Peace Sharing: Rotary-Adopt-A-School Partner Joined Virtual Peace Camp 2021 (sponsored by RC of New Territories)
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Article contributed by “Virtual Peace Camp” participants from South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School (STMGSS), the “Rotary-Adopt-A-School” partner of Rotary Club of New Territories

The “Virtual Peace Camp” facilitated participants to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds to foster international understanding, goodwill and peace.
Rotary Club of New Territories is committed to promoting youth development; On top of fostering mutual respect and appreciation, it proactively builds inclusive communities. During the Easter holidays, Rotary Club of New Territories generously sponsored 18 students from South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School to participate in the online “Virtual Peace Camp” co-organized by Rotary International District 3450 and Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong from 3 April to 4 April 2021, allowing them to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds through group games and discussions, to foster international understanding, goodwill and peace, and understand the circumstances and feelings of others through discussions on the sharing by minority groups. Participants learnt the importance of listening wholeheartedly, being considerate and showing respect for diversity, and thus will put what they learnt into practice and strive to live peacefully with others. They also expressed that the event created an enriched learning environment and precious opportunities for them to communicate in English, thereby making friends around the world. To conclude, the event has great significance. All participants expressed their gratitude to Rotary Club of New Territories for its support, and looked forward to another chance to join a similar event to widen their international horizons.
新界扶輪社致力推動青少年發展,除促進彼此間相互尊重和欣賞外丶更積極共建和平共融社會。在復活節期間,新界扶輪社更慷慨資助其「與校同行」合作伙伴南屯門官立中學的18位學生,於2021年4月3至4日參與由國際扶輪3450地區和香港李寶椿聯合世界書院在線上舉行的「和平營會」(Virtual Peace Camp) 2021,讓同學透過分組遊戲及討論學習與不同文化背景的人士溝通,增進國際間之瞭解、親善與和平,並透過觀看及討論少數族裔的分享,體會他們的處境及感受。參與營會的學員深深體會到用心聆聽、互相尊重及易地而處的重要性,日後定能學以致用,與人和平共處。再者,同學表示活動提供了豐富的學習環境和機會讓學員去運用英語與人溝通,從而結識世界各地的好友。總的來說,是次營會極具意義,一眾南屯門官立中學的同學再次感謝新界扶輪社的支持,並期望日後再能參與類似擴闊國際視野的活動。