DG January Message
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District matters – Pandemic storm up
Dear ALL Rotarians in Hong Kong
January has been a very difficult month for everyone as the fifth wave of Covid has spread rapidly throughout various parts of the community, particularly within the housing estates. The Government has had to impose tough measures to control the further spread of the disease, with all gatherings of any sort being strongly discouraged and, preferably, canceled. Physical meetings of our Rotary Clubs have had to come to a halt as it is important that our clubs and Rotarians should comply fully with government regulations and guidance, both in letter and in spirit. I hope everyone of our dear members will stay safe and take extra precautions to protect yourselves and your families as well as your staff and colleagues. Apart from the risk to Rotarians, we certainly do not want either our meetings or community projects to become an epidemic cluster spreading out into the community. With the advent of the more transmissible Omicron variant, this is a time for more than ordinary caution in order that Hong Kong can control the further spread of this disease. Therefore, I strongly urge every Rotarian to avoid any unnecessary gatherings, seminars or events, both private and public, so that none of us will be exposed to the virus. We understand the Omicron is highly contagious and even a slight contact carries the risk of infection. Any projects involving contact with the public through community service should be put on hold until the situation improves. Of course, we all understand that we would like to serve the community, particularly with such things as elderly home and school visits, but under the circumstances, it would be far too dangerous to carry on with such projects. As we are responsible citizens of the community, I’m sure we all understand the necessity of these restrictions at present.
In a few days, it will be Chinese New Year. I know it is customary for families to come together to celebrate, but I hope all of you will keep the family gatherings to minimum, as we simply cannot be not sure of their safety, and we know that every encounter, especially the larger ones, create the possibility of further infection. This is especially crucial with families who have elderly members and young children, because even without getting the virus, one may end up in the quarantine center, which would be very unpleasant for them.
On the matter of how to maintain connect with fellow Rotarians during such times as these, I hope Presidents and Committee chairpersons will organize regular online meetings with each other, especially to give each other support and encouragement to ride through the harsh economic situation, knowing that the restrictions are affecting many members’ livelihoods, in some cases quite severely.
When the situation eases, we hope that we can find projects to honor those who work on the front line of the battle to protect the community in such an unusual and difficult time.
Lastly, I cannot emphasize enough that I encourage all of our members to be fully vaccinated, and also get the booster shot, i.e. the third dose of vaccination, when you are eligible. We must act diligently to diminish the chances of getting the virus and we all know that the vaccine is highly important, both to protect ourselves from serious illness and to protect our families and the wider community as well. Please also help to encourage any of your friends and family members to get either fully vaccinated as soon as possible as this is the best protection for all of us.
District Conference
Initially we were planning to hold the District Conference of 2022 in Macao, and in view of the Covid 19 situation, we have decided that it will be held in Hong Kong instead. As for the venue, this will be announced at the end of February.
Postponed/ canceled events
活動 | 原定日期 | 最新狀況 |
2nd PI Seminar | 15 Jan 2022 | Postponed Rescheduled to 2 Apr 2022(Sat) |
Mahjong King Competition | 15 Jan 2022 | Cancelled |
Rotary Blood Donating Hero Day | 16 Jan 2022 | Postponed Rescheduled to 6 Mar 2022(Sun) |
RHKUM & Rotary Service Day | 29-30 Jan 2022 | Postponed Rescheduled to 22 May 2022(Sun) |
Rotary Centenary Challenge Cup | 16 Feb 2022 | Cancelled |
District Golf Tournament | 21 Feb 2022 | Cancelled |
RYLA | 5-8 Feb 2022 | Postponed |
I wish every Rotarian of the District well during this challenging time.
DG Keith Chow
DGN Candidates Forum
Date: 29 December
On this date, the 2024-25 DGN Election Forum was held. All of the three candidates – namely: (1) PP Cassy Cheng from Rotary E-Club of District 3450; (2) CP Jimmy Lau from Rotary Club of Star Avenue; and (3) PP Nigel Lo from Rotary Club of Hong Kong North – shared with us their respective backgrounds, visions and values that they hope to deliver to our District, as well as their insights on District-related affairs.

Governor-nominee for RY2024-25
The 2024-25 DGN Election Committee (the “Committee”) has reported that PP Nigel Lo of Rotary Club of Hong Kong North has received a majority of the valid votes cast by the clubs in D3450. Accordingly, I hereby declare that PP Nigel Lo to be the Governor-nominee for Rotary year 2024-25. Please join me in congratulating PP Nigel Lo for being elected to lead our district in 2024-25.

Online CNY Gathering
Feb 3, 2022 04:30-5:15pm
Due to the pandemic, we have to avoid physical meetings. But it can’t stop us from wishing each other a blissful new year of the tiger! ALL PDGs, AGs, Ps, PEs & DOs are welcomed!
Please register:
7th JPM
Thank you all for the birthday blessing
A wonderful time with all the AGs, Presidents and District Organisers. Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift!

Intercity Meeting
Intercity Meeting had been held on 7 December 2021 to express our gratitude and appreciation to those who contribute to The Rotary Foundation. I would like to extend special thanks to our fellow Rotarians from Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour. 2021-22 is the 35th anniversary of their club and they are so generous to share their joy by setting up a $250,000 Endowment.
Up till today, we have 17 new Major Donors; 166 Paul Harris Fellows and 8 clubs which raised over $120,000 for End Polio. Myself and the district foundation are deeply thankful for the generosity of our Rotarian to contribute to the foundation.
Rotarians are People of Action. What we are pursuing is not only donations; we are also urged to take action. Donation is only the first step. What matters is how we move further, applying for the funding, and then utilizing the funding for appropriate beneficiaries and functions, using appropriate methods.
Rotary Serve to Change Lives Radio Program Series扶輪以服務改善人生電台直播系列
For 11 Mondays 1-2pm between 6 Dec to 14 February
Engaging stories about Services by Rotarians with community groups and experts. If you miss any of the episode, free feel to view the interview from below link. I do recommend new Rotarians to view the interview. You shall deepen your understanding of Rotary by listening to the sharing of experienced Rotarians.

Ming Pao Interview with Area 8
Area 8 is the Area of the Month. Let learn how Clubs from Area 8 reward the community with what they gain.

RCA Christmas Dinner
Date: 15 December
Regarding youth development, Rotaract Clubs held the RCA Christmas Dinner to celebrate the festival on 15 Decemeber 2021. Junioract of Pun U Association Wan Yan Primary School, Interact Club of C&W at St Anthony’s School, Interact Club of Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College held their installation ceremonies on 7, 14 and 21 December 2021 respectively. As of December 2021, District 3450 have gained 3 Interact Clubs and 16 Junioract Clubs. Welcome to be part of our Rotary family.

「器官捐贈 ‧ 從你我出發」初中教材套啟動禮
Date:4 December 2021
The launching ceremony of the textbook “Organ Donation, Starting from You and Me” for junior high school was held on 4 December 2021. It is hoped that the activities will raise students’ awareness of organ donation. Life is precious. I hope you will recognize, respect, and love life, and support organ donation, so as to give the most precious gift to patients in need after death.
School of Communication Awards cum Rotary Club of Mandarin HK Scholarships Presentation Ceremony 2021傳播學院院長奬、成績卓越奬暨香港華語扶輪社奬學金頒獎典禮
Date: 2 December 2021
Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong has always been supportive to School of Communication Dean’s List and Honour Roll awards, and three Rotary Club of Mandarin HK Scholarships were awarded among more than 120 students who had outstanding achievements in the academic year of 2020/21.
The Rotary Club of Mandarin HK has once again generously donated 3 scholarships of $10,000 each to SCOM this academic year.
The ceremony is held annually to recognise students’ hard work and celebrate their accomplishments in their studies and social service; this year, SCOM also took the opportunity to showcase the artistic talent of its students.
As this academic year marked the 10th anniversary of SCOM, the Rotary Club of Mandarin HK kindly gifted the School a birthday cake on this occasion, and a special cake-cutting ceremony was held in conclusion of the ceremony,

SME ReachOut_RC Star Avenue
Date: 3 December 2021
Hoping that participants’ can better understand the government’s funding plan, explore more development opportunities, and keep up with the global trend of “Industry 4.0”
Date: 11 December 2021
A4 Project “扶輪携手愛心同行” (暫定上船與低收入家庭活動及聚餐)
Date: 14 December 2021
活動 | 原定日期 | 最新狀況 |
2nd PI Seminar | 2022年1月15日 | 延至2022年4月2日 (六) |
Mahjong King Competition | 2022年1月15日 | 取消 |
Rotary Blood Donating Hero Day | 2022年1月16日 | 延至2022年3月6日 (日) |
RHKUM & Rotary Service Day | 2022年1月29-30日 | 延至2022年5月22日 (日) |
Rotary Centenary Challenge Cup | 2022年2月16日 | 取消 |
District Golf Tournament | 2022年2月21日 | 取消 |
RYLA | 2022 年2月5-8日 | 延期 |
三位區總監候選人包括:1)3450地區網上扶輪社前社長Cassy Cheng;2)星光大道扶輪社創社社長Jimmy Lau;3)香港北區扶輪社前社長Nigel Lo。在論壇上三位候選人分享了各自背景及對扶輪的願景;三位各自詮釋了一些地區事務的個人看法,以及他們能為3450地區的未來發展作出什麼貢獻。


感謝各位的生日祝福!十分高興與各前區總監、助理地區總監、社長、候任社長以及各區職員共同渡過難忘的歡樂時光。特別感謝各位別具心思的生日禮物﹗ We Serve to Change Lives! 扶輪以服務改善人生﹗

於會議期間,大會特別對香港海港扶輪社作出致謝。2021/2022 欣逢香港海港扶輪社授證35周年慶,為慶祝此歡樂時刻,社友慷慨解囊,建立$250,000的遺囑基金。
迄今,本年度扶輪基金已經新增17位大額捐獻者,166位保羅哈里斯之友。八個扶輪社合共籌得超過$120,000 專款作為根除小兒麻痺症項目。
2021/12/6 至2022/2/14 連續11星期逢星期一 / 下午1:00-2:00

青少年發展方面,扶青社於2021年12月15日舉行聯社聖誕晚會。番禺會所華仁小學扶輪雋雅服務團、中西區聖安多尼學校扶少團以及彿教孔仙洲紀念中學扶少團分別於2021年12月7日、14 日及21日舉行就職典禮。截至2021年12月,3450地區新增3個扶少團,並成立16個扶輪雋雅服務團,歡迎各位新成員加入我們的扶輪大家庭。

第4地域聯社項目 「扶輪携手愛心同行」