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By PDG Belinda Yeung, JP, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour
January is Vocational Service Month

We Rotarians encourage and foster high ethical standards in business and professions, to recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations, to dignify the Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
- To apply the ideal of service in personal, business and community life.
- To advance international understanding and goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of businessmen and professional men and women united in the ideal of service.
January is Vocational Service Month. This is an opportunity to think about how your club and district engages fellow Rotary and Rotaract members through their professional skills or vocations, and how they bring Rotary’s ideals into their workplace. In bringing together people from diverse professions and backgrounds, Rotary recognizes the importance of all skills and occupations.
Vocational Service – Hong Kong:
Bicycle Training Classes for Autistic students

Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East organized this project to provide Bicycle Training classes for a group of Autistic Students of The Buddhist To Chi Fat She Yeung Yat Lam Memorial School located in Tin Shui Wai.
During the sponsored training classes, these students had hands-on coaching on how to ride a bicycle. Not only does this service project help the autistic students through enhancing their manual dexterity, but also, the acquired knowledge of riding a bicycle could help them in future vocations (e.g. delivery workers).

Vocational Service – Hong Kong & International:

This Vocational Training Team (VTT) Program was organized in May 2015 jointly co-organized by Rotary Club of Niislel, Mongolia and Rotary Club of Peninsula, Hong Kong. The program was sponsored by District Grant of US$ 6,700 together with other 6 Rotary Clubs sponsoring US$6,700 which led to a total project cost of US$ 13,400.
The aim of the Vocational Training Team was to assess the kids with Developmental Dysplasia of hip and help the local doctors to conduct the surgery for them. Hong Kong Orthopedic Surgeons shared with doctors in Mongolia the vast experience in the field of congenital hip problem. Specific surgical instruments for children were also donated to the National Trauma Centre in Mongolia.
A hip operation was performed for a 2-year old girl in Mongolia where the girl was suffering from the developmental dysplasia of right hip. Open reduction performed by Dr. Wong and assisted by three local surgeons. During the operation, Dr. Wong demonstrated the technique and teach the local doctors the tricks of the surgery.
Vocational Service – International:

The Rotary Club of Lipa West in Philippines organized scholarships for 25 students for a baking and pastry vocational program in partnership with Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). All expenses were being covered and students were provided ingredients and aprons for technical training in baking.


What is Arch Klumph Society?
Named after the sixth president of Rotary, the Arch Klumph Society (AKS) was established to acknowledge and recognize The Rotary Foundation’s highest tier of donors — those who have contributed US$250,000 or more during their lifetime.
AKS Trustees Circle Member (US$250,000 to US$499,999)

- I know that you have been an AKS member since 2018, why did you donate to the Rotary Foundation?
“To contribute because we trust and we see TRF does good to the World, in combating the 6 areas of focus of global issues. There were 6 in 2018 and now we have 7”.
2. What do you want to share with our Rotarians in supporting The Rotary Foundation (TRF)?
“To donate to TRF and to utilize the grant funding for doing further good to our Community, even though the club may have enough revenues in supporting the club service projects.
Also, we could utilize TRF to perform larger scale service projects to serve more people who are in need, and to provide a much bigger impact, both internal and external, for Rotary Brand building”.