Rotary Club of Taipo in this Rotary Year in Oct 2020. Rotarians interested in knowing more about how to form Satellite Clubs may refer to the article by the District Membership Committee published in the Feb 2020 issue of the DG Newsletter, or contact any members of the District Membership Committee.