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By IPDG Eric Chak, Rotary Club of Peninsula
Rotary has united leaders who are committed to using our expertise to take action and improve our communities. People may have heard of Rotary, but they may not understand who we are, what we do and the value we bring to communities.
It is important that we tell our story in ways that help people understand what Rotary does, how we are different and why our work matters.
You may think of a brand as simply a product. When you think of Rotary, you may think of our name and wheel. Rotary is much bigger than its wheel.
Rotary’s public image is not just what we think of ourselves. It is also what people outside of Rotary think about us. Getting people to recognize Rotary’s name is a start, but our work needs to go further. Talking about Rotary in ways that explain what we do and the impact we make is essential to enhancing people’s understanding and inspiring them to get involved.
Our brand reflects who we are as well as who we want to be. It is our essence.
Rotary Vision Statement
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our community and in ourselves.
That statement expresses how we see Rotary, but how do people who are not involved with Rotary perceive us and our clubs? Our public image is shaped by what people have heard – or haven’t heard – about Rotary. This can lead to misconceptions.
An organization with a strong visual identity is instantly recognizable without saying a word. A visual identity can include a logo, colors, fonts and photography. An organization’s voice – what it says and how it says it – expresses its personality and attitude.
The McDonald’s brand message focuses on the customer experience, with slogans like “I’m lovin’ it”. Strong brands provide experiences that people come to expect.
Brand champions are the people who help communicate and promote the organization’s brand promises. Be the brand champion of Rotary International District 3450!

Members of 2021-22 PI Committee:
Committee Chair: IPDG Eric Chak
- Branding: PP Ron Chan, IPP Alice Tam, PP Raymond Fan
- eMarketing (Website & Visual): PP Angela Hui, PP Anna Or
- eMarketing (Social Media): PP Dora Liu, PP Anna Or (supported by Lok Chi), IPP Kenneth Leung
- Internal Communication: PP Thomas Chan, PP Jack Chong, IPP Alby Lo, PP Vivian Chan, PP Elsie Gung
- External Communication (Overall & Non-Government Relations): PP Lily Chan
- 6. External Communication (Government Relations): PP Natalie Kwok
- Macau Representative: DS Elizabete Fong
- Mongolia Representative: PP Bolor Erdene Salima
- Secretariat/Special Duty: DS Alexander Cheung, IPP Helen Chan