Rotaractor Report on Global Dignity Day, By Battsenguun Purevsuren/Betty, Rotaract Club of Tuul Mongolia – Secretary 20-21

Rotaractor Report on Global Dignity Day, By Battsenguun Purevsuren/Betty, Rotaract Club of Tuul Mongolia – Secretary 20-21

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Global Dignity Day – The International day of human dignity

The mission of Global Dignity is to implement the universal right of every human being to lead a dignified life. We all have the ability to increase the dignity of others and thus we increase our own dignity. The dignity approach works on all levels: it works for children and for adults, it works for men and for women, and it works on the micro and macro level.

Global Dignity is an autonomous non-profit, non-criticism and non-partisan initiative. We wish to be inspiration-based: commending and encouraging best practice and dignity-centered leadership. Global dignity day has been celebrated in Mongolia for the last 5 years, in pursue of reminding people that every Mongolian has the universal right to lead a dignified life. A dignified life means an opportunity to fulfill one’s potential, which is based on having a humane level of health care, education, income and security.

Global Dignity Day, 2013

On October 16th the Rotaract Club of Tuul, organized a lecture, dedicating to over 800 senior students and freshmen of around 50 high schools and 5 big Universities. In this lecture, Orlokh D., a member of Nobel Peace Prize winner team in 2005, Badruun G., CEO of Zorig Foundation, Oyungerel Ts., Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism and Amarsanaa J., Vice Minister for Health participated as a guest speaker and also as an influential role model of dignity itself. Theme of the lecture stood on “How to save your own Dignity” and speakers had put on the lecture from their own life experience. The club organizing team worked really hard for the event and we’re sincerely hoping that the lecture has given its benefits for all the participants and have given the motivation of self-improvement. “Global Dignity Day” is marked on Wednesday of the third week of October. On this day, Young Global Leaders, front runners and other role models join in global conversation about dignity and promotes dignity-based leadership while discussing the issues of dignity. Their aim is to instill a new, positive, inclusive and interconnected sense of value in young people that will guide them.

Global Dignity Day, 2014

In 2013, Rotaract club of Tuul, Mongolia has joined the world purpose of reminding people that every human being has the universal right to lead his personal dignified life. For the second year, collecting previous experience Rotaract club of Tuul volunteered for another day of demonstrating dignity. On October 15th Rotaract club of Tuul organized a defining lecture dedicating to over 800 high school seniors, university freshmen and sophomores. The lecture successfully took place in the chamber of government palace of Mongolia. This year, the club organizing team concentrated more on inviting speakers from different departments with different biography and different definition of dignity and success. Theme of the lecture stood on questions such as “What is dignity itself?” “How to live with Dignity?”, “How to create and save your Dignity?” and the speakers had put on the lecture from their own life experience, guiding the participants to their own definition of dignity. In the lecture, Oyunbat.G director @MongolPost, chairman of Think Tank Idea studio; Oyunsuren.D lecturer, monitor at School of foreign service, board member of Amnesty International, Mongolia; Saranchuluun.O monitor at Mongolian national university of health and science, founder of “Chain of success” NGO; Ganhuyag.Ch founder of Global Shapers, Mongolia and ARD financial group participated as honored speakers and also as influential role models of dignity itself. The main purpose of the lecture stood on motivating the youth for a brighter future by showing them the path of success and a dignified life by the experience of the guest speakers.

Global Dignity Day, 2016

This year, the club organizing team concentrated more on inviting speakers from different departments with different biography and different definition of dignity and success. Theme of the lecture stood on questions such as “What is dignity itself?” “How to live with Dignity?”, “How to create and save your Dignity?” and the speakers had put on the lecture from their own life experience, guiding the participants to their own definition of dignity. In the lecture, Amarsanaa J. hepatologist at International Center of Liver; Otgonbat G. Harvard University; Undarmaa G. actress, CEO of UFilm, Tana G. Oxford University; Mungun G. lectrurer, PP of Rotaract Club of Nairamdal Mongolia participated as honored speakers and also as influential role models of dignity itself.

Global Dignity Day, 2017

This year, the club organizing team concentrated more on inviting speakers from different departments with different biography and different definition of dignity and success. Theme of the lecture stood on questions such as “What is dignity itself?” “How to live with Dignity?”, “How to create and save your Dignity?” and the speakers had put on the lecture from their own life experience, guiding the participants to their own definition of dignity. In the lecture, Undral A. founder of UNREAD, member of Global Shapers; Enkhbaatar N. project manager of JCI Leader Mongolia; Gantumur L. Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism participated as honored speakers and also as influential role models of dignity itself.