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By PDG Belinda Yeung, JP, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour
November is Rotary Foundation Month
Each year, Rotary International (“RI”) highlights November as Rotary Foundation Month to emphasize the importance of and the need for Rotarians to support The Rotary Foundation (“TRF”).
“As the charitable arm of RI, The Rotary Foundation is the engine that powers so many Rotary projects throughout the world.” said RI President Shekhar Mehta.
Your contributions to the Annual Fund will help support our humanitarian service projects, from local to global initiatives; while contributions to the Endowment Fund help ensure a strong future for TRF as only earnings from the fund supplement the Annual Fund and support Rotary’s highest priorities in perpetuity.
Amongst RI’s priorities, End Polio topped the list. Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years. Our goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever with only 2 cases reported in Pakistan and Afghanistan last May. Your donation to the Polio Fund help getting us even closer to a polio-free world.
I urge all Rotarians to continue support to TRF and the End Polio project.
This year’s End Polio Walk & Carnival was successfully held on 6 November 2021. My heartfelt thanks to the support from Rotarians, Rotaractors, family and friends – close to 700 participants from 67 clubs in HK, Macau and Mongolia joined the event. Though we were geographically split, with the help of advance technology, we were able to connect participants from Macao and Mongolia to witness the End Polio Walk Launching Ceremony in Hong Kong. Concerted effort across the District brought to us over US$100,000 donation for the meaningful cause of End Polio.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank our End Polio Event Chair PP Fredrick Fung and his team for making this event a great success!
by End Polio Event Chair, PP Frederick Fung
On this wonderful weather on 6 November, Rotarians participated in Part I – End Polio Walk where they could choose their own paths for the WALK in small groups within their same clubs. Aiming to arrive at Science Park in the afternoon to witness the opening of Part II – End Polio Carnival. A total of 67 clubs with around 700 people attended the event.
DG Keith Chow had the honor to pass the baton as to kick-off the opening ceremony through live broadcast from Hong Kong to Macau and Mongolia. The Carnival has also set up various booths which included games, art & craft and handicraft. Rotary families and friends had a great time!
by President Matthew Wong, RC Macau
More than 100 Rotarians, family and friends in Macau arrived at the Outdoor Plaza of Macau Tower to witness the passing of the baton from DG Keith Chow in Hong Kong to AG Michael in Area 1 (Macau). Once the virtual baton was received, Macau immediately had a simple kick off ceremony for End Polio Walk & Carnival, where each Club started around the area of Sai Van, all in their red “End Polio” Tees. Those Rotarians who didn’t fancy a walk, they stayed behind at the carnival with games testing their understanding on End Polio and poliovirus.
When the sun sets on the boardwalk of the Outdoor Plaza overlooking the Sai Van Bridge, it was time for Rotarians to unwind and chillax over fellowship. 8 Rotary Clubs, 3 Rotaract Clubs, 1 Interact Club and 1 RCC joined Rotary World Greatest Meal to further raise fund for End Polio at Tromba Rija, an authentic Portuguese buffet restaurant.
They have invited Principal Wong of Cai Nong School for Children to share his inspirational personal journey of overcoming Polio and striving to serve the society. From Principal Wong, they learned that there are around 1000-1300 polio victims who are bound to be taken care of. He was grateful that even during COVID-19, Rotarians still remember a disease that had struck many people like him – poliovirus and all the works Rotary has been doing good to eradicate polio. The funds being raised during the World’s Greatest Meal was being donated and reported to the WGM website by each respective Club. To conclude, it was a Rotary Day with service, fund raising and fellowship!
by AG Migga Newby (Area 9)
Mongolia Rotarians and Rotaractors shown they full support to End Polio Walk too! Under the temperature of -17degrees, participants demonstrated great spirit in raising funds to eradicate Polio.
The participants gathered in the morning at bottom of Bogd Mountain and did some warm up exercise before the 5km hike up the hill.
They arrived at the top of the hill which took them almost 2 hours. Everyone took some snacks and played some break-the-ice games to enjoy fellowship. Rotarians were very creative in using a Drone to take a photo from above where participants gathered together and formed the word “End Polio”!
By around 2:40 pm, all participants witnessed DG Keith Chow’s passing of baton from HK and the team walked back down the hill. All-in-all, 17 Rotarian clubs, 8 Rotaractor Clubs and 3 Interactor clubs – more than 100 members attended the event. Thanks to AG Migga Newby (Area 9) and also AG Bolormaa (Area 10) for the great leadership.
What is Arch Klumph Society?
Named after the sixth president of Rotary, the Arch Klumph Society (AKS) was established to acknowledge and recognize The Rotary Foundation’s highest tier of donors — those who have contributed US$250,000 or more during their lifetime.
AKS Trustees Circle Member (US$250,000 to US$499,999)
- I know that you have been an AKS member since 2011, why did you donate to the Rotary Foundation?
“Apart from Rotary Foundation, I have also donated to other various charity organizations. Over 29 years at RC of Kowloon East, all members have been very dedicated in supporting TRF. We are a club who achieved 100% Paul Harris Fellow and 100% Major Donor. I’m very proud to be one of the members”.
It took me some years to be a AKS member. I supported a few Rotary Scholars a couple of years prior being a DG. Due to a few earthquakes happened in China & US in 2008, I started the initiative to raise fund in the District where I matched every US$1 donation from members with a ceiling of US$50,000. I’m being very thankful to all members’ support to TRF”.
2. What do you want to share with our Rotarians in supporting The Rotary Foundation (TRF)?
“I’m grateful to be a Rotarian and I also have a strong belief in a phrase “more blessed to give than to receive”. The more you give, the more you’ll take back! I’m touched by this Rotary’s spirit. Giving is not just making a donation, it’s about your heart in making a difference to the ones who are in need”.
Date:Sat, 27 November 2021
District Rotary Foundation Seminar Time:9:00 am – 1:00 pm
District Grant Management Seminar Time: 1:45 pm – 4:45 pm
Venue: Regal Hongkong Hotel88 Yee Wo Street, CausewayBay, Hong Kong
Mark Your Diary
- 27 November 2021 – District Foundation Seminar & Grant Management Seminar
- 19 April 2022 – Paul Harris Society Event