DG November Message

DG November Message

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As we near the end of the fourth month of my term as District Governor, my schedule is still packed-full with Club Installation and other Club Visits, as I have mentioned before.  There were a number of key issues that had to be attended to, to fulfill our stated mission goals, and I am indeed fortunate to have a tremendous supporting team of district officers and leaders aiding me with all the tasks. 

Our society is still going through a period of harsh economic conditions, with many sectors of businesses still suffering from the restrictions and problems caused by the pandemic and the ensuing economic downturn.  We realize this is an unprecedented situation which the world hasn’t experienced for many decades.  Our aim, at present, is to bring more positivity to the community and to engender much-needed enthusiasm and fire to our Rotary spirit within the district.  At the same time, we have been preparing for the future, by working on our all-important youth programs, encouraging and developing our future leaders, because, as you are aware, the nurturing of young talent and leadership is one of the key focuses for this Rotary Year.  We fully understand that there is a pressing need that we build connections with the young people of our society, and create a harmonious understanding, better communication, and a common purpose with young people, especially after the sad events of 2019. Our Rotary district should try to use the full extent of our resources to build more bridges with school and university students, instilling the values of Rotary early, and emphasizing service to the community, and a real community spirit, which are even more essential in these troubled times, no matter who we are.  Our role as Rotarians is to set the example as role models for them, by sharing our experience, and by working together with them to serve the community and thereby changing people’s lives.  I encourage more clubs to involve their Rotaractors and Interactors in their community projects, not just having them as back-up helpers, but making them integral team members, fostering their active involvement with making suggestions and in the decision-making process. This way, not only do we foster their enthusiasm and participation, but we also learn to understand their ways of thinking so that we may be more effective in our community activities as well. Their greater awareness of new technology and trends may also help us to be more generally efficient and responsive as well.  Integrating young people in our projects would be the best way to reach out to the young community and help influence our society’s future for the better.

The following are the Area highlights for the month of November.  


EOBO program

The beginning of this Rotary Year 2021-22 saw the introduction of this year’s major theme, the “Each One Bring One” program, which urges our Clubs & Presidents to  encourage their members each to bring at least ONE friend or business partner or potential member to their regular club meetings or service projects. From the response from the Assistant Governors, many clubs have been promoting this notion of “EOBO” to rally people to join Rotary, and we hope this will continue throughout the whole of the coming year, and not just be a ‘flash-in-the-pan’ event. It should hopefully become a part of the core mission of each member, in spreading the Rotary message. Of course, we aim not only to bring new potential members to Rotary, but by bringing in new members and by creating new enthusiasm and activity, we also hope to retain those would may have been considering leaving Rotary.  Needless to say, it is not JUST about the numbers of people becoming Rotarians, but about finding people with the right spirit for Rotary, with the right intentions and civic spirit. We all know that having a single ‘rotten apple’ in a basket can taint the whole basket, and it is crucial for clubs to have a true understanding of the character of the people becoming Rotarians, and to foster and encourage the benevolent and generous social spirit appropriate to Rotary.

Retention is important. But quality surpasses quantity in importance.

New Membership Happy Hour

19 October, 2021. Over 35 new members from 20 Clubs participated in the New Member Happy Hour on this occasion.

District Strategic Planning Committee meeting 地區策略發展委員會

23 September 2021

I proposed a new membership policy, with the support of DGE Norman and DGN Andy, that any club with less than 20 members should strive to achieve a minimum of 20 members by 30 June 2024.

DG Visit

DG Visit has been completed 91 clubs over 106 clubs by 5 November 2021.


Organ Donation

The Organ Donation launching ceremony was completed successfully on 2 October, 2021, with over 120 Rotarians and Rotaractors in attendance. We would like to thank CO Chair PP Kelvin Ho & PP Grace Young, with the 13 clubs supporting the launch event!

This project aims to raise the awareness of the importance of organ donation which can save and improve the lives of many patients suffering from a wide variety of serious medical problems and also their families. It is truly an essential service with profound effects throughout society, profoundly affecting the lives of so many people and their entire families, throughout their entire lives. Its importance cannot be stressed strongly enough. 

To achieve the above, a short film making competition to promote organ donation is being conducted and hopefully this will encourage more HK citizens to register as organ donors.

Club Service Projects:

Green HK: Rotary Charity Vegetarian Cooking Competition扶輪慈善素食烹飪比賽

Date: 3 Oct 2021

Taught by Chief Ken, honorable member & Registered dietitian Vin

Club fellowship


The purpose of the competition: The contest is to establish the parent-child relationship through cooking, expressing love and affection to family members, and encouraging students to use English in real situations through this activity.

Suggested by our PPE committee and Rotary Club of Green HK: Veggie Month, June 2022.

RC of Shatin 40th Anniversary Ball

Date: 24 Oct 2021

P Ronald Kan


Interact Programs Preview Webinar 2021-22

Date: Oct 30, 2021

  • Menza Chu (Past President) – What is Rotary & Interact
  • Keith Chow (District Governor) – RID 3450 Interact focus
  • Anthony Ngai (Past President) – PPE
  • Paul Lau (President ) – Health Service – CPR
  • Eliza Ning (President Elect) – Peace
  • Silva Yeung (Past President) – Youth Protection Policy
  • Francis Chan (Immediate Past President) – Collaboration with Cyberport
  • Joseph Yim (Past President) – Speaker Pool 2.0
  • Carley Law (President Elect)- Fre3mins youth
  • Cassy Cheng (Past President) – Rotary Service Day & Rotary Hong Kong Ultramarathon

Interact Programs Preview Webinar 2021-22– introduced annual District activities with over 47 Interact school advisor, 12 interact clubs chartered.  

“Rotary Changing Lives for Youth of Differences” Movie Appreciation cum Launch Ceremony (扶輪多元青年開啟人生啟動禮暨電影觀賞活動)

Date: 9th October 2021 (Saturday)

Movie: “The Normal Exceptional” (“媽媽,我有一條了不起的神經!”)

We encourage Rotarians to become responsible employers who are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace!

In support of the Youth of Differences (YOD) and Special Education Needs (SEN) themes for this Rotary Year, we collaborate with ‘Work for All’ to encourage Rotarians and Rotaractors to be equal opportunity employers and commit to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Metro Radio Interview


主持:李倩婷 何民傑



Visit to Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government

Date: 20 Oct 2021

Led by District Governor Keith Chow of Rotary International District 3450 and Chartered President Herman Hu of Rotary Club of Admiralty, we visited the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R. yesterday. We met with Deputy Director-General Chen Ze Tao and Ms. Ding Lidan of the Co-ordination Department. We had a very good exchange of ideas focusing on how to nurture our next generation to learn more about our Country.

















在2021年9月23日的會議上,我於提及「社員發展」的議程時作出提案:目前社員低於20位以下的扶輪社,需積極增加社員人數,在2024年6月30日前,地區內所有的扶輪社皆須達至20位社員之數。提案獲得候任地區總監李德利(DGE Norman Lee) 及地區總監提名人李兆民(DGN Andy Li) 的支持。



扶輪器官捐贈推廣活動啟動禮已於2021年10月2日圓滿完成,超過120位扶輪社友及扶青社友參與。衷心感謝兩位聯席主席香港西北扶輪社前社長何繼良醫生港匯扶輪社前社長楊嘉瑩 ,以及扶輪社13個的秉力支持。項目得到新聞媒體的廣泛報道,地區總監及兩位聯席主席在新聞發佈會上指出,此活動目的在於提升大眾關注器官捐贈的重要性。器官捐贈能拯救及改善不少受嚴重疾病苦纒的病人及其家庭。大會將舉行「器官捐贈影片創作比賽」,希望藉此提升香港市民登記成為器官捐贈者的意願。





香港綠色素食扶輪社於2021年10月3日舉辦扶輪慈善素食烹飪比賽。親子比賽由名廚Ken 及名譽社友營養師Vin 親臨指導。比賽既能增強社友間的情誼,也可令父母與子女之間透過「創新煮意」加強「家人的關愛」;同時,同學於完成烹飪後需以英語介紹所烹調的菜色,鼓勵參與活動的同學們活學活用英語。



