Briefing Seminar on Rotary’s Pilot Scheme for Reaching Out to Primary

Briefing Seminar on Rotary’s Pilot Scheme for Reaching Out to Primary

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By P Bonnie Wong, RC of Wanchai

Eight primary schools are participating in the scheme with seven matching Rotary Clubs, and one school still awaiting a match. Additional schools and Rotary Clubs may join the scheme on a rolling basis.

Rotary Clubs or primary schools that are interested in participating please contact Chair PP Wing Leung (RC of Kowloon West) on 9151 4769/ or Secretary P Bonnie B. Wong (RC of Wanchai) on 9028 3081/

We hope to immerse students with Rotary values and the spirit of the Four-Way Test as early as possible. Draft guidelines for the reference of Rotary Clubs and primary schools are being prepared.

While RI has no official programme for primary school students, it has tasked District Governors to explore expanding our services to this primary school students.

The Working Group on Reaching Out to Primary, formed under the auspice of the District Youth Service Committee, conducted a Briefing Seminar, on 17 April 2021, to present research findings and the pilot scheme for extending Rotary service for primary students.

From the research, we’ve identified several areas that Rotary can contribute. We aim to serve the unmet needs of primary students, teachers and the school, to broaden horizon of primary students with international perspectives, career development and community service, hopefully to enable student to develop a positive attitude, holistic view and well-rounded character.

After consultations with stakeholders, the working group devised a pilot scheme where participating primary schools will be matched with interested Rotary Clubs. This proposed pilot scheme will run from RY 2021-2022, and upon completion a full evaluation will be conducted. If the project is successful, it may be adopted as a District Rotary Partnership, and a Rotaract Flagship Project, if Rotaractors accept it. We will also submit a full report to Rotary International.

Working Group Members: PP Wing Leung (Chair), DG Eric Chak (Adviser), PDG Eugene Fong (Ex-Official), P Bonnie B. Wong (Secretary), DS Menza Chu, PP S.T. Leung, AG Nigel Lo, PP Rosa Pang, Rtn. Daniel Wong.

Matching Table:

Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Primary School
E-Club of Lantau
ELCHK Hung Hom Lutheran Primary School
RC of Star Avenue
Salesian English School (Primary Section)
Hennessy Road Government Primary School (Causeway Bay)
RC of Central HarbourFront
La Salle Primary School
RC of Kowloon West
Aberdeen St. Patrick Primary School
Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School
RC of Happy Valley
Fung Kai No.1 Primary School
RC of Kowloon East