“Let’s Read” Project: A success story of Rotary, Rotaractors and Interactors collaboration, by PP Ariungoo Khurelbaatar Vice Chair of District Youth Service Committee
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“Let’s Read” is a sustainable multi-stakeholder education project that has had the various angles: early childhood development, English literacy, special education elements (braille books for the visually handicapped children, daisy (audio) books, video book with sign language, special learning environment and pedagogical materials creation for special needs kindergarten) as well as series of training for teachers and families.
The project was initiated in preparation for Rotary Year 2016-17 and its sustainable success was hugely contributed by “Serving Humanity Marketplace” platform, which first started under PDG Eric Chin’s leadership. On the platform, 15 Rotary Clubs from RID 3450, entered into a multi-lateral memorandum of understanding to collaborate on the project and were also joined by Rotaractors and Interactors. Along the way, RID 3450 was joined by RID 2590, RID 6690, RID 5340, RID 6600, RID 6630, RID 6650, RID 6670 and RID 6690, which means Rotary, Rotaractos and Interactors from across the globe have been well over 300. That is, not including state authorities, non-Rotary NGOs, professional organizations, corporations and individuals from different parts of the world.
Summarized below are involvement of the Rotaractors and Interactors from various Asia and North America continents throughout the various stages of the project.

The Rotaractors (Mongolia, HK, USA) collaborated with:
- creation of braille books (through tender process)
- collection, donation, classification and donation of books of well over 50,000 books
- assisting organization of project events (opening ceremony, training etc.,) in various locations
The Mongolian and USA Interactors were involved in the following manners:
- RID 3450 interactors: translation of donated books (Japanese-Mongolia); reading of the translated books at the central special needs kindergarten; and an Interactor club also become project beneficiary (creation of the library)
- RID 6690 interactors: organized donation of picture books, including those for visually handicapped children; and Mongolian and USA high school students became pen pals.

The continued collaboration between all 3-generations of Rotary has been truly rewarding. The project team headed by Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar Peace Avenue is open to proposals about various forms of cooperation about this ongoing project.
Moreover, Area 9 and 10 leaderships is in the process of strategizing regarding collaboration between all generations of Rotary as well as leadership development and mentorship programs for the youth.