“We Serve to Change Lives – Rotary Moments”: Leaders of Rotary International District 3450 and Rotary Club of New Territories Tendered Pieces of Advices to South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School Students
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Article contributed by South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School
Rotary International District 3450 unites a group of dignitaries of the community and professionals whom have passion to serve the community. They are devoted to inspiring teenagers with the vision to nurture teen leaders and establish a harmonious and a caring community, with the commitment to pool talents from different professions to support different sectors and mobilize the whole community to work together to drive positive social change. In spite of their busy work schedule, the dignitaries still commit to caring about the community and mobilize teen development. The Opening Ceremony of STMGSS Annual Open Days was held on 20th May, 2022. It was our utmost pleasure to have the presence of district leaders of Rotary International District 3450 and Rotary Club of New Territories to conduct two exchange sessions with our students.
The first exchange session focused on Peace Camp Snapshot which was chaired by Kitty CHAN, President-elect of Rotary Club of New Territories. Guest speakers included Peter PANG, Past District Governor of Rotary International District 3450 and Peace Committee Chair, Andy LI, District Governor-nominee, Derrick WONG, Chairman of Peace Camp Organizing Committee and Adrian KWONG, Youth Outreach Manager, Li Po Chun United World College of HK. They shared the motives and achievements of organizing the Peace Camp, and remarked that caring about others and participating in social affairs were everyone’s responsibilities.
The second exchange session focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion which was chaired by Joe LEE, Vice President of Rotary Club of New Territories. Guest speakers included Dr. Eric CHAK, Immediate Past District Governor, Dr. Norman LEE, District Governor-elect, Nigel LO, District Governor-nominee Designate and Kitty CHAN, President-elect of Rotary Club of New Territories. District leaders shared how to open up oneself to get along well with people from diverse background and cultures. Students understood clearly that our world was a family. Students participating in the Peace Camp had precious opportunities to communicate with district leaders of Rotary Club. This experience was certainly rewarding. Students also experienced that exercising love, peace and international goodwill is never unachievable. We hereby thank the district leaders of Rotary International District 3450 and Rotary Club of New Territories for coming and their wholehearted sharing.

The first exchange session focused on “Peace Camp Snapshot”. 「我與扶輪有個約會」第一節主題為「和平營會點滴分享」

The second exchange session focused on “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” 「我與扶輪有個約會」第二節主題為「多元、公平及共融」

Heartfelt thanks to DG Keith, Rotary International District 3450, Peter LAU, President of Rotary Club of New Territories and Leaders for attending the Annual Open Day of STMGSS 感謝國際扶輪3450地區總監周基業,新界扶輪社社長劉旭及一眾領袖出席南屯官周年開放日