RI president-elect announces 2022-23 presidential theme
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Dear Rotarians,
It’s another 5 months to the new Rotary Year and the preparation for the year is underway. We are forming the District team for Rotary Year 2022-2023 and are actively preparing for DTTS, PETS and DTA.
RIPE Jennifer Jones has announced the theme of RY2022-2023 – Imagine Rotary! Many of us are excited with this theme which encourages each of us to dream and to take action to open up opportunities! In her address to the incoming District Governors at the International Assembly on January 20, 2022, RIPE Jennifer Jones shared her philosophy behind the theme: “Imagine, a world that deserves our best where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.” In her speech, she emphasizes Engaging Members and Embracing Change as two pillars we need to focus on in the coming years. She believes that Rotary needs to “adapt and retool” and she urges us to dream big and harness our connections and the power of Rotary to turn dreams into reality.
Imagine Rotary would echo with the needs in our District as well. Throughout Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia and Guangdong Province, we are undergoing a lot of changes and facing a lot of challenges – Rotary needs to adapt and retool so as to deliver higher impact services that would benefit the development of the societies we are in. Imagine Rotary – Imagine Rotary International District 3450 – Imagine Rotary in Hong Kong, in Macau, in Mongolia, in Guangdong Province – Imagine Rotary/Rotaract Club of…. We can cascade the theme all the way down to each Rotarian, Rotaractor and Interactor. Let’s dream big and make a difference!
Yours in Rotary,
DGE Norman Lee (MSc(Eng) DBA)
Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East
District 3450 Governor Elect
Classification: Information Technology